After the shitshow that was DS3, it's high time you apologize to this good game

After the shitshow that was DS3, it's high time you apologize to this good game.

>shitshow that was DS3

I agree, it-


Now I don't agree.

Why would I? It's the best game in the series.

Yeah NOW you're saying this, a few months ago you were SHITTING on it non stop.
Fucking hypocrits.

Why would i apologize to the garbage game? Trash remains a trash, no matter how hard you force your shitty meme

>posting pictures of DS2 that aren't grey and washed-out to shit

Stop kidding yourself



/!\ REMINDER /!\
The oversaturation and endless shitposting featuring the le Dark Souls 2 is le shit meme is a semi-recent event strongly-linked to Bloodborne's release
/!\ REMINDER /!\

DS2 apologists remind me of SW prequel apologists.

ds2 fans are so ridiculous they make me laugh every time
like what the hell happens in their head, they hate all games that arent ds2

In all seriousness DaSIII was pretty bad, I think people are just pretending it's good because muh Miyazaki,

Even with all its UI and mechanical innovations, DaS2 has and always will be the black sheep of the series due to its shit graphics and shit enemies.

That boss really sums up all das games.

>Bosses are highly telegraphed and straight forward to beat

>random trash enemies are a whirlwind of pain and torment


but DeS>bb>3>1>2

Did the chariot fight look that good? the lighting makes it look like an early view from the trailers before the downgrade.

Also I don't get why people keep posting this. We all know it's not a bad game. And while the souls games might not be better or worse we wanted it to be a souls game and expected that BECAUSE THAT'S THE TITLE OF THE GAME. It's bad in comparison for the same reason mgs5 isn't seen as very good. It failed in a lot of areas that we like about souls games in the same way mgs5 was still obviously a metal gear game but changed so much it put it in a negative light because it wasn't a very good metal gear game.

Ds3 is a better dark souls game because it does what souls games do better than ds2.

Now stop trying ro turn this board into Sup Forums with these shit memes to bait out responses like the hundreds of threads just like this one but with George Lucas in the pic instead of a game we didn't all praise unanimously.

i didnt even knew miyazaki didnt made ds2 and i didnt saw any trailer or anything, i thought it was a direct sequel to ds1, and it was a fucking piece of shit, my biggest disappointment in a game ever. the only good part is the war against the ass faces giants in the past.

>directional input locked to 8 different points
>graphical downgrade
>soul memory

yeah no go fuck yourself das2 was the fucking worst of the series.

The only other thing I'd add is how sluggish and floaty it all felt. You could roll or see others roll and they would glide across the ground. Same with some weapons when attacking. Everything just felt so slugish. If you attacked immediately after rolling and your attack was aimed in the oposite direction of the roll your character would just attack the wrong way. It was realistic since the couldn't snap around but it felt so wrong.

Since the game is slow and boring after the nerfs to all weapons and magic to the point where 90% are trash, they think it's balanced, even though it's less balanced than DS3

git gud. you don't need the stat for pve.

They made everything more sluggish and slow to be realistic or something, it really hurt the game like you said woth shit like roll attacks being useless half the time, stamina use being more fucked than DS3, etc

Sure if you want to faceroll with ranged attacks or a greatshield. If you don't raise agility to at least 99 there are literally undodgeable attacks in the game

I have always said that DS2 pvp was the best in the series. I remain convinced of this after playing the jerky r1 spamfest that is DS3 pvp.

Best pve content in the series goes to DS1 though.

nah all souls a shit

>DaS2 was a good game
This is a shitty meme.

>If you don't raise agility to at least 99 there are literally undodgeable attacks in the game
Are you confusing ADP for agility? Because you don't need to raise ADP to 99 for effective rolls, 20 or 30 is more then enough.

>Trash mobs
>Bosses with giant hitboxes bigger than their weapon
>Teleport into a enemy grabs
>All enemies able to spin around
>Rat bros being able to dominate you and just waste your time
>Blue sentinels never seemed to work
>Torch system really useless and going without one is better in all areas

Too early to judge, DS3 needs to get its DLC. I prefer DS3's main game over DS2's main game, but not by much. 3 was so fucking unfun at points that even the worst parts of 2 felt enjoyable in comparison.

Am I the only one who likes the series but really didn't like BB? Only one I didn't finish.

DS2 looked so great in the first trailers. Not only graphically, but some areas looked more interesting too. Like OP's pic, you can see that that's a downward slope which is not present in the final game, so I thought chariot was supposed to be just a strong enemy in a dungeon and it sounded interesting.

>Are you confusing ADP for agility?

He literally said agility. It's even in the quote of his post included in your post. You just pretending to be retarded, son?

Contrarians are really trying to push this "Dark Souls 3 wasn't good" thing

Bloodborne > Dark 1 > Demon's > Dark 3 > Dark 2 (SOTFS) > Dark 2 (vanilla)

I've never played BB because I don't own a PS4, but will soon.

I swear if it isn't the best game ever made that sucks my dick while I play it I'll never take you guys seriously again.

Uh.... have you played SOFS?
Thought so.

Keep on memeing.

I have always said that DS2 pvp was the best in the series.
And I will forever take that people like you are just shit at DaS1 pvp and couldn't figure out the most basic mechanics the babbling retards you are. DaS2 pvp was utter shit on release, and its remained shit to this day. Muh 6 million balance patches only shifted usage of cancer meta weapons, but the core physics and mechanics remain total garbage.
As a shit cherry on top lies some of the worst design decisions ever made: no full orbs and SM matchmaking.

>game is all grey
>they release a update at full price as if it were a new game but now it have colors and swapped enemy and item placements
>think this is somehow good

So you didn't play it then?

Thanks for confirming. Opinion discarded.

Didn't SOTFS actually make a lot of lighting in the game less colorful? And it still has a bunch of dull bad lit areas

before bb, i was in a real rut. i dont think i finished a single game in like 2 years before i got bb. once i bought it, i played through the main story, did literally everything there is to do, and i thought i was gonna be done with it. but once i beat the last boss, i just made a new character and kept playing with a new build. bb really got me back into games.

wew lad

I'm on my 4th character in DaS3 and feel very much the same way you just described. Once the PS4.5 launches I'm hoping to recreate the same feelings with BB.

I didn't like it either, the setting isn't for me. I prefer dark fantasy over sickdark victorian. The weapons were also really limited and the pvp was shit.

I still like Dark Souls 1 the best but it's ridiculously broken. Poise is absolutely overpowered and looking how broken Havel's Ring and Ring of Favor were back then you could wear even the heaviest armor and still light role trough the game.

i am not that guy but i played it you retard and it was shit


DaS > BB > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

Dark Souls 2 is the worst, now and forever.

While I had a unique and incredible experience with DeS when it came out in the west I don't see how DS3 is worst.

I don't have to apologize.I was never on the DaS3 bandwagon to begin with.The moment i saw the animations and that animu feel of them i knew that the game was going to be shit.

If you want a game with a tight balance then play some action game. RPGs are the one genre where worrying about balancing too much makes for a bland, forgettable game.

The animations in 3 are thousands of times better than the ones in 2.

Remove the line about rats and no one can tell what soul game you're talking about

In this case being completely broken makes the already bad second half of Dark Souls 1 even worse and more forgettable. I will hold off on my general opinion till the DLC for Dark Souls 3 is out though since the DLC for dark souls 1 was honestly only highlights from start to finish.

Did we play the same games?DaS3 feels like japanese trash.DaS2 feels like a proper game.

>bad second half of Dark Souls 1

Why do people suck DeS's dick so much? I played it a couple of years ago when this place kept saying it was still the best title and, while it was alright, it was nothing special. I know it came first and is the template for the soulsborne franchise but honestly compared to DaS it felt like a chinese bootleg version of DaS. Soundtrack was ass too. Its only quality that stands out is the atmosphere in some places and even then DaS still did that better.
Enlighten me plz

Are you insane? Even the character moves in a shit way in 2, everything is off. DeS, DS1 and 3 all have similar type of animations so you can fuck off you bioware shill.

Artorius of the Abyss > DaS 1 before endgame + Dukes Archives > BB > Dark Souls 2 SOTFS > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 1 endgame > Dark Souls 3 infinite stamina bosses

More like the last 1/4. The fact its so short, is what saves it from being terrible.

good taste

I actually fell for the DSII is bad meme, for a while I too used to put it at the bottom of my rankings.

Last week I started playing DSII again after feeling DSIII was lacking somehow and because in my original run of DSII I never got around to doing the DLC areas.

I was amazed by how much more there is to this game than DSIII, it's not as polished as Bloodborne but you can tell much more effort went into making it. What's more, it's so much more fun to play.

I'm sorry DSII, I was wrong about you all along.


>DeS, DS1 and 3 all have similar type of animations
>if it feels similar it must be good
kill yourself console turd

The second half is exactly where the poor balance matters the least because you are fully upgraded at that point, so difference in power is pretty negligable compared to the early game. Look at it this way, sequence breaking to get good gear, upgrade materials and embers early isn't balanced, but it sure as fuck is fun. Making insanely powerful builds is very fun too.

But why? 3 is the best in the series. And I never said 2 was bad, just not enjoyable as the others.


Most fun pvp (not most balanced)
Best gimmick bosses
OST is on par with DS1
Best hub
Best NPCs
Best atmosphere and visual level design

Dark Souls 3 has a lot of similar animations because they could not finish revamping all of them.
Some of the new animations, like Swords and Daggers are completely insane.
Then we got the weapons who got to keep their animation, but got speed up. I.E Axes and Rapiers.

Then we got Spears, who are a 100% Dark Souls 1 carry over, but with enemies that recover and moves 2x faster. The spears are practically useless.

>it's a DaS2 did nothing wrong episode

How many times are you going to make this thread? People who dislike DaS2 aren't going to change their minds, and people who like DaS2 have no reason to apologize in this thread.

For every terrible decision Dark Souls 2 made, the fact remains: Unpatched it was one of the few games where you can play as a Faith character, and go full faith very very early. After one of the first bosses even.

Compared to
>No, did we mention all the damage spells are located in the last part of the new game


If i have to say good things about DS2 it would be powerstance, bonfire ascetics, the broken early game bell tower pvp and these chicks

>bad second half of Dark Souls 1

The whole game is bad

>needing stat investment for something based specifically on reaction time

>so disappointed with Dark Souls 3 that I want the souls series to end and either make a new series or a Bloodborne 2

I feel like Dark Souls 3 was solid as fuck but had the least amount of highlights.

1 had an incredible amount and even Dark Souls 2 had a little bit more even if the game had the most flaws and is ultimately worse.

ds2 fans will defend this

>dont level adp
>game is broken and you get hit by things that should not hit you
>level adp
>game is broken and things that should hit you dont hit you
everything about it its retarded and you are retarded
>hey what about you give a soul, and then you are invincible for more time when you roll and backstep, what about that
who the fuck thought this would be a good idea

>needing stat investment for something based specifically on reaction time

You mean like raising endurance so you can fastroll in heavy armor?


I have never invested a single point in ADP and have never had any trouble clearing DSII.

Never used a shield either, so I didn't just block as an alternative.

Are you him?
How does it feel to be playing DaS2 on a toaster?

AotA has really bland design. I mean the bosses are great, but everything else is shit.

>>dont level adp
>>game is broken and you get hit by things that should not hit you
more like get hit by things that SHOULD hit you

>>game is broken and things that should hit you dont hit you
so like DS1?

>hey what about you give a soul, and then you are invincible for more time when you roll and backstep, what about that
>who the fuck thought this would be a good idea
The morons who came up with "hey what about you give a soul, and then you can hold a sword that for some reason requires intelligence to swing properly"

That's not the same thing. There are alternatives to heavy armour that still allow you to fastroll but every character starts out with a shit amount of i-frames no matter what.

AotA is 4 medium areas with 3 great bosses.
Compared to Lord Souls areas: 1 great area and 6 short and shit areas.

AoTA has the advantage of not overstaying its welcome.

>don't level vig
>game is broken and you get killed by things that should not kill you
>level vig
>game is broken and things that should kill you don't kill you

You're retarded. The only thing ADP did was make PvP level brackets about 20 soul level's higher.

I love the PvP and DeS is my favorite game, but in a lot of ways it's awful.

Just out of the list there, the NPCs are worse than DaS and the atmosphere and level design is strictly worse than BB. Like all of the Shrine is awful, the drawbridge is shit, the swamp is shit, and Stonefang is generic Dwarfshit Thaigs/Deeproads from fucking Dragon Age.

Can't tell which is worse. DaS2 apologists or MGS4 apologists after Phantom Pain was released.

Wow, it's like they're supposed to be weak and bad at fighting at the beginning

DaS2 has:
>best PvP by a longshot
>best weapon variety
>actually balanced magic
>best armor variety
>most content
>most replayability

>b-b-but muh SM that only matters if I play for 400 hours I want poisestabfests and r1 dark sword ganksquads get gud muh beeteem

Just how shit does someone's taste have to be to consider the pile of dogshit that was DS2 a good Souls game? Or is this just hipster contrarianism?

>ADP 9
I wouldn't go that high personally.

I first played on PS3, but I'm playing through SotFS on PS4 now.

Keep moving those goalposts, bud.

>more like get hit by things that SHOULD hit you
like the webm i posted champz?

no its not you dont even know anything about the game you are defending you retard

>hipster contrarianism?
>DS2's superiority is universally agreed upon
>a few loudmouth hipsters disagree

Considering DaS1 is literally half a game and DaS3 is shit, I'd say it's the best Souls game

ADP doesn't have shit to do with most of the dodges in that webm tho. It affects rolling iframes and only those. Dodges from weapon movesets are just timing and luck

>weapon moves

pick one

>I wouldn't go that high personally.
Neither would i but i started as a knight so this is his base ADP.

Clerics start with 4 and depraved with 6.
I really like great hammers lately.

>universally agreed upon
>there's a huge part of the Souls community that like every other game better
>but us DaS2 players, we're the majority yeah yup uh-huh

FFXIIIfags are getting kind of annoying lately.

"Muh lore" doesn't excuse the fact that needing to put points into a stat to get better at magically roll through things is dumb.