Why is every Alex player such a shithead? Literally every single one of them will taunt once they stun you

Why is every Alex player such a shithead? Literally every single one of them will taunt once they stun you.

What is it about this character that attracts all the obnoxious cunts?

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Perhaps you are just bad senpai

Alex players are the same as we have always been. We are given a character that's extremely cool and has an awesome moveset, but is complete shit. Whenever we are doing well, it shocks us more than anyone else so of course we are going to get excited and taunt and do whatever else we can to enjoy the extremely rare moments of not being completely destroyed.

Are...are you mixing up his v-skill for his taunt?

are you sure that they aren't just doing their v skill animation?

because it's a free crush counter and wombo combo


I'm sitting here realizing I have never seen Alex's taunt so long into the game.

I think you're mixing up his arm swinging animation, which is his v-skill, which powers up his power bomb, for a taunt, OP.

Now this is how you bait replies. Well done I guess OP.

>People who confuse Mika's and Alex's v-skills with taunts
>They get super aggressive and eat a hard hit or meet Mika's super armor microphone

>people trying to claim that his v-skill is not also a taunt

it's a taunt powerup

Trying to pick up Alex to bridge the wait til Urien. My basic strategy goes thus:
>match start
>use either elbow or headbutt on start, depending on character
>do cross-ups with air light kick
>frequently command grab
>use charge stomp to get across stage, air grab opponent jumps alot
>use V-Trigger and try to parry everything when I get behind, depending on character
>go for light Flash Chop combos for easier links into YOU CAN'T ESCAPE
Is there anything I can improve upon? He's not one of the better chars in-game, but I see a lot of potential in him. Playing Mika's starting to bore me a bit too.

At ease loser.

His V skill looks like a taunt but gives you a free crush counter you fucking faggot. Quit getting stunned

st hp medium chop leaves alex at +3 if it hits and perfect range for any of his power bombs you can get it 8 out of 10 times unless the person you are fighting is really good at fighting alex and knows when you to reversal out of it.

on top of this if you get them stun in the corner I believe it is. V skill hk st hp elbow smash cr hp knee smash combos.

stay back and make them come to you unless it is someone like Dhalsim or Fang. Alex can play patiently well and out poke a lot of the cast with his cr mk st mk and cr mp.

Its ether bait or Op doesn't know his Vskill just looks like a taunt and makes his next attack a counter/crush counter hit even on stunned opponents letting him do combos that deal most damage to stunned opponents.

>Steam users report increasing amount of problems with online
>frequent disconnects, match data not being sent - all that good stuff
>Capcom announces server maintenance for tomorrow
They will do something about this shit, right?

Anyway, I play Karin, so Alex is no threat to me.

Taunts are different inputs than v skills so it's not a taunt

he has two taunts

Karin is not really a hard match up for Alex.
Thy are around even.
Also she has tons of easy to Parry moves leading in to some hard combos.
I am a gold level Alex if you want to see how its like to play vs actually skilled one say so.
My user on stem is DJukor.
Or if you are on PS4 its the same user in game.

But seriously anyone awake right now.
And wants to play some matches.
Location is not important.
Iv playd vs people in US and had better stable matches than playing some shihead from Italy who is stealing wierles on his toster that runs the game at 55 fps so it feels like i am plying vs a SF1 character.

In fact if booth players are not using wierles and have a stable connection the game runs better than SFIV even cross continental.

Don't know about any of this, man. I'm a Gold League Karin and I encounter trouble on 2 out of 10 Alex players maybe. And usually I beat one of them anyway.

Most of the better Alex players will play super defensively until they see an opening and then go to town after the knockdown.
>anti-airing with st. LP
>pokes using cr. LP/MP
>using Power Bomb after a combo at max range
That describes your playstyle, doesn't it?

Anyway, I'm taking a break from SFV until they finish server maintenance. You're from the EU, right? If so, we can play after server maintenance is complete.

Here's your (you)

not an argument

Yea EU