Why is bf3 better than bf4 ?

Why is bf3 better than bf4 ?

i really was disappointed in bf3 but after i played bf4 i learned that it could be worse.
i don't know why but bf4 looks so ugly and feels clumsy, the maps are shit.

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3 looked great and played pretty smoothly but it was plagued by CODfags and Metro shitters.

4 only became decent after two years of patches.

oh god i hate metro.
i don't get it, people play bf for maps like metro ? planetside 2 players like CoD like basefights while the game is about big scale.
everything is wrong.

There wasn't a single vanilla map in BF4 that I liked. Whereas BF3 had maybe 2 or 3 bad maps.

I felt the same way about 3 until 4. Don't know how they managed it, but when I popped in 4 an played it was JUST tier.

300 hours later I got on my knees and thanked god for 3. Don't know what you have until its gone.

What are you smoking OP? BF4 is the vastly superior game, at least right now after all the patches and content packs.

bf4 feels really dumb and clunky, it has no soul.

Are people still playing it on consoles? I hated hardline and am thinking about buying Battlefield 4 for the PS4

the same people who think BF3 is better than 4 are the same people who act like BC2 was the peak of the series

Yes, it's very well populated on PS4.

I just wish it wasn't still $60 for the premium edition

actually i think bf2 was the peak.
i liked vietnam, bf2 and bf2142.

I loved BF3 but I thought BF4 was the greatest of the franchise

Yeah that's quite Jewey, but you can get the normal edition and Dragon's Teeth is now free.

BF4 is much better than Operation Metro.

Meh, I was going to get Doom and trade in the division, hardline, and 2k16 but I might just get the premium BF4 for now because I can't wait for BF 1.

14 year old detected.

BF4 just felt way too much like an expansion for 3. Three took what Bad Company 2 started and perfected it while 4 just kinda kept going. And 4 was busted as all hell when it first came out

I wish people stilled played Bad Company 2. That game was something special at the time

It's populated as fuck on Xbox One thanks to the EA Vault

BFBC2 was fucking tits

3 had almost literally 0 environmental destruction
BF4 is back to BC2 level destruction

People still do on PC, there's always at least like 40 servers going. The shitty thing is that for whatever stupid fucking reason I get terrible stuttering / rubber banding while playing BFBC2 on PC even though I have low ping and my internet is fine and all other online FPS I play work fine.

So I play it on PS3 now with zero rubber banding online issues but barely anyone is playing it on PS3 nowadays.

I think it is down to the fact that BF4 was broken for a whole year and that it just wasn't fun to play.

BF3 never had the problems 4 did and worked from the start. I still prefer 3 to 4 even though 4 as it is now is far superior in almost every way.

It is the case of to little to late when it comes to BF4. If it had ran perfectly from the beginning I think it would be different story.

A fuckton of people play it on PC user.
It even has modding on PC, modded servers with like 100x exp for very fast leveling if you're a newfag.

Hardline was the greatest Battlefield. Prove me wrong.

Hardline is actually good, what killed it was the fast ttk, everything being unbalanced and allowing C4 and RPGs in Hotwire.

>BF4 is back to BC2 level destruction
>literally the only somewhat meaningful destruction is levelcucktion

You can blow up walls with noobtubes, you can destroy walls by simply shooting them, you can destroy smaller buildings, just like BC2.
In BF3 literally everything was a lot more resistant and barely destructible.

>Hardline is actually good

It is, give reasons why it is bad apart from the things I mentioned.

Because in BF3 vehicles were actually fun to use.

I can't judge Battlefield 4 for I have never played the full release. However, I've sunk countless hours into Battlefield 3.

Old GT: 248h:16m:09s Colonel 13.
New GT: 587h:41m:40s Colonel 90
Total: 835h:57m:49s Colonel 103

Nostalgia played a large role, I'd stay up all night with friend's communicating with multiple fire teams. We had assigned occupations depending on: preference, statistics, and favors.

Nostalgia aside, even if you were a rookie or a veteran I felt as if there was still more to learn or experience - the maps were great too.

>cops v robbers
>shit tier levelution

i still think BF3 was better than BC2

fuck that game was cancer

>cops v robbers
the guns are good
they are all well balanced, much better thannBF4 maps.
Literally the same as BF with different names.
Only difference is engineer had thw spwan beacon instead of recon.
>shit tier levelution
The levelution was much better than any levelution BF4 has.

Are you implying it's dead

I just prefer BF3 because the movement, pace, and fluidity is much faster than BF4.

It isn't to say it's "better" than BF4. Just something I prefer. BF4 felt too sluggish.

>norsher canals
>pack extra smoke grenades and bombs
>blast that shit all over the place
>run in with your knife
>end the game with 20 knife kills and 70 deaths,

The new Battlefields (3&4) are terrible compared to the classics.
-too much focus on CoD style play
-the new netcode is awful
-rooftops easily accessible so 50% of your team can be useless snipers
-everyone can equip a DMR so they can camp too
-the maps are a good size, but they cram all the points close together in the middle of the map. you can spawn at A but get shot at from people camping B & C

I'm honestly dreading the new game.


Who here hype fir BF1

>Vehicles are "unique," and the gameplay reflects that.
>The campaign will feel "much more like Battlefield."
>Multiple people can fly in the same plane.
>There will be classic modes and new ones.
>There will be a server browser, but not clear yet if it's on all platforms.
>Naval vessels are also included, though no word yet on what they are.
>Settings: Italian Alps and Arabian deserts, just two name two.
>All weapon attachments will be "era authentic."
There are single- and multi-person tanks.


I am interested to seeing how the the naval combat is. Really hope you can be a gunner in a battleship in MP, i'll be raining artillery down on camping sniper fags :^)

>Forced to pay for BF 3 maps in BF 4


There are only 3 maps from BF3 in 4 and you aren't forced to play any of them.

I'm just glad it's not modern day or futuristic bullshit.

I'm so sick of using the same fucking assault rifles. I'm hyped as fuck for WWI weaponry

The close quarter DLC maps are damn better than BF4's.

>Vehicles are "unique," and the gameplay reflects that.
>Multiple people can fly in the same plane.
For what ? Jumping ? Its unrealistic as fuck.
>The campaign will feel "much more like Battlefield."
>There will be classic modes and new ones.
Idc gameplay and level design that's what matters
>There will be a server browser, but not clear yet if it's on all platforms.
Fuck origin this is why i didn't play bf3/4
>Settings: Italian Alps and Arabian deserts, just two name two.
Still 0 mention of France
>All weapon attachments will be "era authentic."
cool but it better represents the ww1 era otherwhise they should have just jumped to ww2 or alternate steampunk universe instead of using ww1 to do their swedish cuck disgusting propaganda.

used to be this stuff was unlocked through playing the game
too bad you can't appreciate that

>swedish cuck disgusting propaganda

Literally what?

[$10 has been deposited to your account]

never fall for EA hype bro.

Don't be that dude. BF 1 is going to be epic. That trailer makes me diamonds.