Thoughts on this game?
Thoughts on this game?
For PC?
isn't it only for pc?
I wish they could give a little bit more of gold per mision. other than that this game is really something else also I wish stop people from comparing the game with RNGstone just because a similar artstyle.
I suck at draft (dungeoneering)
I dunno, that's why I'm asking.
Thoroughly meh.
could you please explain.
Dunno, you gain gold for packs/dungeon faster than you get gold in hearthstone. And dungeoning is such bullshit if you can't get reliably attack up cards in your hand
Pretty good but got bored quickly for some reason
>jagex trying desperately to recoop money they wasted on that transformer moba
Same here, but it passed after I started to collect a handfull of cards and could play a varied amount of decks
apart of the base character decks what else I can build? what's the hot shit at this moment?
Got an aggro Variane deck that keeps pressure on my opponent, making them go defensive and then win since they achieve jack shit
Variane is the lady vampire right? I like to play with the blacksmith and forge a HUEG weapon but awe on me if I have to fight a raptor anyday.
She's the mage. Used to play all face but now just focus on surviving until late game while making mad money. Got a 70-80% winrate with the deck. i'll post it soon
ah the mage... I just can't stand her smugness. and Ozan (the thief) is suposed to be the annoying one.
I just play with the sound off and listen to music desu, just the same with HS
>tfw you asspull yourself through dungeoneering
Best feeling ever desu
any kind of basic guide line for dungeoneering?
I know that go tribal is a bad idea since you don't know if you will get the staples of some tribes like pirates.
Think going for money is the best tactic, since a lot of cards that show up costs a fuckton
someone be honest with me. jagex will fuck this up or not? how long until everything goes to hell?
Considering that jagex mods for chronicles listen as much to the community as for OSRS, I'd say there is a very little chance of this flunking
intresting. this kinda makes me want to stick around and see how this evolves.
Definitively. Jagex are hella based when it comes to the community. If they made a Dr. boom equivalent OP card and the community complained, I'm sure they would nerf it almost instantly
like they did to shield raptor isn't? Im not sure what happened here but I could have read so far applies to what you say.
>like they did to shield raptor isn't?
in summaary I just heard that people were complaining about shield hoarding raptor was too strong so jagex kinda nerf him. I don't much more about the case.
Oh yeah for sure, he could amass huge amounts of armour really quickly and then just instakill you with ease or survive the final battle with low attack
Variane user do you still here?
Yeah, sorry it took a while
do I have to aim for earthblast basically isn't?
why not use some scorpions there? I mean they are also basic for all classes if I remember well.
Three additional damage isn't really worth it since it gives no reward. Troll is there because it deals 4 and gives gold.
The goal is to use first two turns to build your hero with attack and gold. First round is dedicated to only carddraw and attack up (money from ali is third if both options are limited)
Later you play cards like mindbomb to draw extra cards and combo it with earth blast and shield dome. Also make sure to use weapons and mage of zamorak/duel at the same turn without losing too much money. Always prefer to use a turn only making money instead of making some money and then spend it all instantly. you'll be very handicapped the next turn over.
I see.
well since this is a dying thread and everything I have to ask. how much "copper" can I make in a single day? I mean a normal quest are 200 copper an epic is 1K and between matches you earn about ~75 (first, third and I think 5th victory of the day?) copper isn't?
I make a couple of thousand a day, maybe 2k - 2,5k but I also play like 4 hours. Going to play for a lot longer when I start streaming the game
I really love this game, feels like I'm making steady progression and enjoy every victory
Oh boy I envy you. I'm not fan of streaming but I wish you luck. well I think I've done everything I had to do.
your IGN if you don't mind?
Well, I'm still in rank 30's and I don't meet much resistance. Getting winstreaks and making 100 gold over and over is pretty easy. We'll see if it turns when I start getting into the higher ranks
nice to meet you then. I think I'll not going anywhere in the ranking until I build a collection but hey no one knows how long this beta will last so I have no hurry
I managed to snag the name of my waifu as my username by being invited into the beta
not playing the game though, just glad I protected my waifu from some faggot
Right back at you! Don't be afraid of playing ranked, between 50 and 40 people have jack shit worth of decks and the majority of people in higher ranks you play against are playing decks you can win against with a bit of skill and perception. It sucks a bit at first, but as your skill grows you'll start having a ton of fun fighting against a vast variety of decks. People can be hella fucking creative, you know?