Zelda U

>First game in history about archery.
>It's a Zelda game no less.
>has as long a development time as Ocarina of Time now.
>Nintendo saying it will change all conventions in gaming like Ocarina of Time.
>Aonuma says this game is something completely unexpected like Ocarina of Time.
>confirmed to be as big as Kyoto city.

On a scale of 1 to Reggie, with 1 being not ready and Reggie being bodily ready, just how HYPE are you for the return of the king?


Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=zelda u&espv=2&rlz=1C1GIWA_enUS615US615&biw=1600&bih=799&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwio08DYj9DMAhWIyyYKHdhmCJIQ_AUICCgD#imgrc=h6AvGwlN8mpSnM:

>Company invests a lot into a game
>10 years later it still isn't out
>It has to be better than the most popular in the series to succeed
>They start hyping it up regardless of its quality since if it doesn't sell 10 billion copies they're fucked

didnt realise it was based around archery, slightly more hyped now, might keep tabs on it

careful though, it is all marketing, likely to not be anything theyre saying and be disappointing, even if its good

>neo nintendo
About as hyped as I was for 3D World, Tropickle Cheese and Sticker Star

Did you mean to start your own thread?

what conventions did OoT change

Nah dark souls already dethroned ocarina with better combat and weapon and armor variety

>making the same thread
>day after day
>with obvious bait meant to look bad intentionally
>every single day

Why do people do this? How bored can you possibly even be?

There is no official statement saying the game is about archery. There's hardly been anything official at all, not even marketing. OP is just making shit up.

where did you get that screen capp OP?

It won't be better than SotC.
Or OoT. Or MM.

I'm ready for another 8.8.

Introduced openworld, real-time clock system (as in day fades to night and vice versa), lock-on in a 3D game, a dedicated context-sensitive button that alerts you to more options (other games like RE tried this but it was just variations of a "select" command), and a cohesive overworld with geolocational cues that let you know where you are and which way is what in the game world.

Plus multiple others if you get into what defines a vehicle in a video game with Epona; the first optional vehicle in a game that alters the way you progress through the game.

I think it might even be the first 3D game with a map.

Pretty much everything about modern games owes its beginning to Ocarina of Time. Just like Mario 64 is still the gold standard for controls.

Google. If you're surprised by the bomb arrows, I didn't ever notice them either.

google.com/search?q=zelda u&espv=2&rlz=1C1GIWA_enUS615US615&biw=1600&bih=799&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwio08DYj9DMAhWIyyYKHdhmCJIQ_AUICCgD#imgrc=h6AvGwlN8mpSnM:

OoT didn't introduce any of those mechanics.

It assembled them and presented them all together to the world as a shining example of "how to do it".

>The official site shows Link wielding a bow.
>Link has only used a bow.
>Bow is a huge part of the game, to the point that they showed a 10 minute demo of Link just riding around shooting things.
>Bullet-time archery is going to be a huge new innovation.
>Bow is displayed prominently in official propaganda by Nintendo.

If it looks like a dog, barks like a dog, and sounds like a dog; it's a dog.

Oh yeah? Which one?

Go ahead, name me one mechanic and the game that introduced them before OoT.

I'll wait.

Still waiting user.

Ultima V did cohesive world with night/day and lunar cycles with npc's having schedules, had ship's and flying carpets as alternate travel methods.

I'll add onto this. It also introduced the concept of locking on to enemies while doing things in a 3D space. This mechanic has stuck around in adventure games for years after.

That game sounds pretty cool from what I'm reading on Wikipedia.

But it's hardly equivocal.

>same thread every day

Mega Man Legends had a lock-on system.

What are you trying to get across when you say
>First game in history about archery
Like, archery is a primary method of combat so the game plays more like a TPS?

Tomb Raider had a automatic lock-on/targeting 2 years before OoT

OoT didn't invent any of those

Daggerfall had a massive open world with a day/night cycle and horseback combat 2 years before Ocarina of Time.

>>Nintendo saying it will change all conventions in gaming like Ocarina of Time.

Like Star fox?
Hows that working out for ya?

Sorry I love my wiiu as a third console but I lost all hope for nintendo.

>this entire post

Think you got lost on your way to twitch chat, friend.

>>Bullet-time archery is going to be a huge new innovation.

Woowww bullet-time in 2016? HUGE INNOVATION GUYZ

>First game in history about archery.

I've never played MML but from what I've seen it only locks your vector and then releases you. CyberTroopers did this a little better by making it so that you could move and stay locked, but OoT's is still a step above both.

MML - 1D (one point)
CyberTroopers - 2D (can move in a line, up, left and right, or at the enemy)
Ocarina of Time - 3D (can move forward and backwards, left and right, and circle around)

CyberTroopers had the idea, but didn't have the technology.

RE4 is a TPS.

Daggerfall also isn't Reality 3D, it's software-rendered, and you can't mount/dismount in real-time. It's just your avatar changes.

But how elaborate is the day/night cycle? I've never played it, but I doubt it moves in real-time.

>and you can't mount/dismount in real-time. It's just your avatar changes.
Are you retarded by any chance?

Are you?

I love Zelda, and I would put OoT in my top 10; probably even top 5.

But please stop this bait shit. It's going to be twilight princess tier, but don't mock people that actually want to be hype but know better than to think it will have the critical acclaim it ocarina of time. We just don't live in that era anymore, even if it does turn out incredible.

Fuck you.

>But please stop this bait shit.
>It's going to be twilight princess tier,

Ican't decide whether to be more hyped for FFXV or ZeldaU/NX.

It's not based around archery. That's one of MANY items.

That almost makes Agitha attractive.