Hi. My name is SomecallmeJohnny. I review games. AMA

Hi. My name is SomecallmeJohnny. I review games. AMA

What's you mom's cup size

keep it game related

My question is why would you get a cup with Luigi on it?
No offense to Luigi but come on.

your initialism in the first post says "anything" with no qualifiers. answer his question

better yet, what's YOUR cup size, goomba?

Hey, love the vids. What's by far the worst game you've reviewed on your channel thus far?

looks like a mexican tb desu


So how long till you join the sanfran sjw team? Why do the call you Johnny when you're clearly pablo? What's it like being a human being but with less status than a crazed homeless person? Why are you on Sup Forums which is clearly a Martian religious board, shouldn't you be on patreon begging for your sjw welfare check?

How many times have you beaten Shantae for the GBC?

what the hell is wrong with you? you know what i'm going to go look you up on kiwi farms and see what level of aspie you are

how many times do you masturbate during the day?

Why should I care?

The fuck is kiwi farms?
I'm not gonna google it you're going to tell me.

jesus christ kids come down

This cunt couldn't handle Terraria with mouse and keyboard.


The regressive left is a myth, it is known khaleesi.

when's the pokemon gen 3/4 reviews

Timestamp fagola

build wall