There are grown men excited for a new pokemon game

>there are grown men excited for a new pokemon game
explain yourselves, Sup Forums

The franchise is super-old.

It's nostalgia.

Personally I got bored with Pokemon fast.


>there are grown men excited for videogames

>there are grown men

>inb4 cuckposter

>there are men on Sup Forums
who /fetus/ here

Who says I'm a man?

What is a man?

Fetusbro checkin in

videogames are just a hobby like any other, like watching tv. but if you watch tv, are you going to be watching nick jr at the age of 25?

>there are fetuses on Sup Forums
who /homunculus/ here

Let's not apply maturity arguments to fucking vidya of all things

film fans still enjoy the occasional pixar film

literature fans still enjoy the occasional childrens book like harry potter

Because those have actual interesting stories, Pokemon does not. Try again.

It is definitely a problem. as /vp/ exists and everyone who wants to talk about Pokemon on Sup Forums can simply go there and discuss the games amongst all their fellow fans.

That's why /vp/ exists, right?



oh shit i totally forgot to kill myself today.

People don't play pokemon for the story though

>Ask my cousin loli if she likes Pokemon.
>user-nichaan, what's a pokemon?

Pic related.

>not just liking what you like

If I liked Pokemon, I would be excited too.

I like weed and music now, so I get giddy about those things.

i don't know why im on Sup Forums

You really think I'm going to miss my lil bill reruns at any age I get? You're out of your mind.

You must be at least 18 to post here.

>Sup Forums
>grown man
this place is filled with manchildren

One look at those starters killed any interest I had. Hopefully the porn will still be good.

And grown women too.

I don't have anything against the people who play them but I just can't understand how can they not realize its just the same game with a different coat of paint

Who the fuck even is that kid?