This is a Japanese robot

This is a Japanese robot.

Toasters aren't robots baka

This is a better robot

>no ass
Yep, definitely Japanese.

what do butts feel like

Salty milk and dollars

Robutt is best girl

>no ass

Cold metal

this is japanese AI

Why is she fat?

She seems to be missing io ports was she designed by Apple?

American Robots are cute

This is a Japanese Robot.

I don't think you're using that word correctly

Why is she healthy?

>Posting fan art to prove anything

Way to make a shit thread mate

what does Sup Forums think of monster robots?

This is a Japanese robot.


post more vidya robutts

these are all drawings tho

This is a Japanese robot.


i miss Virtual-On


This is Baba

I need background



He's fast, all you need to know

VERY fast turkroach running at incredible hihg speed

>All interaction with her is either killing her, or using her to throw a ugly ball
>She cost real money
>Need to pay real money for her several skins
>Not even fun to play
>Shit lore
>Story that will never advance
>No character building
Wew lad. You need to be 18+ to post here.