I honestly feel bad for Zarya. Ever since she got announced, the beehi/v/e shat on her for being tumblr and sjw. She didn't choose to be designed that way. You know that, right? She's just trying to hold her own in the game. I fucking hate it when I see a bunch of Tracers and Widowmakers gang up on her, laughing at her expense. It has come to a point of Zarya getting bullied, both on messageboards and in-game. Mind you, I'm not in love with her. I don't think she's cute or anything, but she deserves to exist in the game without people having to take jabs at her every fucking second of the day. Hell, just think of all the porn out there of Mei, Tracer, Widow, etc. And hardly any of Zarya. It's purposefully done, because people love to hate her as a person, and that is straight up wrong. I just felt like sharing this, because there's no reason why she deserves so much shit. I'm not asking you to love her, but stop with the blatant bullying of a character that just wants to be part of the gang.
I honestly feel bad for Zarya. Ever since she got announced, the beehi/v/e shat on her for being tumblr and sjw...
Other urls found in this thread:
Mental illness is very acceptable these days. I fear our future
she's fine except for pink nails
>I feel bad for a triangles on a screen
Zarya deserves another 1 - 1.5 seconds on each of her barriers, or atleast on her shared one. Combat wise I feel like she's fine.
Most of the time she plays like better except better.
Her ult is shit and if she uses it when there's a rein on the other team then his shield negates most anything you can do when people are in it. Maybe if they made it so you can't use abilities in it then it'd be better but its shit right now.
>Mei except better
I really shat the bed on that one.
Jesus christ she's a cartoon character. She doesn't have feelings.
I wanna...fuck............Zarya! I wanna fuck her muscle dyke ass until her pink hair falls out!
I laughed when I actually heard her talk.
Bitch is racist as fuck. Are robots a race?
Why not instakill everyone while at it? It's fine.
There were hysterics back in the day, it's actually gotten marginally better.
>a triangleS
It's india posting time ?
She's in the same spot as roadhog. It says "Tank" but really she's just an assault class with no mobility. She can't actually defend anyone from anything but hoo boy when that barrier is lit you melt motherfuckers instantly.
Get yourself to the psych ward, you demented retard.
She is cute... CUTE!
She's my favourite character gameplay-wise. I just want to grab myself this skin so she looks less shit and I can chase Roadhogs while using the "I will break you" line.
literally autistic
>barrier myself
>barrier the other tank
>instant 100 power
>pic related
She feels way too squishy though, shield should last longer or have a shorter cooldown, other than that probably my favorite tank now that I know how the damage boosting works
Her alt-fire kinda sucks since you only get 4 in at a full charge, her ult will probably be really strong once people have more time to use her
Does anyone have the concept pieces of her with the longer blondish hair?
This is Zarya when you are actually gud.
Apparently her shield DID have a lower cooldown in the early betas
Too broken, I guess?
>tumblr fortress 2
fuck off
Why is tracer such a lesbian?
Zarya looks just like a friend of mine.
His name is Martin.
>you will never be overpowered by a 6'5 russian amazon in a small poorly lit room
it's the pink hair
she never bothered me though.
Couldn't find the exact one, but here's a close second
Gonna need artist source on that.
yes... YES!
I like you, Zarya.
Please don't be sad ; _ ;
I managed to pull off a 20 kill streak with her. The range on her laser should be increased a bit imo.
She was designed to appeal at Tumblr
Yeah, they ruined Genji too
I think the early beta overwatch was closer to what most people wanted but it was too complex for the casual audience
ASSFAGOTS got the "tough girl" right with Vi, this looks like if League of Legends went full on SJW and decided to remake Vi
They are the same fucking character except one is done right
Oh, bullshit
If she was designed for tumblr she'd be a fucking non binary trigenderqueered snowflake.
Not even similar except pink hair, kill yourself
So Varya? Because the shrimpy little sex toy in your pic isn't strong just because they gave her retard sized hands.
Besides tumblr hates her because she's Russian.
I would like her except that fucking hair. Like her play style is fun, but that hair turns me off.
My shits fucked, Zarya
Yeah no shit, she's also racist against the omnics/robot people. She's the polar opposite of "tumblr".
I have no problem with a russian strong woman who is beef and can break a weeb like me appart. Really I actually like the concept.
But fuck me the hair makes no sense. It fits absolutely not to the character. Any other color but pink would have worked, but reading her bio and playing her, she'd probably go for a military cut.
Blonde hair and no nail polish and she is perfect.
she is not real
>Yeah no shit, she's also racist against the omnics/robot people.
She is literally a Russian soldier, I don't know how everyone misses that.
>almost full energy
>pop ult on the entire enemy team
>start blasting them with secondary fire
>Mei puts up an icewall
Fuck that cunt.
>Physically strong yet somewhat feminine woman
>People freak out and bitch anyway
Before you fly off the handle because tumblr, there's no SJW bullshit on his page, just stronglady boobs. He does alot of jasper from steven universe too.
They stop as soon as they see strong and woman and short, pink hair.
Friendly Mei, right?
Link is dead
I think her nails are cute! ...The haircut however.
The Justin Bieber haircut is a far worse offense than pink hair, user
>Friendly Mei, right?
If only there was friendly fire. Seriously fuck that cunty bitch.
Yes I mad.
Spelled it wrong.
I feel you
I would literally sit at spawn the entire game and TK anyone who picked Mei, and nobody would even care because I would be doing everyone a favor
>being fit
the website literally gives you the number to a suicide hotline if you search the word skinny
Mei is 100000000% more tumblr
>that mane
how new do you have to be to not know that tumblr is absolutely top tier for porn artists and porn galleries
Remember the basics of CQC
I know right? Look at this fucking Orc.
Sorry OP, my sympathy doesn't extend to generic fictional tumblr-tier characters.
I will keep bullying her until she grows out of her teenage le special snowflake punk grrl phase.
I like Zarya
Like her design, her voice and her playstyle
I never saw the problem with her. Just cause she has pink hair? What's the big deal?
That's straight up some SHD shit
Since Blizzard seems to change minor shit all the time when a tiny chunk of the fan base ask for it, do you think they would at least change the hair colour of some of her alternative armor colour skins? I just want my blond or black hair Zarya.
You know Zarya desing looks more and more like a someone at Blizz decided to fuck with SJW by false-flagging them to no end with her.
I mean with Anita was still making her videos she would fit in every single on of them on top of being the only one in the game that shit-talks tincans.
>hair should be a pastel color
zarya's hair is not pastel
You are right user it's a pretty nice orc
I wish I was better with her.
I've seen higher level players clean up.
Pic semi-related.
Go outside once in a while. You are just the opposite extreme of tumblr.
stupid Steven Universe nameposter
everyone's too scared of her to think she's hot
I love that image
fuck off
Yesterday, I was holding a side-entrance completely on my own against a team that was dva, mercy, tracer, reaver, genji, and hanzo. The hanzo never showed up there, but the rest would keep cycling through there. It was easy pickings.
If the Hanzo had showed up, I probably would've been fucked. She's got characters she's strong and weak against, typically depending on their range.
Will you shut the fuck up already
SJW cucks are annoying as fuck, we get it, but the solution is not to be an Edgelord about it.
>All the different color alts don't change the hair color.
The one thing I was hoping for. Oh well guess I'll hope I get the arctic skin.
>not the industrial skin
/sug/ ruined Sup Forums
At least the Jojo threads are fun
Nice b8 tumblr faggot
>Thanks Scott Pilgrim
The comic and the game were fun, at least. Can't say the same for the movie, though
My aim is too jittery to consistently hit with her beam.
It's hard to judge what your distance for engaging should be with her.
No because that one looks fucking stupid.
>/sug/ ruined Sup Forums
No, it was always shit.
/sug/ kept to itself, without cartoons the board is fucking dead because no-one actually reads capeshit.
>>gentle mocking of SJW stereotypes
You guys know she was designed after one of Bliz employee, rught? Bonus: she's russian.
I honestly can say I respect them for pretending to pander to SJWs, but at the same time making the character in question a racist slav stronglady
The only thing wrong with her is that her alt colors don't also change her hair. Other than that, I liked using her.
>expected game to be shit
>actually have fun playing roadhog
>blizzard wants 40 dollars from me just so i can play more roadhog
i feel like this game shouldnt be more than like ten bucks at the most
we need to go bigger!
THOSE SHIELDS ARE FUCKING SHIT when you're playing Roadhog and you hook someone and she uses a shield to protect them or herself
Literally the only thing that pisses me off about her and it's only a legitmate counter
oh fuck she's cute
If they wanted people to like her then they shouldn't have made her an ugly tumblr dyke.
Hell, her notable unpopularity has gone to show how little an audience these characters really have.
Tumblr itself is fucking garbage, it's just that people constantly use it despite the existence of many other sites with far less shitty UIs.
If her skins changed the hair color I'd like her more.
I'd prefer a different hairstyle to a different colour.