Literally impossible

Literally impossible

Is that the guy from that one SCP article?

Roll roll attack

PC gamer here, had no trouble with it.

I know Bloodborne players like to pretend their game is hard, but this guy doesn't even rate in the top 5 for that game.

The whirlygig beats the DLC with barely any input from the player.

Son you shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of.

easier than the two big fish monsters in the well
I had to use consumable items to beat them

You have ten seconds to name 5 BB bosses more difficult than the Orphan.

In the same way you have no trouble talking to girls.

I am literally using literally wrong in this sentence.

Same here, he literally never ever hit me.

Not him, but i was playing the dlc on NG and on another character on NG++

for some reason, orphan was way harder on NG ++

NG orphan took me two tries, and my weapon wasnt even upgraded completely

Father G
Lady Maria
Fire cleric beast, forget his name
Moons presence

I could name 5 regular enemies that are harder.

This DLC is just a big fuck you.
Shame the only thing in Dark Souls III that got close to it in difficulty was the Nameless King.

You literally aint

What's this meme where people pretend Gascan is hard? Is it because it's the first real boss in the game and they didn't fully adapt to BB's gameplay yet?

I am currently playing through Bloodborne for the first time.

Got Gascoigne on my first try, It wasn't that it was an easy fight, I just parry spammed him and won.

I have no idea how to parry and not trade blows though. Every successful parry from me chunks my health.

shit it does look like 106

Dude these are all easier than kos except for maybe laurence n ludwig

How to make all the FROM babbys happy:
>recreate all Souls games +Bloodborne without a levelling feature, just make all items usable from the start
>Game is a marathon of demons souls->dark souls 3, goes through all games in order
>difficulty is scaled based on how far you have progressed, via how many bosses you have defeated total
>difficulty doesnt reset when fighting tutorial bosses from subsequent games


Do you people not roll?

Just use a fast weapon, roll a lot and get a little bit of damage in when its safe.
I don't understand how people can beat lady maria, then claim the orphan is hard.

That sounds like fucking garbage.
I could already do that if I wanted to also.

>I could already do that
so you're saying you're individually capable of making a videogame out of this existing material to fully realize this user's shitty idea

Some people don't know that you can fight on the water. That makes the arena huge as fuck with barely any obstructions.

Not him but Maria is the easiest boss in the game to parry for me, got her in a corner and wrecked her in less than a minute

No, but what hes saying is
>lets combine all the games and make the player go through all of them while the difficulty continously rises up

Like nigga, just play DeS on NG, DaS on NG+, DaS2 on NG++, etc etc etc

>play DaS2

Can 106 kill Omnipresent beings?

Since you obviously look at anything, everything, something and nothing at the same time with the power of Omnipresenc after all, which includes 106's face.

God damn did 106 kill all Gods?

Like I said, sounds like fucking garbage.

>Martyr Logarius
>Pthumerian Descendant
>Undead Giant

>Undead Giant
That's it. 10 hours in gay baby jail for you.

Headless Bloodletting, Chalice Amydgala

I don't get it, I found Orphan to be one of the hardest in BB, maybe the hardest out of all souls games. I died tons of times to him, I got his first phase pretty down pat, but then the second just destroyed me.

The only other boss I died at all to in my recent run was Living Failures, and that was because I didn't understand how to not get hit by the cosmos meteors. Once I figured that out, they were easy.

Orphan has so much HP and even with two visceral damage and a visceral healing rune, it felt like I was dealing no damage.

Imo regular Bloodletting is harder than Headless

>Game where you can grind your stats to absurd levels at any time
>Implying a boss can be impossible


Even worse is people pretending that levels matter, but they're probably shitters that only play on NG anyway

Laurence is fucking cheap shit. His attack tracking is hideously unfair, even by the game's already bullshit standards, and all of his attacks are either wide swipes that cover a large amount of the room or laser-guided assfuckings.
The fight is designed to force the player to strike and fade. I play a skill character, who are based around strike and fade attacks, and it's still bullshit because of the mediocre single-hit damage. I had an easier time with Orphan, because you can at least dodge his shit consistently. Laurence and his lava kiddie pool with instattacks is just asinine.


headless bloodletting beast
defiled watchdog of the old lords
abhorrent beast
loran darkbeast
pthumerian descendant

I'm not him but I would give you Defiled Hotdog and Loran Darkbeast

Levels matter, for what? All I know is how they matter when you are using covenants because of average level ranges at specific locations to find people.

Your victory doesn't count cus you were level 115 instead of level 95 :>)

orphan of kos is definitely one of the hardest non-chalice bosses, but unless you're in NG+ and beyond he's easier than most of the depth 5 chalice dungeon bosses. If you're on NG+ and beyond he's definitely depth 5 tier.

meant to reply to this

I've only ever fought him on NG+ so I feel like anybody who hasn't is a cuckold who isn't allowed an opinion on him

I beat him on NG+, I died more on defiled amygdala, abhorrent beast, and loran darkbeast.

I believe you, too, cus they're also extremely hard

orphan's first phase is really easy to parry but his second sucks. At the same time though, in his second phase I feel like he's easier to dodge while locked on.

Laurence on NG+ pushed my shit in though god damn