Can we all just agree Tracer is the most annoying character in Overwatch?

Can we all just agree Tracer is the most annoying character in Overwatch?

>Le teleport all over the fucking place

Other urls found in this thread:

*teleports behind you*

le cheers luv

insert meme that baselessly trivializes her abilities and characterization here

I'd say she's definitely a bit too powerful. Her blink needs a longer cooldown.


>blink makes her a super difficult target to hit

>high DPS and amazing mobility

>Can just say fuck you and get out of a fight, restoring all health, and regaining a blink in the process

>trap time bomb

Only thing I want nerfed on her really is that fucking ultra build up time. This bitch gets one for every 2 kills it seems.

But OP, why would you hate best girl?

Tracer and Mei definitely.

>use 3 blinks in a row
>by the time you use the third, the first is already back off cooldown

C U N T character. Thankfully she's about as durable as a wet paper bag.

She is like those annoying TF2 scouts that are impossible to hit with the difference any brain-dead player can learn to play like that with tracer

Use Winston or McCree

>see a road hog all alone
>he tries shooting at me and tries to hook me
>teleport all around him
>start running away and he gives chase
>rewind and I'm suddenly behind him
>stick him with a grenade and blink out

Tracer isn't great but she is a shitload of fun to play as.

That's all you want nerfed? That's it? Not the fact she can blink every two fucking seconds which LITERALLY makes her immune to damage?

Fair enough, she has the lowest health in the game; but the fact she has such high DPS AND is able to randomly transfer herself from one place to the other, then essentially heal herself with that dumb time travel shit, is more than enough to make her OP.

Fuck Widowmaker
Marry Mercy
Kill Tracer

>be widow
>see tracer
>memorize her movement pattern
>she steps into my venom mine
>turn 180 degrees and aim where she was 3 seconds ago and shoot her in the dome
>tracer calls me out for aimbotting

It reminded me of this

it's so satisfying to flashbang that bitch then dig 6 holes in it. tracer is ass



>Drop your ult in the middle of a group of people for an insta 3+ kills

I hope people realise how much of a shitter Reaper is purely for his Ult. I'm fully expecting a nerf by the release or shortly after. It's completely stupid you can press a single button and kill a bunch of people.

he is really easy to kill out of a teleport because there is some lag time where he is still in the animation. I use that opportunity when I play mei to freeze him.

Try playing overwatch as a team game

>Use your invulnerability ability to move in on people
>Immediately drop your ult
>Kill everybody

Yeah, nah, It's getting a nerf. That combo is stupidly OP.

You literally get an announcement when that happens and he becomes super vulnerable.

What's broken about him is fucking everything else. The ratio of the damage he does to the amount of ehalth he gets is nuts. And the fact that he heals from kills just makes it worse. Then there's his wraith mode, allowing him to just limp away if you even manage to get him low, AND HE CAN FUCKING PICK UP HEALTH PACKS IN THIS FORM. And if wraith mod is on cool down he can just fucking teleport away. Fuck this cunt

Does "team game" mean you can use whatever the fuck your main is, and everybody else needs to pick someone else? I feel it is.

Was a part of a 6 man Tracer team once. Was fun as fuck, the enemy team had no idea what to shoot at.

I literally couldn't understand she was saying this until now.

If anyone is broken in this game it's Mei, it's just fucking hopeless to 1v1 her. Even if you do put her to low health she gets all of her health back with her iceberg ability. Reaper can be a bitch, but he's sooo fuckin easy to counter.

Her ulti needs a cast time or something, it's literally the best one in the game right now. There is absolutely zero chance to react to it, the best thing you can hope for is having a Lucio on your team with ultimate up at the same time who can estimate when a Tracer will zip in to place her bomb and pop his shield a second before.
I've done this several times and never, ever, got a play of the game for it even though I'm positive at least one of them would have netted her a triple kill on the objective point in a king of the hill match. Didn't even get me a personal highlight, which is silly.

I don't know man I find her more annoying than anything but shes pretty squishy. If she freezes her self just camp her ass. If you cand o enough damage you can even smash the ice and kill her

Yeah, it's like some retards saw the dodge system from UT2k4 and thought "this is a step in the good direction but not nearly far enough" and came up with an instant blink system.

This pretty much. Most ultimates have huge audio and visual cues, or significant drawbacks. But her ultimate is just an instant death to whoever she targets, possibly for more than one person if they are bunched up.

Her fucking voice makes me want to put a knife in my ass.



Why is he so based though?

>Healing ability
>Lock-on style ULT
>Can sprint

Tracers bombs don't even kill tanks.

>Play genji
>see tracer
>Throw shuriken head shot rapid slash forward turn around melee for a kill
Why is genji so perfect?

>want to play reinhardt because im a tank
>EVERYTHING outkites you
>e is hilariously easy to dodge
>realise im an eternal meatshield
>charging is 100% useless if not suicide outside of extremely narrow corridors
atleast his melee does some damage when it does come to a brawl

>mei freezes herself
>walk behind her and aim at head
>be gud and know timing on freeze
>fucking unload into her skull as soon as it drops
>free frags

Did you just add "le" to that to make it seem worse?

The argument is weaker as a result of this stupidity.

>Hurr durr mei is broken I can't fight her at close range where she excels
>Better not switch characters and keep trying to melee her

Every thread

eva get that feelin of deja vu?

>know timing on freeze
Too bad freeze can be freecanceled at any moment. Have fun pubstomping bads, I guess.

I fire E out as much as possible at locations where I think the enemy will be, it works well for chokepoints
Charging is good when the other team has started to try ignoring you to focus on damage dealers, suddenly there's a giant hammer slamming them in the back or even at least a distraction that usually works on newer players / squishy characters

I like Tracers because they're made of paper, when one becomes too obnoxious I just switch to based hog and hook the bitch to death until she switches
McRee however has no fucking counter, fuck that fag

I only got killed 3 times by Tracers over the course of the weekend and they were all via sticky bombs. Probably wouldn't have even been that high if I didn't have a match where the opposing team went all Tracer.
She's fairly useless in an objective based game like this too. Can't cap or hold down anything.

a zarya can save someone from dying with her shield if they're quick on the uptake

Nah. Genji or Widowmaker. Genji a DPS with the best defensive skill in the game on top of 2nd best mobility then Widowmaker with being best sniper, great long range/mid skirmisher, her anti-fun ult, and stupid grappling hook.

>Get hooked
>Fan the hammer
>Fan the hammer

Nothing personnel, pardner

My favorite thing about this game is that people want literally every character nerfed lol. Everybody has 1 unique character they hate, their counter. All 21 characters, everybody wants at least one of them nerfed.

She's got a nice "arse"

But she has 300 health, senpai.

>realise im an eternal meatshield
You're a tank. That's your job, you idiot.

She's a cutiepatootie. Would do terrible things to her.


McCree counters her so hard.

Get gud yall

Are you mentally retarded

She sounds exactly like Emma Blackery

Easily the best damage, but so fucking bland and boring. Nothing he has synergizes. Just a bunch of good stuff thrown onto a generic wrpg lead.

His ultimate is one of the easiest to stop. A hook from roadhog immediately ends it lol

>McRee however has no fucking counter, fuck that fag
He does seem like a legitimate balance issue at this point. He is strong at mid range (even long range really, 35 isn't bad damage for his gun being perfect accuracy), but his only counter in close range is multiple people that are spread out. And even then he can usually still kill one and roll out and end up on even footing with the second.

It's a bit of a problem that he can end any tank instantly with no counter play other than to kill him before he knows you're there, or D.Va E - which if it's one on one he'll just play it slow and bait it out.

Reaper, a specifically close combat only hero loses to him in every situation other than the McCree standing still and getting shot in the back of the head at point blank.

No, I'm not native english speaker.

Does that work for you?

She gets countered in the same way the Scout got countered in tf2.

Sentry guns. AoE damage (junkrat or pharah are both really scary) or stun wombo combos (Mcree, Roadhog, Junkrat)

>doesn't know the difference between teleportation and blinking.

kill yourself casual low IQ mongrel, subhumans like you ruin gaming.

This. Tracer is perfectly fine. She is made out of paper, has plenty of counters and has relatively low DPS if she's not up-close.

>She's fairly useless in an objective based game like this too. Can't cap or hold down anything.

Not everyone's role is to group up in the objective area.
I would never ever step on the area as Pharah either other than to get overtime. It's better to bombard the path from their spawn to the objective and then harass them while they're trying to cap.

Actually holding and capturing is a job for the tank and maybe his healer.

*teleports behind you*

Nothin personal, luv

no, and you are an utter fool to seek agreement on the internet.

tracer is also a high skill cap character

*and unsheathes katana*

>Be Junkrat
>Put bear trap and mine infront of enemy spawn and hope that someone steps on it killing them
>Enemy Tracer spawns and dies JUST from the trap
Now I have no thing to do with my mine, thanks alot bitch.