Now that the beta is officially over what is your verdict? Did your opinion change at all from before the beta?

Now that the beta is officially over what is your verdict? Did your opinion change at all from before the beta?

My opinion did a complete 180

Other urls found in this thread:

Had no plan on buying it but a friend forced me to try the beta and I loved it. Now I'm waiting for the 24th.

Winston is underpowered. His shield needs more hit points. Even though he has 500 health he drops like a rock in the ocean.

What? The best teams in the world were running 2 winstons because he was so powerful

Better than expected but not worth 70 euros.
Lack of game modes and trophies too hard

Nah I expected a good game and played a good game. Nothing more and nothing less than what I expected.

Same. I'm not really into online shooters but I decided to try the beta and fell in love with it.

it was super fun but way too expensive

He is fine, he is supposed to be flanker for squishy heroes.

They need to work on their balance. As of now, their design philosophy seems to be

>When everyones OP, no ones OP

I really liked it. I was cautiously optimistic before, but now I'm legitimately looking forward to buying and playing this.
It could use a bit of balancing, absolutely, but this game's a lot of fun.
D. Va and Zenyatta are a blast to use.

Loved the beta, but $40 USD is like $52 CAD right now.

Do I really want to pay 5 hours of minimum wage to get this game?

>Zenyatta needs more than 150HP
>Lucio is pretty much the best support, the other 3 need to be buffed to match him
>Bastion losing restricted turning is garbage

It's only 40 euros, what are you talking about?

I wan't really hyped for it, but the beta was extremelly fun.
I wish it costed less or was f2p though. Or at least I had a friend I could play with.

I miss the game already.

All I have to play is fucking CSGO and Hearthstone and they're more rage inducing than fun.

>>When everyone's OP, no ones OP
That's the philosophy that blizzard has always used any time they stray away from that balancing philosophy their games become absolute trash.

It's literally the reason BW was considered one of the best games of all time, it's why SC BW had a more balanced win rate than chess.

I guess its kind of fun for a $30 game.

Its just that every time I think AAA games can't get any more shallow, they get shallower.

>Not interested at all
>Try out demo since I have nothing else to do
>Loved it even though I suck at rootie-tootie-point-and-shooties

Pre-ordered, I regret not playing it until yesterday.

I'll play it with you, user.

I did change my mind. I wasn't going to buy it, then had tons of fun and was planning on buying it.

Until I got into higher tier groups and constantly got my ass handed to me, so I decided I won't buy it. tfw only average at vidya

blame your PM for selling all your countries gold for pennies

This game turned out to be a turd and only huge radical changes on everything is ever going to fix it.

I don't even think Widowmaker is OP and I don't play her There are million things actually wrong with the game.

Mei is op and nobody seems to realize it. Which makes sense really, since mei is best girl after all.

she is really strong though for real

Not in france. Best price i saw on amazon was 57 euros

>complaining about Mei

If your team didn't have a Roadhog, you have only yourself to blame.

My opinion did a 360

Of course.

Retardedly easy to play
Wall that basically negates a bunch of stuff
Good damage
Stasis that also heals
Powerful ult

There are only physical editions of the more expensive special editions.

If not for the retarded nerfs/buffs, I'd have considered grabbing it. I'll wait a few months to get it dirt cheap from a third party website, and hope by then they've figured out where they want to take the game as far as balancing goes.

>tfw playing as roadhog and yanking a bastion out of turret mode
>Or yanking any class out of their super skill
>Or yanking a Widow maker off her perch
>tfw you just know people are pissed when the go flying for no reason and suddnelly their screen is full of big fat roadhog cock

Cancelled preorder since I couldn't find myself playing more than one match in a row. Blizzard support is pretty top notch though, and refunded me within a couple of hours from sending in a ticket.

I'm from Denmark, the price should be the same.

You sure you haven't been looking at the Origins Edition?

Not complaining, I really enjoyed playing as her, just that she's probably gonna get nerfed before release. And, like says, she's got the sort of pyro w+m1 weapon which is really easy to use, plus a high damage long range snipe on right click. I think everybodys on the same page that it's basically a good game, but needs some major balance adjustments before release.

The beta sucked. Will not buy.
Tracer looks like a female Aladdin.

I'll continue the assshittery, if noone's objecting

Lets look at our conversation from a distance

> A medigun on OW is so much cooler than in tf2!
> tf2 has lots of mediguns, that do pretty much the same thing, and more
> Well, fuck you, we have other healers and supports!
> I dont really understand the point, but well, tf2 too has weapons on the different characters that can heal and give supporting buffs to people
> HA, it has TWO healers, not THREE like OWERWATCH. Your game is SO BAD.

So, are you trying to say, that tf2 is worse that overwatch because it has less healing items?

>Mfw that fox died

Movement is exactly how I thought it would be. Shallow and devoid of execution. You cannot fuck up any movement tech in overwatch.

So you were looking forward to game but decided to drop it after actually playing it for a while? Makes sense famalam.

This game is just not worth it.
Save your money, anons!

>Using Mei or Roadhog

If you love playing garbage heroes, go right ahead.

>liking vermin

She's actually the LOWEST-tier hero competitively.

If anything, she's going to see some buffs.

>air control
>written 50 times
>all you have to do is move your mouse slightly

lovin every laff competitive TF2 players are the most delusional fanbase ever

>tfw I still have friends that I made during WoW BC that I can always play vidya with whenever a new title is released
>we still have epic bantz

>all you have to do is move your mouse slightly
So you don't actually know how to air-control.


Must be nice to live in a fantasy world

I'll wait for it to be 20 bucks

most fun ive had in a while but im still not giving blizzard $70 for what should be a f2p game considering they're going to sell chests

ill wait for a 50% off sale assuming the game is still alive by then

99% of our gold was sold a decade ago, he just sold the last 1%

It's exactly what you have to do you retard I played tf2 for 7 years, rocket/sticky jumping is the easiest aspect of the game

I thought I would like it but it turned out to be complete garbage.

Console casual trash game


I can feel your butthurt about being constantly hooked from here.

I honestly only downloaded the beta to kill some boredom for a couple hours
now I've pre-ordered it and eagerly await the 24th

most fun I've had with video games in years

So, you've never played tf2, or rocketjumped? If you could do even the first half of the jump in a week of training, i'd stand on my knees and call you allmighty gaming god.

Clearly not, because what you just said is false. You don't know how to air control.

I feel like this game was made precisely for people who are not into shooters and are generally bad at all the currently popular ones.

Blizzard strikes again.

>actually thinking rocket jumping is hard to execute in TF2

ive over 2k hours rocketjumping and gardening on soldier, theres nothing complex about the movement after 50 hours of play. just initial trajectory and very very slight air strafing, mostly about what you do with the first rocket and subsequent ones

Was hopeful that it would be great. It can be fun, but the maps are pretty garbage.

I don't know the higher level gameplay based off of the limited playtime, but the maps are just a few hallways that lead to a chokepoint every time. It's tedious.

I'm just glad I got the game for free. Otherwise, it's not worth the price tag.

Really what was wrong about my post then?

Yeah it's the origin edition. Price is 57,10 euros.
Amazon fr only lists origin edition and collector"s edition (119e, too bad soldier 76 statue is in bronze, i would have bought it)

> 2k hours
> lol its nothing complex

is the 70 dollars/70 euros thing some meme that i am out of the loop on?

the game costs 40 dollars

Rocket jumping and pogos requires timing and execution, which you can and will fuck up util you spend timing learning.
Overwatch removes all execution and makes them into abilities with cooldowns.

It sure is harder to do than anything in Overwach, by miles. So given the context - yes, it is hard.

>Sup Forums actually thinks rocket jumping is hard
>it's something that is automatic in a casual shooter for anybody who has any amount of time played in the game
>Sup Forums things this is the pinnacle of skill in shooters

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, most of Sup Forums probably wasn't alive when arena shooters were popular

at which point its just muscle memory... getting used to it is not hard at all i promise i played in several hightower communities to their deaths and ive known people who picked it up in a matter of days

>all you have to do is move your mouse slightly
This is incorrect, since you haven't corrected it in 2 posts, you very clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

I enjoyed it. they need to fix a few things, like some damage nerfs on a few characters and the ability to have more than 1 of character on a team at a time.

There's three cases.
1. You are an Overwatch idiot, that've never played the game of tf2
2. You are a fucking god.
3. I am a complete shit at videogames.

I tried that single jump for 5 hours ONLY, and i had at least ~50 hours of JUST rocketjumping before. And i still can get it reliable. I sense bullshit in the air.

I can't believe there are people ITT who actually think rocket jumping is difficult in 2016

>waa overwatch is just like tf2
>waa overwatch isnt like tf2

so which is it?

Man, I knew TF2 butthurt would happen, but I didn't think it would be this funny.

Nobody in this thread is saying that rocket jumping is hard. However, it requires some level of execution. You're clearly too fucking dense for this thread. push 'ctrl, shift + w' right now regarded faggot.

played it, enjoyed it more than I thought I would, still think 60 bucks is too much money for what it is.

>I tried that single jump for 5 hours ONLY
>3. I am a complete shit at videogames.

had no idea what the game was until i played some of the beta at a friend's place

Now I'm definitely buying it

Please point out where I said rocket jumping is hard.
If you can find it, I'll kill myself. If you can't, you kill yourself.

Already pre-ordered the collector's edition for Xbox One before even playing it. The art direction is great.

The beta played like a glorious N64 multiplayer game (Quake 2, Turok 2 and the almighty Perfect Dark). People can bitch about balance but I thought it was well balanced. My Titanfall, Destiny and GTAV friends all love it so I'll have that good problem to have where you can't fit everyone in one party during peak hours.

I enjoy all the characters, and I love the close matches. 10/10 would preorder again.

>requires some level of execution

so does pushing W by your standards kid

I thought it was shit at first, then boring, then I started to like it just in the last day or two when I switched to classes I liked more.

Still not sure if I will buy it, it's way too expensive and a step down from TF2 in too many ways (but a definite improvement in others).

>someone will fall for this

I would leave the team restrictions to ranked mode.

cheesing with 6 12 o'clock mans or 6 monkey troubles is fun

I've seen videos of quite a good rocketjumpers, wasting more than 5 hours to learn a jump. Like Ster. Is he shit at videogames too?

Still smelling a lot of bullshit.

No meme, game costs 70 euros in france, 57 euros on amazon. Shit country to live.

>rocket jumping is hard.
Better kill yourself

if you're willing to put in 30+ hours into a fun game to play with friends then i'd say its worth full price.

Yet again, you've demonstrated you know nothing about even the fundamentals of movement in TF2.

first i was like nah
now im like
is it the 24th yet?

Post the 5 hour video of him failing a single rocket jump

I'm planning on buying it standard at 40 bucks.

Some characters need tweaks one way or another, but overall it's pretty good, and it runs really well, the beta was smoother than a lot of games are on release.

it was a great game and i look forward to playing it on the 24th

Now back to Dark Souls III

Fun gameplay, but shit design decisions, leaving not a lot of room for individual skill
Decent teamplay
Fuckall content with three gamemodes and a handful maps, chosen randomly, no dedicated server broswer either

>past tense
>prior to post
>can't see any evidence of me saying its hard

lol, i played casual roamer for a few seasons and i could do shit like this 9/10 tries

you get better at weird rocket jump stuff faster if you do a lot of varied shit instead of doing the same jump over and over

that's their fucking choice, senpai.

Name a better PvP coming to Xbone

>if I capitalize my sentence and use a coma it will show that I'm right and rocket jumping requires high amount of skill

back to redbit kid, rocket jumping is second nature for anybody over 20 years old and has any experience with shooters

>He wants to remove six ROADHAWG teams

No fun allowed.

Which is just dumb
Wall alone is just really good for any kind of organized play, separating teams and blocking vision is huge
Then she's also got great kill potential at close range, can hold her own at midrange, and she's got an areadenial ult