>RPG allows you to choose the gender of your party members
>Make them all ladies
RPG allows you to choose the gender of your party members
not even trying to be subtle, also how can you make a party of anything but all males? I just cant stop making party's of manly men ever since I played Wizardry
So no barneyfag post? I guess that's proof that he just makes his own threads to reply to them.
Dude, the proper party layout is 6 women and a shota, and you fucking know it.
Play Dragon Quest 3. It's the best game for that.
Best armor in the game is female exclusive and one of the best personalities for stat-ups is "Sexy" which is also female exclusive.
Name me one game that does that
Just fuck off with your shit already
I'm fucking dying.
Suikoden I-III
Its funny how three females and a male actually makes the best party from a gameplay standpoint. As if they were encouraging players to do that.
Nice attempt, but the best armors in most Wizardry games are female only. You didn't go through all the games with an all male party when you realized that.
Fake barneyfag
I'd really like it if Kiwi stopped shilling her shitty art on here already.
Is this meant to be a reference?
>Gender of your party members can be swapped out at certain points.
>Other characters who don't know this aspect will think that the genderswapped version is a fraternal twin or some such.
>OP is a Barneyfag
OP is barneyfag starting shit.
It is more exciting that way.
W-where's the non-worksafe?
Nope, not me.