More focus on melee combat incuding bayonetas

>More focus on melee combat incuding bayonetas
>Multiplayer of 64vs64 again in huge maps
>Multi protags campaign
>Confirmed arabian, italian and german maps
>Different vehicles with different ways to drive them
>5 or 6 different classes
>Gas will be changing maps, making complete zones unwalkable
>Probably alt WW1

What do you think?

I'll wait a year and then pick it up at 20 bucks when it is properly patched up, like always

Alt ww1
Gross why can't we just get a historically accurate game

>More focus on melee combat incuding bayonetas
It's shit
>Multiplayer of 64vs64 again in huge maps
Like 14 years ago in BF1942? Man I bet that will totally not be a mess gameplay and performance-wise
>Multi protags campaign
Depends on how well made it is.
>Confirmed arabian, italian and german maps
Wow, you mean maps in WW1 theaters in a WW1 game? Incredible!
>Different vehicles with different ways to drive them
So, like in every BF game before?
>5 or 6 different classes
So, like in most BF games before?
>Gas will be changing maps, making complete zones unwalkable
Oh, so they found a new way to replace "return or you will be shot" when leaving the map boundaries
>Probably alt WW1
I bet this just means more automatic weapons for ADS kiddies and "power x vs. power y" even though that might not have happened in the real WW1.

>Naval warfare maps with players able to control complete ships against each other while having planes and shit fighting in the air
>Probably fucking Titan Mode with zeppelins
>Wont be capable of drive a tank or a pilot if you are not a Tank Capitan or Pilot class

Did they confirm player sizes? I haven't seen anything that dictates it's above 64 players yet.

Excited for it regardless though. Lots of asymmetrical gameplay, weapons are a lot more niche and designed around a specific task, and no fucking lock ons. I see a lot of high skill level gameplay coming for this game.

>Naval warfare maps with players able to control complete ships against each other while having planes and shit fighting in the air
Again, already had that in 2002

They did

And it is just 64

>bugs and glitches out the wazoo
>wait two years to see it patched completely
>there will be people who make 24/7 servers of the smallest map like metro and locker before it
>assault will still be the most overused class
>gas will probably not make you blind within seconds

I want to believe it will be decent but 4 and hardline have proved to me that they don't know what they're doing anymore

If you think gaming is anywhere near as good as it was from the early 2000s or earlier, then you shouldn't be surprised why this shit is as good thing and has been devoid of games for far too long.

Yeah, I'm sure after BF4 EA and DICE totally want another BF4 launch even though they mentioned exhaustively at the reveal and prior to that they don't want to repeat those mistakes.

Why did you even try Hardline

That was visible from space it was gonna be a horrible, especially since they had Need for Speed people working on it mainly.

>alt WW1

They have insisted that it would be historically accurate, women in combat notwithstanding

It has a lot of things from Battlefield 1942, 2142 and 3/4 with some new things from WW1, thats why Im excited

Battlefield with quick theme changes. They did the same shit with the star wars edition.

Open your eyes cucks.

Dice's melee combat is awful though, you just know it's going to boil down to however can initiate the backstab animation first wins.

It's considered a 'Visceral' game, so the Dead Space guys, actually.

>Multiplayer of 64vs64 again in huge maps

I would still wait till gameplay is seen as well as how the netcode is on launch.

Shit as always.

I wanted to believe that it would have been okay and that Sup Forums was just shitting on it because it was different.

Unfortunately for me, they were right about it being shit.


>game optimized for trailers and screenshots
I'm calling Battlefront syndrome on BF1

Just 64 as in 32x32 max?

no playable ottomans = no buy

Can almost guarantee it'll be 30hz core, support for 60-144 on PC.

64vs64 = 128 players



They said 64 during the world reveal

I only played the open beta but Hotwire was tons of fun. What were people's problems?

>wanting to play as a roach


yes as in 64 total

>muh white soldier commits warcrimes unblinkingly protrag
>muh token black oppressed soldier cant do anything wrong
This shit is worse than gentrification.

>I bet this just means more automatic weapons for ADS kiddies and "power x vs. power y" even though that might not have happened in the real WW1.
That's exactly what it means, it just means all the prototype weapons that never made it into production or conflict will be available to use. Realistically infantry loadouts would end up being 90% bolt action, 1% machine gun and 9% shotgun, but that's too boring for modern day ADHD kiddies so they added all the prototype shit to keep them happy, when in real life they would never have seen battle.

Yeah sure, its been 3 years since BF4 came out and its s till 30-60 quid with the dlc, face it EA knows about people waiting and refuses to drop the price


Yes, I can add numbers. My question was if it was announced as 64 vs 64 or 32 vs 32 (totaling 64). It sounds like the latter.

>More focus on melee combat incuding bayonetas
They tried a melee/counter system in BF4. It was shit, DICE netcode won't allow balanced and satisfying melee
>Multiplayer of 64vs64 again in huge maps
They've never officially allowed this, assume you mean 32v32, and they're on record as saying they think 40 is the best amount for previous shit
>Multi protags campaign
>Confirmed arabian, italian and german maps
Featuring americlaps
>Different vehicles with different ways to drive them
Like every game with aircraft and groundcraft?
>5 or 6 different classes
Same 4 as usual, with pilot/tank driver added (can't enter a vehicle as another class)
>Gas will be changing maps, making complete zones unwalkable
Shitty gimmick seen in COD AW
>Probably alt WW1
Seeing as the trailer's gameplay was absolutely nothing like WW1, duh

>128 players
>source: my ass

You forgot
>cotton picking

So when will we see bullpup Springfield-

>not wanting to mow down bongs on cliffs of gallipoli

>What are sales
They've had premium edition BF4 for like 20 bucks.

Hell, they've even given away China Rising for free if you had just the base BF4.

Yes you are right is only 32vs32 Im sorry senpai

No, 64vs64

They've always promised their upcoming launch will be better than the last miserable one.

This pattern has repeated for over a decade now

No it's not you fucking retard.


Good luck then

I can already predict the multiplayer:

>Everyone's running. around with Lewis Guns and SMGs with red dot sight
>screeching battle-cries from feminist-dike warriors for diversity
>tanks rolling around at 20+mph

20th century war games were the best. I was a huge Medal of Honor/COD 2 fan. Especially with the modern cod fans this is actually pretty ballsy to do a WW game in this day.

I don't know about that, Hardline had a pretty solid launch all things considered. The game flopped hard but it worked.

Although that could be down to the fact that DICE didn't make it, but then again, Battlefront had a pretty solid launch too.

>Multiplayer of 64vs64 again in huge maps
I thought it was 64 players max in other words 32vs32

Even if they wanted, how is 64vs64 gonna work?

if they use the same maps there will be total chaos and nobody will know who's shooting.

if they make them larger they will only add more deadzones across the map.

Didn't EA said it met expectation

Isn't the population dead?

32vs32 can already be total chaos at times. They're really going to have to be on point with their map design but given their track record i don't think they will be.


It met their sales expectations but everyone stopped playing it shortly after release.

Yeah, technically the only issue Hardline had on launch was the TDM spawn system.

Dice is literally one of the worst companies in the modern game industry, hand off Battlefield to a new dev and kill Dice and Frostbite.

No Canucks no buy

Wasn't the last Battlefield game like horribly broken? As in people couldn't even play it for like two weeks and theres a huge laundry list of things that were wrong with it?

I think that's more a problem with the gamemode itself and map design as a whole. Most if not all games with TDM have some form of spawn issue.

And that's bad how?

sure its contrarian here

Not the last Battlefield overall but the last one that wasn't a spin off was pretty damn broken and it took them 2-3 years to fix it, some might say it still hasn't been fixed.

It's not bad, but it's funny how it's being advertised like it has never been there before.
And btw, have they said what kind of ships will be controllable?

it worked because it was basically a bf4 DLC that had years to be fixed.

Yeah, but in Hardline's case it was -really- broken. Like people literally spawning behind you just after you spawned. Or spawning on top of explosive devices.

I think we haven't seem any gameplay so I can't form an opinion beyond liking the theme.

>the theme.
what theme? seven nation army digital fart edition?

Think he means setting.

And we don't even know how much we can like it, since it's "alternative WWI" and that could mean anything.

If you want an accurate ww1 simulator, why in the hell would you expect EA to do one? Look somewhere else, I'm sure you'll find one on steam somewhere

>I bet this just means more automatic weapons for ADS kiddies
People are saying 2 classes out of four are full auto. The only one using bolt-action by default is the sniper.

If they do cavalry in an intersting way it could still be salvagable. Though knowing DICE I don't expect mounts to be anything more than an on-rails segment of the CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE brought to you by Stronk Womym of Colour (TM).

hip-firing CoD-kiddie detected


I like the fact that we will have good old fashioned armour

Serious question, are you a paid shill or actually this retarded?

i just hope the games will not be filled with submachines that shoot at 1000 rpm

it has Blackies and a woman in it so that's an automatic no buy.

I bet there will be a class that can hip fire MGs.


>since it's "alternative WWI"
it's not. they said it's "just ww1"

No need to bet, that's already confirmed senpai.

There's one in the trailer, the guy that puts on the gas mask.

I just hope that woman is a single character and they don't actually allow you to play one in multiplayer

Hip firing isn't really a cod thing since you can ADS in half a second

I just watched the trailer once, didn't see if that was an actual MG.

well if they don't shoot at ridiculous rpm that's ok
just the jumping and spraying stuff is ridiculous

Wheres the trailer that says "This Has NEVER BEEN DONT BEFORE!!!!"?

Then where are all these prototype weapons coming out of? It isn't historically accurate if they're being used on the battlefield.

all games based on real life are alternate history, anything you do is different from the real thing.

No. Not like that. They mean each tank will drive differently, meaning there are different controls for each individual vehicle. Not the vehicle classes.

They were used on the battlefield, just for the last few months of the war and in small numbers. The problem isn't inaccuracy, it's the fact most of these weapons stayed over for WW2 and new ones developed... essentially meaning you'll get WW2 with LESS content than the actual WW2 instead of a whole new era.

>all these cunts complaining that it's not a realistic simulator of WW1
Alright, so games aren't supposed to be about fun or solid gameplay but about fucking simulating reality? There aren't many realistic war games for a reason. Go play Arma if you're so desperate or better yet, go play fucking Verdun.

It's a Lewis Gun

I repeat my question, does EA pay you for this or are you legitimately retarded?