Fuck, Kiss, Marry, Kill
Fuck, Kiss, Marry, Kill
Kiss the report button, marry the sage. That's about it.
Fuck, Tracer
Kiss, D.Va
Marry, Mercy
Kill, Widowmaker
Fuck D.Va
Kiss Tracer
Marry Mercy
Kill Widow
what's up with tracer's hand
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck and Fuck.
Fuck Widowmaker, kill Tracer, kiss D.VA, marry Mercy.
I don't know who they are, but here goes.
Fuck -The brunette one in the blue/pink suit.
Kiss - The dark elf one.
Marry - Robotic Angel.
Kill - Orange one, I guess.
How'd I do?
The only correct answer.
Fuck Widow, Kiss D.Va, Marry Mercy, Kill Tracer.
This is the correct list, if you disagree your opinion is wrong.
Fuck: Widow
Kill: Tracer
Kiss: D.va
Marry: Mercy
Where is Mei
Mah nigga
>western "games" have now devolved to waifu-bait
How the mighty have fallen, huh?
Fuck: D.va
Kiss: Tracer
Marry: Mercy
Kill: Widowmaker
This is the only correct order.
Kill then fuck and kiss D.Va
Marry Mercy
Fuck Mercy, kiss Tracer, marry D.Va, kill Widowmaker.
This. Patrician taste. Be sure to have plenty of babies with Mercy as well.
>kiss (her vajayjay)
>No Mei
Fuck widowmaker
Marry mercy
Kiss tracer
Kill dva
fuck Widow
Kiss Tracer
Marry D.VA
Kill Mercy
then mercy revives herself and fucks me
>No Mei
I'd Meirry Mei, fuck the rest.
That's a dismissive "fuck", not a sexual "fuck".
> Eastern "games" have now devolved into waifu bait.
I don't need a pic. You're on Sup Forums.
Fuck Amelie
Kiss Lena
Marry Angela
Kill Hana
Widowmaker: Kill
Tracer: Marry
D.Va: Kiss
Mercy: Fuck
Marry DVA
Fuck widow maker
kiss tracer
kill mercy
No symmetra either
Shit list is shit
>then mercy revives herself and fucks me
Mercy can't res herself user.
Fuck Mercy
Kiss Widowmaker
Marry D.Va
Kill Tracer
Fuck Widomaker
Kiss Tacy
Kill D.VA
Marry Mercy
>wanting to marry Mercy
Do you want to get cucked by the dwarf?
>wanting a pooinloo
What's the point, she'd be a kill for everyone.
Fuck Kiss Marry D.Va.
Kill everyone else.
fine she rezzes widow after I'm done with her
point is I'm fucking all of them
But you're missing a few girls.
literally the only correct answer.
dva fags are true cancer
>I will never stop projecting my lust for manlet cock onto girls to hide my gay feelings
marry pharah, JUSTICE rest
>Getting cucked by a Swede
Die Widow
Die Tracer
Die D.va
Die Mercy
>all these people wanting to marry mercy
Best girl confirmed.
Fuck black widow
Kiss Mercy
Marry Pharah
And kill Tracer
This, the only sad part is losing out of Widow's damn good ass, but it's acceptable.
I dont know why I replied to a post ;_;
>kill blackwiddow
ya ur high dude, you're telling me you dont wanna hit that booty everynight after she fucking murders somone?
ur crazy dude
>Not wanting to marry farah
exactly what i was going to say
Fuck in every hole
Fuck in every hole
Fuck in every hole
Kill because her hairstyle and Lightning sized ass kills my boner and vengeance must be had.
topest of tiers.
I like playing as DVa, but her fucking voice is insufferable. Everything would be awful.
Kill Tracer
Kiss D.Va
Fuck Widowmaker
Marry Mercy
Those last two choices were hard.
>Everyone wants to marry Mercy
You're good people.
Kill them all.
Except Pharah, she is literally the definition of perfection.
patrician taste
What's the deal with these chicks? Is overwatch supposed to be progressive because it has women in it? Even though they are only for wank-fodder?
>uuuur duuuur i'll just pretend I don't know overwatch by saying things like "dark elf one" and "robotic angel" so I can look edgy uuuur
why is the first post always the best
mods please
>Is overwatch supposed to be progressive
get out
>marrying a shitskin
first you need to teach her and Symmetra to go poo in the loo
Marry D.Va
Kiss Mercy
Fuck Tracer's stupid whore face
Kill whatever her name was, probably not important.
Flawless taste right here
I'm into scat user
Fuck Tracer
Kiss Mercy
Marry DVa
Kill Widow
This desu.
Sure is. About as progressive as mythology dealing with gods and goddesses.
fuck - widow
kiss - d.va
marry - mercy
kill - tracer
Fuck widowmaker
Kiss widowmaker
Marry widowmaker
Kill the others.
Fuck Widowmaker.
Kiss Mercy.
Marry D.Va.
Kill Tracer.
Sorry, I'm not into girls with a boy's haircut.
>western shit
>western shit that is also 3dpd
The correct answer is
Marry D.VA
Fuck Widowmaker
Kiss Mercy
Kill Tracer
>fuck mech ass
>kiss tomboy ass
>marry angel ass
>kill fat ass
>rain from the sky
Marry Mercy
Kiss Tracer
Fuck Dva
Fuck Widow in the ass
Get fucked in the ass by Pharah
Poo on Symmetra
Zarya gets to watch
Kill Mei
>A D.VA taller than 4'6 with some actual curves
This I would love.
>Is overwatch supposed to be progressive because it has women in it?
What? Of course not.
>No Pharah
>No Mei
come on negro
I want to eat Symmetra and Mercy shit!
Fuck: Mei
Kiss: Pharah
Marry: D.Va
Kill: Tracer
I want Mercy to be my mummy, I want her to tuck me in at night after reading a story and kissing my forehead and saying "Gute Nacht mein kleiner Engel". I want her to worry about me when I am sick and make me soup and nurse me back to health, I want to snuggle her when I have horrible nightmares. I want her to hold me.
>thinking a game is progressive because it has women in it
What the actual fuck is wrong with you people.
>Not wanting to breed short girls
It doesn't matter, either's fine.
Fuck D.va
Kiss Tracer
Marry Mercy
Kill Widowmaker
Marry Mercy
Fuck Widowmaker
Kiss Tracer
Kill the other one
The only good thing to come out of overwatch is the porn.
You mean a broken spine?
Kill Tracer, Kill D.va, Fuck THEN kill Widowmaker, Marry Mercy
all Sup Forums ever has been is shitty anime vidya waifu threads, western and eastern