How do you feel about pandering in videogames?

how do you feel about pandering in videogames?

She has more than one bosom?

She can transform into CPU form.

I like being pandered to.

Pandering is like going into a restaurant and instantly getting recognized by the waiter and offered your favorite dish. You'd have to be a tremendous faggot to throw the plate on the floor and exclaim "NO STOP PANDERING I NEED SOMETHING THAT CHALLENGES MY TASTEBUDS".

Depends how thirsty I am

I like pandering when the game doesn't take itself seriously.

I don't have a problem with that.

When did they stop calling it "fanservice"?

It stops being fanservice and starts being pandering when you don't like it.

it's 2016, dad

Depends on your definition of 'Pandering'. Having bit, luscious tits in a video game is not 'Pandering' it is giving the customer what he wants, or big muscles and groin packages for what she wants.

'Pandering', in my mind, is putting stupid shit in a game or taking out the fun, jiggly stuff to appease a whiney but vocal minority.

Tits and cute butts good, gender neutral faeries bad.

Sorry, should read 'BIG luscious tits'

I am just your mom's husband.
I am not your dad.

Whoa is this official?

Pandering is fine.



Because it's to multiple people and intended to be a selling point, it seems whorish. I only want pandering on a personal level, and on something of good quality even without it.

I hate any sort of pandering to be honest. It lowers the quality of the final product in both the artist's eyes and typically the consumers, at least those who aren't being catered to.



The people who hate shit like this are the type of people who meme irl and then post about how 'cringeworthy' it is to see people meme irl.

post uni

If you really stop and think, somebody somewhere is being pandered to no matter what.

Nep doesn't have a lot of pandering.

Holy shit.


NepNofuckingway, really?

It's not really a question of being pandered TO, it's a question of doing the panderING.

The thing everyone forgets is it's not just about giving the audience what they want, it's about giving the audience what they want, at the expense of artistic integrity.

To go with that other guy's food analogy, (because fucking EVERYTHING has to be a food analogy), it's walking into a resturaunt, being instantly recognized, and being given exactly what the chef thinks you want, as opposed to a dish the chef is passionate about and is waiting to serve to someone, but will likely never get the chance to.


Everybody gets tired of their favorite dish eventually.

Speak for yourself.

Games with no pandering as just pandering to anti-pandering fags.

Sometimes you just have to accept that you aren't the target demographic for some games.

Depends. Fanservice is okay depending on how serious the game is. But when it's blatantly using humor or references to pander towards a certain fanbase it gets obnoxious.
OP's pic is very relevant, but he chose the wrong line. The part where they say something along the lines of "Go back to neppit" is absolute cancer.

This is more or less how anti-panderingfags sound

the world needs more Iffy

"Pandering" is more than just fanservice. Every product panders to some audience.


It's made to appeal to certain audience that already likes that type of stuff, pandering isn't exclsuive to "pedo fanservice weebshit", AAA games do that too, why else do you think a crapton of western titles reuse the "former solder/mercenary/someother"badass" with sad past"? Because it panders to people

Everyone hates it unless it panders to straight men.

Sorry to sound like a SJW, but it's true. Sup Forums will literally complain about clothing added to a character so that the character doesn't look like a blank, textureless model.
lin from xenoblade anyone?

If you add more tits and less clothing then there'll be no complaints. Gamers are literally retarded and it's a shame decent people don't exist in this community.

Gee its like most of Sup Forums are straight white men...
This is like going to tumblr and saying that white men's opinions are the only ones that matter

Uni is such a little slut. And by little I mean huge. Every movement she makes is sexual. She is LITERALLY asking for it.

I love it when it pander to me

That image is fucking disgusting

>Neptunia U was all about trying to be a Senran clone
>Neptune and Nepgear get their usual stripes
>Everyone else gets white
>The Nep sisters alt colors are also plain white shit

Saddest platinum I ever got.

how so

I like it when games pander to me

But Uni is literally the purest Nep. Please don't spread nasty lies about her.



fucking slut

How can you not fucking love the Neps for stuff like this?


I don't dislike it, but worth pointing.


A big part of Sup Forums does though, and this series is one of the few (if not the only one), that's not an indie, that references Sup Forums.

Marvy cant transform dude. Shes just a ninja.

I love the series for other reasons, like pic related, but I can see why some would like/dislike things like that, to me it seems natural, it's parody of gaming and it's culture, so it's literally 2ch in japanese script, not much of a suprise they take reddit and Sup Forums as inspiration for english one, it still cracks me up how people spout shitty memes and then complain about memes in games though

>Nep is the only non-indie game to ever reference a chan

the english translation does, not the serie.

I never played these because I assumed they were trash. I have a friend who's into them and he has awful taste, so I assumed they were shit too.
I've been giving weeb stuff like this a shot recently though and want to give the series a shot. Where's a good place to start?

start with a small buttplug

You really did your best to misconstrue what that user wrote, didn't you?


Probably with re:birth 1

Re:Birth1 -> Re:Birth3 -> VII
Then it's up to you. You can check out the spin-offs then (or Re:Birth2 but it's not that good).

avatarfagging is not allowed on Sup Forums

thanks senpai

Thanks. I'll definitely give it a look.

Jesus christ.

There's a point where this shouldn't exist.

Since you're allergic to trash run while you still can. Re;Birth 1 on steam is the best start though for someone like you. If for whatever reason you manage to like it Re;Birth 2 is much different storywise and changes up the cast for 80% of the game. Re;Birth 3 brings it back. Don't ever touch the spin-offs. Ever.

V-II on PS4 (soon to be Steam) is genuinely the best Nep game there is gameplay and story wise but jumping right into that one you lose out on any characterization.

Now THIS is my fetish!

>IF got her own game before Vert

Alright cool. I heard good stuff about that one on PS4 and that's why I've been curious about it lately.

Sauce pls

Ok PC-only fags, here's how it works
V2 has a prologue with Nep, Gear and Uzume
Then a route split for all 4 CPU's that you can tackle in any order you want
And then a whole lot of stuff happens, like, A WHOLE FUCKING LOT
Also Nepgear is no longer a punching bag, which is sad
Also C-sha best -sha, and puts Vert to shame
>4 Goddes Online
>MMO setting
>Vert isn't the MC
All is right in the world

Fuck off with your 7-up meme faggot, its not funny it wont catch on

I thought hyperdevotion noire was nice to play.
Action unleashed wasn't that bad either, just over priced

>game that should be Vert's isn't

You know when people ask "have memes gone too far"?

This, this is when memes go too far.


It's ok when it panders to me.

Localization problem. Blame nickel


That sentence is literally only there because of us being a big buyer base

the translator is probably in this thread right now

>I've eaten pussy before
>I've sniffed panties before (on and off the girl)
>I've drank coffee before

Nothing wrong with it.

It's because there's a 80% chance there was 2chan in original script

>Nothing wrong with it.
then you're a pedo

IF should have been the first one to get a spin-off, tbqh

Pandering is fine. What's NOT fine is pandering and then getting assmad that people outside the demographic you pander to dislike the game.

You want to make a weeby tittygirl game to pander to weeb boys? That's cool, just don't get fannyflustered when Cucktaku and Polygon shit on it.
You want to make a Trigender-Disabled-POC-Owlkin simulator to pander to the Tumblr crowd? That's cool, but don't get sphinctersavaged when weeby or twitchy audiences don't buy it.

pandering is good if it means i can move my penis and feel good but big menie make bigger market and that makes me sad :(

>deflecting to pedophilia for no reason

>That's cool, just don't get fannyflustered when Cucktaku and Polygon shit on it.
There's so much wrong with this sentence I don't even know where to start

Everything in entertainment is pandering, that's what entertainment is all about. Why it's used only for sexual content on here just baffles me.

the girl in the picture is obviously underage

Not at the same time.

It's literally problematic and i just can't continue
Class A trolling, by the by.

No, you are just projecting like a little faggot

well it's also considered pandering if there's a black dude so i guess that says something about the people on /v