I start.
ITT: Games With 10/10 Atmosphere
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RDR got the west just right.
Even for a 20 year old I was still able to get sucked into it.
>game that isnt out yet
Kill yourself my man
Don't forget Ultima Underworld 3.
why keep living if you could never live in rabi-ribi
Maybe not the overall best title in the series, but the atmosphere was on point at every moment.
Pretty sure that even an autist could get that was a joke. So you must be retarded, fampai.
He could run, but with a bullet in his stomach like a broken bottle of Tabasco, he was quickly running out of time.
Mass Effect 1
It was a space joke, like, ya know... The Atmosphere...
This mofo right here
PS1 era games generally had GOAT atmosphere and i think its because:
1. technical lack left details for your imagination (ie: low draw distance)
2. general vibe of the 90's was a kind of strange atmospheric realism
3. games always have more atmosphere when they don't hold your hand
4. the art wasn't that pretty or stylized, just functional.. which made it seem more real and less hand-crafted deliberately for the player
new games feel more polished and crafted, but lose something with that..
Guild Wars
Going above ground was amazing
Yeah. Nothing was better than heading top side for the first time with your best buddy Bourbon.
Best Transformers game to date, it actually makes me FEEL like a transformer. That and the god tier sound design on weapons.
>tfw empty guild hall for years
If this doesn't make you wanna play it, I don't know what possibly could