ITT: Most fun missions in vidya

ITT: Most fun missions in vidya

Late Checkout from GTA IV was fantastic

Other urls found in this thread:

The covenant from Halo 3

This and The Ark were fucking god tier, I love big levels with lots of vehicles.

Find the number ball from Yoshis island DS



how many scarabs?

The first half of that mission with flying really low and Ron bitching at you for going too high is shit.

The entirety of V was shit

/r/ing screencaps of some user challenging another user to get warthogs and a scorpion onto a pelican

Nice bait.
The thumbnail reminded me of the SA cargoplane mission, which was top tier.

What were the agents delivering?

You have to spend like 10 minutes flying a slow plane low to the ground before you get to the good part, and the good part is maybe 1 minute.

stealing the harrier in gtasa

>where you want this thing??
>what thing? i dont what you're talking about you stole it see ya around!

prove me wrong

I liked GTAIV's missions

Why didn't GTA V have any great missions besides the heists?

Chapter 15 - Under Attack - Save Fergus and Caroline from Engel

4's missions worked really well with the smaller LC environment (especially the ones in TBoGT).
I wanna replay it but I feel like the controls haven't aged well.

>especially the ones in TBoGT

The chinatown mission and the one where you parachute down into the hockey office were great. I really wish they actually made GTAIV somewhat challenging.

>great missions besides the heists?

because the online grind fest is based around one thing.

hint: rhymes with shmeist

>am I cool yet?