What are some types of characters you want to see added to overwatch in the future?

What are some types of characters you want to see added to overwatch in the future?

a Greek one. since they have a Greek stage.

None because the cast is already bloated enough with certain characters skills and play-styles stepping on the toes of others.

Focus on the cast as-is and make them balanced, don't dilute the game even more.

5 more Australian characters all with the exact same Junkyard aesthetic

muh static cast

>Ult: pay debts

reminder that one of the first heroes they're releasing is ANOTHER sniper


I want to fuck that robot

we are paying demnpts. and we had the original spartans.
maybe some kind of athenian warrior with mythological skills. or too unoriginal.. i dunno how a character from Greece would be in Overwatch..
some punk with petrol bombs?

A hatchet-chucking Native American with a spirit animal ultimate

Some sort of spy class. I would imagine it could be hard to keep them balanced though

Madmax Hero when?

>contains new sounds
someone call up Karl Pilkington

We already have 2 of them

i just want to see how Sombra plays

We know she can aim down sights and has a rifle but how does that figure into being a support

There's nothing on how the new tank will play and I can't really think of new tank kits so Im interested in that too

How about a hero with the ability to sightjack other players and posses enemies for his ultimate?

He would look like this or something.

I mean Mad Max the character, to continue the aesthetic, would Roadhog be Lord Humongous, or could you make a new character?

I imagine it would be like the tf2 Sydney Sleeper.

Adds passive/timed effects to whoever is shot. Maybe it can heal team mates too

Super hot and busty redhead/blue-eyed teen girl that's heavy in gymnastic/parkour ability who gets marketed/previewed up to the point of annoyance only for her to turn into a teen boy every time she gets splashed with water in-game, which is NEVER shown before the character is released.

More robots

Cutie arms dealer that gives out weapon buffs and upgrades

give him greek food

A new support character or two. That's pretty much it

So which 2 are we supposed to get fairly soon after release?

Japanese idol singer who starts singing and dancing for her ultimate which makes people around her unable to move and start dancing for 3-5 seconds.

I want maybe one more bullet sponge tank. As it is, I feel like Zarya and D.Va don't really act as tanks. Zarya is more basic offense and D.Va acts more like a flanker.

A spy class that is a robot magician
Uses a wand which fires little plasma balls
Abilities include invisibility and a vlone decoy
Ult is him pulling a random debuf, or a bomb out of his hat (aoe)
He's a evil theif that is fueling the anti omnic politics

A very normal looking blond guy in a contemporary clothing (some kind of sweatshirt)

He he's blond haired and about 20 something years old, his name is Juan Tumani and he walks around eating cheetos. And gets cheeto dust everywhere.

His ultimate he goes "*urp~ uh oh... I had ONE TOO MANY...!" and vomits a gamma ray burst of orange anti-matter that obliterates everything in its path.

More robots
More gays
More niggers
More gay robot niggers
Less white cis scum

This is in every one of these threads and is never funny

Still a better attempt at humor than this guy

I want some non-human characters with different win conditions from the rest of the cast.

How about a LITERAL dinosaur that starts off as a little raptor that has to scavenge but eventually it grows into a FUCKHUGE T-rex, at which point it becomes completely unstoppable and cannot be damaged at all.

More supports, maybe like a bard hero whose abilities buff allies and debuff enemies.

>Primary: Crusader's Crossbow-like Dart Rifle. Rightclick aims down sights. headshots on Allies do double healing
>Ability 1: Tag an enemy with an health leech dart.
>Ability 2: Briefly Cloak. Cannot be tracked by Hanzo's or Widow's abilities. Cannot use any abilities during
>Ult: All allies' attacks leech health

I wasn't trying to be funny I was just eating cheez doodles and that was my honest opinion at the time.

I thought of something like that, like you could "infect" areas with debuffs like slowing, reducing damage inflicted, etc

I just want a fembot, like in the picture

that's all, than they can add all the dumb normal humans they want

A hero whose specialty is DoTs. I'm not sure if that has a place in a FPS (I guess Pyro kinda was), but I love DoT classes.

Guys... get this.

An ant.

You're really tiny, nobody can see you. You can climb on walls.

you have a tiny little gun that does very little damage but there's no way of telling where its coming from

For your ultimate everyone you shot with your little peashooter immediately explodes

A 9 year old boy who just runs around lighting everything on fire with a lighter and a spray can.

The fire spreads and grows on its own.

Ultimate gives him rollerskates.

I hope it is like reapers ability to consume souls but instead it automatically applies a strong aoe HoT to allies that are near an enemy you killed.

Will be like a support sniper but that would clash too hard with widowmaker to me.

I wanna see another war bot like Bastion, except for that it instead went haywire and wants to murder all squishies

A support that has a rifle similar to 76. They would have a short channeled heal that restores full hp but is cancelled on damage (triage), an ability that gives a short duration of infinite ammo with a slow effect for reduced damage (suppressive fire) and maybe an ultimate that supercharges another character momentarily (combat drugs). I'm seeing a female, Danish combat medic who was injured during the Omnic Crisis and put in stasis until now. Maybe she could work for Talon, so we'd have an 'evil' support.

I also want a huge chimeric Omnic abomination doombot tank.

I hope to god the robo in hood is Ana.

Speaking of which, the lore pretty much says that Talon is some kind of fuckhuge terrorist organization, yet only 1 character out of 21 is part of it.

More builder characters. Maybe a character that turns into a vehicle people can ride that offers protection similar to Reinhardt's shield, but above and in front and it uses your armor and health instead of a renewing shield.

Maybe a jailer type guy that can shock enemies to disable their weapons, and his ulti drops a jail cell on an area. People can shoot out of and into the cell, but they can't move.

Maybe someone that uses gravity, so they "lock-on" an enemy and all their bullets go to the last spot your character had vision of that enemy. It would be a nice way to counter Bastions and Turrets without making it OP. All a Bastion has to do is move a few feet and he would be safe, but if he stays there like an idiot then he will get pasted.

More real Snipers. McCree and Pharah are the only 'snipers' we have besides Widowmaker, and they are still shoot from the hip people.

I want a fucking Kamen Raider.
Have him be melee only with lots of jumping kicks and shit.

An offensive-based support. I guess Zen already does this well, but I would like one who doesn't deal direct damage, at least not with their main weapon, instead does poison or some similar DoT thing.

What about a cool zombie girl tank? Kind of a disrupter, instead of get-in/get-out like Winstone and D.Va the goal is more get in and stay in.

Weapon: Short range HP draining ray that can overheal up to 400HP. Right click vomits excess HP in a cone for higher range/damage while slowing enemies.

Skill1: Rushes forward (short range, tiny cd/start up) and tackles an enemy to the ground for 2 seconds with the option of draining or vomiting during that time. Enemies killed by this move leave behind a tombstone.

Skill2: Dives into the ground and lets you move beneath the earth at half speed for up to 3 seconds. Also gives you vision of all tombstones and lets you teleport directly to one. When time is up, you cancel the ability, or teleport you burst from the ground stunning nearby enemies.

Ult: On activation all allies in a moderate area near you become invincibile to damage and all health is converted to a single ultimate armor bar. You can no longer be healed, even with your primary attack, and if you die so does every affected member of your team. If they move outside the range they'll lose their invincibility but still die if your ult ends early. Additionally your primary weapon range is much larger and affects all targets in range. Lasts about 8 seconds.

I'm really surprised they don't have a stealth hero yet

I mean I know the it's kinda overdone but you have to admit invisiible heros that infiltrate and take people down from behind is satisfying as fuck to play

This is unnecessarily complicated. Every abillity in Overwatch can be summarized in 5 words.

this is a fucking great idea holy shit

>e and left shift abilities are something that temporarily fucks with another players mind (sees allied players as enemy players or something) and for his ultimate he straight up gains control of another player for 6 seconds, and can kill people on the other team from the inside, and the only way to stop it would be for the other team to kill the possessed teamate, which would still land you a kill

>Doomfist Successor - offense
>Soundquake - tank
>Sombra - support

anyone else thats pretty much guaranteed?

I'm really hoping for Athena, judging by how detailed she is in that art in OP's image I think there's a good chance we'll see her at some point

oh right, Athena and the hazmat guy. Both could easily be support or defense based, but who knows, hazmat could be tanky


Only because the game doesn't tell you anything about what skills do or how they work.
It's easy to say you've got a tank that drains HP, uses HP to deal more damage, can tackle people, and has a movement skill that stuns when it ends. Her ultimate is just 5 protect 1 in order to win the point.


but what kind of support goes into the enemy backlines alone?

i dont think sombra going to be support, look more like a genji reaper style, i bet going to have invisible like spy

An Akira (or some other) inspired telekinetic human that can create hallucinations, mess with vision, reverse aiming, grab and throw players, etc.

One that focuses more on debuffs instead of buffs?

Isn't reaper and widowmaker talon agents now?

The transport idea is cool. Woulf solve the complaint of taking so long to get back into action

Agreed. Would be good counters to torb bastion and reindhart

>Only because the game doesn't tell you anything about what skills do or how they work.
>I never looked at the tooltip window for heros

Give me a Canadian, a Native American to Mccree's cowboy and a African Omnic warlord

>Only because the game doesn't tell you anything about what skills do or how they work.


Apparently they're drastically changing up Sombra from the Blizzard guy talking in A_Seagull's stream.

>Sombra is getting a large rework in her gameplay design. She felt to similar to Black Widow so we won't be seeing her for awhile.

I want something that literally punches shit.

Not baby ass Winston swipes.

>Native american character
>gimmick is a slot machine that can provide buffs or debuffs to himself or enemies

Im actually surprise no one has use the cultural appropriation card on Pharah's warhawk skin though

probably because from the looks of things she hangs back and shoots people from a distance. Hanzo and Widow feel very varied despite both being snipers


So is Sup Forums being real when they say they don't like the two brown/caramel girls? They seem really pretty.

Like for McCree it'll tell you that he throws a flashbang. Doesn't tell you how far it goes, how long it stuns people for, or if it does any damage itself.
How much does agent 47's healing zone heal for? Enough. Do his rockets actually do more damage than his gun or is the advantage all in the splash damage?

Indian chick disgusting in personality and looks. Pharah looks good but is dull personality

DESIGNATED teleporter is more often the one that doesn't get love. Mercy samefags hardcore about loving Pharah.

Pharah is bae

It's designed to be a splash board to get you quickly into the game. They don't want people sitting back at base doing homework. That is what the shooting range is for

Why does Pharah have mommy issues?

Because Ana was a workaholic that was part of the original Overwatch team.

I want them to add a cute boy. I wanna play as a girly boy that shoots guns, is that so much to ask?

Might be jealousy. Sounds like mommy was a huge role in Overwatch and Pharah is just living innher shadow since that seems to be all the other characters talk to her about

Friendly reminder that Pharah's mom will be NEARLY 60 YEARS OLD

I wouldn't really consider that jealousy but Pharah definitely lives in her mother's shadow.
Yes, and...?

Default skin will have the helmet. 250g will probally remove helmet like one of reinharts. One 1000g skin will be young mommy like Hanzo and Genji, most likely in her overwatch outfit with the beret. Calling it now

>Mother was a core member of Overwatch
>Pharah grew up during Overwatch's prime, Idolized them, wanted to join
>Everything goes to shit, most agents branded traitors
>All that training and now she's a security guard for an IT company
>Mother disappeared? I don't know, maybe distanced herself from her daughter to protect her
>fuck you mom, i'm gonna kiss girls

Something like that, I guess.


Yea wasn't sure how to word it. I guess she feels more pressured to live upto moms reputation?

>Opinion tiers

I feel like they will continue to add until they have each weapon in TF2 covered, so I suspect invis/melee, flamethrower, and sticky launcher classes at the very least


The ult, sure, but he takes a smidgen of skill

Mercy is really not a good character. She's just simple to play and effective when people don't flank.

Yes, the perfect healslut and all that, getting surrounded by big strong men and robots.

she has best emotes though

Mei is kinda flamethrower and flare already

I think she's actually a pretty good character. You can fly to allies to get away from flankers and especially so if you've got a Pharah in the skies.

I wanna get flanked as Mercy if you know what I mean.

>support sniper
How this will work?

Mercy is braindead tier, literally hide behind tank and heal. Q when ded

those are basically covered by genji mei and junkrat

Someone never mastered offensive torb.

Also, McCree is only bad if you're stuck on the Stun+Fan level of play. Once you get good you should be able to headshot city everyone with your revolver, saving the fans and stuns for when you actually need them.