Screenshots thread?

Screenshots thread?

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>been playing all kinds of games on a PC I got over a month ago after not having one for years
>have literally not taken 1 screenshot
I even have Shadowplay. Is it good to record with?

this thread is pretty sad OP
here have a post
have a nice day friend


Shadowplay is past, get nVidia Share. And yes, it's the best recording software available.

Yeah I use shadowplay myself

Thanks user

>get nVidia Share
Never heard of it, what does it do that Shadowplay doesn't?

That's the first I've heard of that. What's the difference?

most pointless screenshot ever


So is your life.

>his life is a screenshot
Sick burn

I showed my friends my terrible score (and how much Harden scored)

That screenshot probably has more points than any current screenshot in this thread based on that alone.

Is this actual framerate? It's much higher than what it was at launch.

delete this





It's an update version of Shadowplay, can capture screenshots and has better customization/settings, also has an in-game overlay so you don't need to exit out to customize/change settings.





bye bitch


i thought this was monster hunter at first glance. how is the game?


It's sped up



How do I get screenshot points?




sick bloom

I forgot that there's also two enemies to the right outside the screen here.
Good level design guise


Here comes the Dark Shit pics


why is cages name censored? what is this heresy?

nah, just terrible "design". it was a bit easy before the SotFS release, but that's just shit

because from

That fucking search light.
How is the heli supposed to land with that thing attached?

Literally worse than skyrim

What game is this? UI and graphics kinda remind me of Dark Messiah.

10 enemies that you would deliberately have to sprint around the room for to aggro all.

10 enemies that die in 2 hits and take ages to stand up.

You would have to be an incompetent remtard to die in that room. The only real bullshit "lots of enemies" bullshit is the place when you pull the lever and 6 enemies drop in.


no bully pls

Gothic 3 my man


if you go straight in that pic you aggro four people. if you go right you aggro three. if you try to go past into the next room/ladder you aggro four aswell. It's still terrible design by souls standard


I thought the Gothic games used 3rd person camera. Is it a mod or something? I much prefer open world RPGs and the such in first person.

That's amazing graphics for a 2006 game

You'd aggro the one enemy that's closest to you, presumably you would stop at this point.

If you don't then you deserve that death.

you can "play" gothic 3 in first person
its very wonky

you're assuming i die in that room or rush through. i'm saying it's terrible design, that's all.


It's okay, definitely one of the more involved MMOs I've played in terms of combat.

You can't fuck a tree




Man I miss gore in vidya



>want to replay oblivion
>remember oblivion gates





Here's some prime gore

Watch dogs really isn't a bad game is it?


That's gore too, for graphicsfags

It is.

Yeah well, both the car and the map are mods.



It grew on me thanks to modding


So what do i need to make the game look this good?

Yea Gothic3 is beautiful. At the time of release it required a beastly pc to run.
Great game too, don't believe the anti-hype.
It's just like Gothic2, but on a way bigger scale.
I picked it up this year loved the shit out of it





More like
>want replay oblivion
>remember I have to do a day of modding to get it to run like I want
Oblivion gates you can just close with a console command or not even start the main quest in the first place.

Do you have a mod list OP? Watchdogs doesn't look half this good for me on Ultra. It might actually be worth roaming around in if it looked like this


why no CM mod?

Thanks mate. This is definitely making the game interesting enough.

Fucking great trailer too.




Do you actually run the game like this?

Yep see
