Which game allow me to use this bad boy with one hand Sup Forums ?

Which game allow me to use this bad boy with one hand Sup Forums ?

Bonus point for cool reloads

RE5 has a triple barreled shotgun thgat chris uses with one hand

Far Cry blood dragon has a good one

One for each hand with the akimbo powerup

this game right here.

Evil Dead Fistful of Boomstick

Red dead redemption and the Last of us


fallout 2
fallout 3
fallout NV
Bioshock 2

Modern Warfare 2 had the Rangers.

DMC (the good ones not DmC)

Fistful of Frags

GTA San Andreas once you reach the final expertise level with them, you can dual wield one in each hand.


Fallout 3/newvegas/4(?)
Call of Juarez: bound in blood/gunslinger
Mad max

The game may be mediocre, but it sure has some really fucking strong sides. Shotgun is one of them.

>mfw cj shooting sideways gangsta style with a shotgun

>Upgrades add stupid shit to it

only the larger magazine

the damage upgrade only cuts down the barrel

Idk user, the CURAAAZY rotating barrels are pretty cool when you think about it.

Maybe not as sexy, but cool.

Nobody puts a gun to your head and forces you to buy the magazine upgrade.

I'm having a blast right now.

Doom 2

The gameplay is good.
It does get repetitive super fucking quickly.



You can dual-wield them too, and you reload by spinning it in your hand

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.

Unfortunately, as a late upgrade, but it's totally worth it for the train levels alone.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Doom 2 with the Trailblazer wad

Excellent taste on both accords user

Holy fuck was it overpowered in multiplayer.

Total overdose. A gunslinger's tale in Mexico

Far Cry: Blood Dragon KIND OF I THINK. He rested it on his robot arm but i cant remember if it was a futurey shotgun or not soz

Timesplitters lets you dual wield them for double the fun

That was a good one.

How do i disable DOF in the game completely? I hate the effect, and in MM it is especially shitty made one.

Snake shoots with one hand, you also have various types of ammo


Using dual double-barrels with infinite ammo you can explode pretty much any car in less than 3 seconds, it's insane

it's not soz. it's lever action.

GTA Online

>tfw no more updates never ever

With one hand? FF XII.

Dark souls 2

>Bonus point for cool reloads

I got you covered man

Max pain 3

Total Overdose is the first game that came to my mind. You can actually dual wield them and do slow mo stunt kills with them, which is tons of fun.
You should check it out, it's a mix of Max Payne + GTA in Mexico. Oh, and it also has quite a few kickass soundtracks.



MW2 if you count Akimbo, shit was great but 1887s were king

>pumps after each shot

Hombre from Call of Juarez 2

nigga you aint the only one played it you were acting like you were a special snowflake in the last thread i saw this shit game in

stalker has some 2 barreled shotguns

How come nobody mentioned the punisher?

>pumping animation
>fires 2 shots and loads shells from the breech

This is the very first time I mention Total Overdose in Sup Forums, what are you even talking about?

Because he has no good vidya.


Gears of War 3

Demonsteele WAD for Doom has a leveraction double barreled shotgun.
Pretty rad.

EYE Divine Cybermancy has one, but it's literally the worst weapon in the entire game.

Killing Floor 1 has a pretty fantastic one.