DaS3's second half>>>>>DaS1's first half

DaS3's second half>>>>>DaS1's first half

Literally any platinum game >>>> any souls game except for Demon Souls

First half of DaS3 is dogshit though, at least I don't have to play through crap to get to the good parts of DaS.

Son, you just went full weeb

Why not just say 3 > 1, you sperg.

when does the second half starts exactly?

eww turn base

about half way through the game.

You mean the half that doesn't exist because the game ends before it happens?

and when is that? pontiff?

Entrance to Irithyll

when you marry Anri

platinum games is a shovelware studio

still not nearly as bad as DaS's second half.

probably wouldn't get as many (you)'s

nice meme

I actually hate DaS3 after Irithyll. Everything except for Lothric Castle.

The dungeons and the profane capital are shit.

I'm not playing this game again until poise is fixed and a widescreen fixer patch for 16:10 comes out.

Not really. Go back to dark souls 2, you scrub shitter.

DaS3's combat and movement>>>>>DaS1's combat and movement

I keep seeing this opinion posted

what is so bad about those areas? I now know that the people complaining about the jailers are retarded because they won't drain your health if your out of line of sight and I'm wondering if its the same retards saying that those areas are bad.

In any other Dark Souls game you know where the halfway point is because you've accomplished one task and are given another. DS1 gives you the task of killing the old gods of the world, and Dark Souls 2 sends you down to uncover the mysteries of what actually happened to Drangleic, as you retrace the steps of the King and try to figure out exactly what he was trying to do.

DS3's alleged halfway point is in Irithyl, but that means nothing to the average player because you aren't even done with half of what the game told you to do from the start. And then you beat the next two in rapid succession, which not only takes away the excitement from building up each boss's mythos over the course of multiple areas but completely fucks over the pacing and gives the player no time to rest or stew on any of the information they might have absorbed. None of your actions are ever given any context, because once you're done with what it asked of you the game actively gives you no time to reflect on those actions.

Dark Souls 3 doesn't have a halfway point because it's literally half of a normal Souls game.

I shat on DS2 in this very thread, just because I don't say that 3 is perfect doesn't mean I'm a 2 shitter.

no clue but I was wondering about the jailers, are they buggy?

I saw them spray shit around sometimes and is this actually what should trigger the hp loss and did bamco fuck up?

because it didn't seem to do anything when I was walking around in that shit

The dungeons is a boring version of Latria, the capital in short and has boring ennemies, some of which are just sacks of hp.

Dungeons has no boss and the giant was meh at best.

>DaS3's combat

>Dark Souls 3 doesn't have a halfway point because it's literally half of a normal Souls game.

Please buy the season pass!

I thought you meant Platinum Games, like the studio. Then I looked up what they'd made and realized that couldn't be right as their games are average at best (with the exception of Bayonetta being pretty good).

What "platinum game" are you talking about? Like do you mean an award winning game of some sort?

Weapon Arts are pretty fucking gay. It's overall better but I wish they spent that time improving movesets. You ever noticed 1 and 2 handed heavy attacks are the same on just about every weapon?

the best combat in the series is in bloodborne

what kinda pisses me off though is the stuttering, I wanna finish the game but I get my ass stomped in because of the stutters

>Second half is best
>the half that has 3 gimmick boss fights, 2 of them being back to back

I want this meme to be buried

>Ancient Wyvern

They're not even back to back.

So I guess that means DeS is half a souls game as well right?