What went wrong?

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user reviews for an exclusive game

PC players

literally nothing went wrong, it's perfect

Jealous PKEKS

>El juego es un juego de coches y espero que triunfe como el driveclub. Prefiero el 1 y el 2. Este juego deveria ser mas jugable y con menos cinematicas

that review translates to
The game is a racing game and hopefully succeed as the Driveclub . Prefer 1 and 2. This deveria be more playable game and less cinematics

they realized that they have already played the same game three times before



I'm willing to bet the majority that are playing Uncharted 4 didn't even play 1-3 and just jumping on the hype as a new PS4 owner that never had a PS3 nor bothered with the collection since it's just old games.

Reviews only matter when they agree with my predetermined opinion.

Fuck millennials.

I have a PS4 and I've played all 3 of the previous Uncharted games.

Seems like a shitty tomb raider imo.

I even liked the old tomb raiders (anniversary was my favorite) but the new tomb raider reboots and uncharted series kinda suck

platforming puzzles > tedious 3rd rate combat


>being 30 years old

A black woman overpowers and beats you.

ITT pkeks make a review

>>being 30 years old
Not him but I mean I'm only 6 years away from 30. technically I'm on the outer fringe of being a millenial

>outer fringe
You're right in the fucking middle, literally the quintessential millennial age.

>technically I'm on the outer fringe of being a millenial

Gen X, is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom. Most demographers and commentators use birth dates ranging from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.

you need another decade

Wait, what the fuck.

That's not real, is it?

I put it in my console and am waiting for a 5gb update to install.

I'll keep you posted if I find anything else that went wrong.

Oh wow that's sad. And looking through some other reviewers I see they've also given Nintendo games 10 out of 10 while this is getting a 0.

I wonder what's going on...

>Xbox and PCucks this butt blasted

The intro and ending dragged too long

>A full 9

>out of 1449

That's surprising given the amount of shitposting Galaxy fags and 64 purists are doing

My dick

This fucking meme. Dipshit, you're a millennial.

This is what I hate about consoles

Holy fuck the Ps3 took ages for a 5gb download, somehow the PSN was the slowest service ive ever used

I think it was round 5 gb/hr

It's ok. 2 is pretty good. 3 made it more "cinematic".
4 doubled down on the cinematic shit. I'm at chapter 3 and there's been no shooting (with the exception of a few seconds during the opening boat chase). Chapter 1 is a useless young Drake level where you climb stuff. Chapter 2 has a bit of climbing and a lot of terrible cinematic melee combat (button mashing).
But you know, dat acting. This game has good acting. Very important in a video game.

This.... is the power of paid reviews.

Shit game, barely any gameplay as if I'm watching a movie
Gameplay for 10 minutes
Some gameplay
Yeah nice paid reviews for a shit game.

Not him, but I Sure as fuck am not a part of your shitty entitlement generation.

I have to say there was a negative review on there that even as a PS4 owner I have to agree with, these games should not be praised as industry standard.

>I like uncharted games
>why the fuck does this play like an uncharted game?
Absolute fucking idiots

You sure are faggot, and if you're 35 or older than you should get off Sup Forums because you're pathetic.

Sometimes if it's going slow, pausing and restarting the download makes it go faster. This is either because the PS4's wifi modem is crap or the PSN is crap.


yeah because there sure is no other company fans who do the same right?

1982, faggot. I am tail end of general x.
Sorry, I like to talk about video games, and I am not going to give up my hobby to appease some shitty know it all teenager.

>internet detective

It's like I'm on Sup Forums


Apparently this guy makes the rules of Sup Forums now.

Go back to your safe space fag

>generation x
>not full of entitlement
Whatever you have to say you faggot 90's hippy.

Come back after you graduate high school

You know, you don't have to wear your pants above your belly button? Times have changed since the 1950's gramps.

OK dude.

99% Sure that Is Sup Forums

What the fuck are you on about son?

Did your mammy forget to cut the crust off of you PB&J?

>Another metacritic thread

Look shitposters, this shit is the most stale garbage on Sup Forums. It always the same predictable situation:


Fuck you. Check these trips.

So do you consider it mature to argue with what you believe to be teenagers oonthe internet well into your 30's? Sounds like you've got a lot of growing up to do. Stop listening to Phish and cut your dreadlocks you filthy gen x'er. It's time to go get a job.

Trust me, turd, things where a bit different. Kids got jobs to pay for the things they wanted. Kids would mow lawns for a month to save up for Zelda. Kids had to earn the things they wanted.

>Bad game, barely any gameplay as if I'm watching a movie
>Gameplay for 10 minutes
>Some gameplay
>Yeah nice paid reviews for a terrible game.

Which one of you faggots wrote this?



>What went wrong
Butthurt nintendrones

Doesn't your shift at Wal-Mart start in an hour?

>qte last boss
>a mere few weeks after people got a taste of dark soul
what the hell were they thinking?

This is pathetic as fuck desu

There are people that legit go to metacritic to check if people like the game.

They will see the 6.1 and think its shit (its nothing original but for sure its not bad) when 100% of the negative reviews are trolls and assblasted haters of the series.

I fucking hate that there is no verification when voting on Steam or Metacritic

Hey, I make good money there.

F5ck you too

And yet the kids today learned their entitlement from their parents. Interesting.

>we dindu nuffin
>dem pckeks be keepin us down

>What went wrong?
It's an exclusive game, so console warriors spammed it with 0/10s

User score has always meant more, "journalists" and "reviewers" are nothing more than tools of advertisement. That isn't to say that user scores are always true, plenty of autists give games 0/10 because some underage reason but overall they still give a better view of the game than critic scores.
____insert platform shitposter meme here____ kill yourselves, whether you shitpost ironically or not, you belong on 9gag.


My personal favourite thing about these are the reviews that make it look like they're being fair and balanced and then proceed to give it a 0 anyway.

>rehash of a shitty game

He's right though.

>I share the planet with people like this

For what purpose?

And you think the game deserves a 10/10 or what?

And I thought Sup Forums hated when reviewers did this shit.

>Faggots from Sup Forums spamming 0/10 reviews because of how much they are triggered by a PS4 exclusive being called good
Can't wait to see you faggots cry when these shit reviews are removed for being garbage

Uncharted deserves a 0/10 though I mean there's barely any gameplay in it

Because we are not allowed to beat your ass anymore. Go back to being offended by everything you fucking pussy.

Easily 7/10 for the multiplayer alone. Dunno about the Single.

But for sure not a fucking 0/10 Lmao.

I enjoy video games as a hobby.

I'll argue with someone as I see fit / have time.

I've got a job. Nice office without anyone watching over me so I can argue with fags on Sup Forums in my spare time

Based xbot

I fucking love Metacritic

>User score has always meant more
Uh huh


Nice one little bitch but I've got a nice job that doesn't require a lot of BS.

That guy only has one review though.
How do you know they're from Sup Forums?

Just because someone uses a Sup Forums meme image doesn't mean they're from Sup Forums. You see them all the time on twitter, youtube comments and neogaf.

Actually steam has verrification, you can't leave a user review unless you own or have played the game before.

Also you're basically saying any score that's less than perfect is just trolls and "assblasted haters". According to you reviews only exist to jerk off the game with undying praise.

But seriously though, isn't ~6/10 a fair score for the Uncharted games? I've played 2 and 3 and while they were enjoyable enough for me to actually finish them it's not like they were anything special. It's very much true that they have that "movie blockbuster" feel, because I genuinely do not care about the story or the characters, despite there being some nice moments. Nobody will ever get hurt or be in danger because I know it's like popular action movies etc. so why even care.

But the walking dead and the wolf among us are fine right?
Fuck off.

>implying writing lenghty reviews and giving it a retarded score is the same as writing >lmao cutscenes movie XD and giving it retarded scores

Wew lad

>my kids turned out like shit
Sounds like a pretty egotistical selfish attitude to me.

>Go back to being offended by everything
You're the only one who's triggered here Mr. Manchild



Yeah, it's not like it could be a shitty 'cinematic' experience or anything.

>Uh huh
Post ledit account.
And read my post again, fucking underage cunt
>That isn't to say that user scores are always true, plenty of autists give games 0/10 because some underage reason but overall they still give a better view of the game than critic scores.

it's pretty much first game remake but even more boring
how did they manage that?

Kek. Cubicles aren't offices.

6/10 is legit
It's just like the Order but a bit longer.

>retarded scores are ok as long as it favors my game



>Uncharted 4 isn’t a perfect runs a couple of chapters too long, some of the puzzles feel uninspired, and its multiplayer component is serviceable but largely forgettable

Sonyponies btfo


He literally copied the IGN review.

How is this ok

A trained black woman overpowers and beats you*

Burger flipper, whatever