I'm poor but i Can buy one
Tell me what to do
I'm poor but i Can buy one
Other urls found in this thread:
>gearbox ever
Save your money for something better.
Keep the money and wait till they become F2P.
Overwatch has more marketing behind it and will thus be more successful and have more players, so if you can only pick one, pick overwatch. Battleborn is fun but it's something that should have been f2p. I mean, so should overwatch, but it's made by blizzard so shiteaters will buy it regardless.
>Should I buy waifu FPS or mobashit with meme proportions
C'mon senpai
Look at gameplay and reviews and decide for yourself
Why the fuck did you come here for recommendations?
>Tell me what to do
With that attitude you'll never be rich
You like Team Fortress? Overwatch
Yiu like wading through shit in hopes of finding something good? Battleborn
Not everyone can get a small loan of a million dollars Trump sempai
Then get a big one
>You like Team Fortress? Overwatch
Don't listen to this retard, TF2 has nothing in common with OW.
Seriously don't waste the money, both OW and Battleborn are shit.
Haven't played battleborn but have played overwatch and I never expected to like it as much as I do now
Trump reminding me again why he is the sempai
Never change
Overwatch. Battleborn is fucking shit and is already dead, OW has at least something going for it (and is a much better game overall).
user, don't be an idiot. It's the same fucking game.
But more Boring and shit compared to TF2
Why are you comparing a shooter to a moba?
What the fuck are those proportions on the right one?
>implying only a fucking million dollars is jack shit in terms of new york real estate
Aren't they completely different types of games?
One is a bad moba with bad humor and the other is Blizzards attempt to make Tumblr Fortress 2
Very different games.
Buy a rope.
You know what to do with it.
>implying anyone has bought battleborn
you can be the first, OP
Got about 20 hours in both betas
In the end bought battleborn, it's a unique game while overwatch isn't that much different from dirty bomb of team fortress
Save your money and play Dirty Bomb
I bought it.
I made a huge mistake
Wrangle varmints?
overwatch has waifus and shit gameplay
battleborn has ugly characters and great gameplay
Is there any way to see how many people played the betas?
>Battleborn has great gameplay
Battleborn had betas?
Is Battleborn dead yet? I expected to see people making fun of it here and nobody is even talking about it. I guess that was last week.
>60 dollars for a fucking moba
shit is gonna be ded in 4 months
I like the customization you can do in Battleborn, but the gameplay feels really unpolished. It's a also a lot slower, although that's to be expected for a moba, I guess.
Overwatch is more [spolier]fun.[/spoiler]
Overwatch = Team Fortress 2 before drops made it gay
Battleborn = Smite with a crosshair
>great gameplay
casuals who can't handle game depth detected
Battleborn is such a flop that it isn't even fun to shitpost about it.
>boring unengaging gameplay
nice meme arrows lads
literally can't prove me wrong
>he thinks porn will make his shitty game good
this is the most true post in the thread.
This. If you want to waste your money on a company that loves pandering to 15-year-olds, then battleborn.
I thought Overwatch was fun as fuck, if they add new weapons to the game along with some different modes and maps then that'd be great.
The only point that anyone here is proving is that you're a dumb faggot with bad taste.
But overwatch is garbage as well.
Go ahead and tell me how the gameplay is great and with depth. You're the one that made the claim.
> less players than a dead game
they said their goal is to introduce tons of maps/characters and more modes
for sure extra maps and characters are free (in the faq) id assume more modes being free too.
Overwatch had 0 content. I think it will be fun, but it's a very very simple, very very pretty shooter.
Battleborn I thought would be shit due to Gearbox, but actually was the best of this years wave of shooters. It's a shame they didn't advertise it.
Don't know if it's worth 60 bucks, but I definitely wouldn't pay money for Overwatch until they add content other than just shoot the other guy on 3-4 maps. Very frustrating as I wanted it to be the best. No progression, nothing really to do, just memorize the 3 skills the character has and have at it.
Frustrating part is there aren't any high skill cap shooters in sight for the near future other than Battleborn.
I really wish Tribes had been managed better.
>Frustrating part is there aren't any high skill cap shooters in sight for the near future other than Battleborn.
Lawbreakers might be
some people will try to reason that a dead on arrival game is gone but don't buy it.
Wait a month and then buy battleborn
Game is getting 3 new maps and 1 new game mode soon, doesn't have too much at the moment
Overwatch is fun but very simple and not much different from f2p games like tf2 and db
After what Gearbox did to Duke Nukem I am never buying a Gearbox game again
Played both during their free weekends. Overwatch completely blew Battleborn out of the water. The only reason to play Battleborn is if you really like the MOBA gameplay of having only one of each character on a team and fighting waves of bots. Or if for some god forsaken reason you actually like Gearbox's writing and attempts at humor.
I have buyers remorse from getting Battleborn so I'd go with Overwatch.
real gamers play on console to avoid cheaters
For me it was Aliens: Colonial Marines. I don't know how many beloved franchises a company has to shit on before everyone stops giving them money, but Gearbox is showing that you can get away with pretty much anything.
you want Battleborn, play a f2p moba like dota or lol
The proportions of that Battleborn guy are all I needed to see to know it wasn't for me.
Normal people buy games they enjoy and don't give a fuck about some autistic boycott because a game the studio made one day turned out to be shitty.
Done :^)
Gearbox does nothing but throw out shit games (what was the last GOOD game Gearbox did? Brothers in Arms?), routinely spoil decent IPs, and their CEO is a self-avowed con artist.
they're both fun but it depends on what kind of shooter you want to play
overwatch is faster paced, with matches that are about 10 minutes long and pretty quick time to kill (generally maybe a second or two longer than something like Counter-Strike, though snipers can still OHKO most characters with a headshot). overwatch also looks generally more attractive and has much more graphical polish.
battleborn is slower paced, with 30 minute games and much longer time to kill. games also have moba-style minions and defensive turrets that can be built and destroyed, and resources on the map that you harvest to build those turrets and activate your equipped gear.
they're very different beasts
Battleborn literally shits on Overwatch, it's pretty pathetic to see all the waifufags and cartoon masturbators shit up all the Battleborn threads for whatever reason.
Not to mention Battleborn has about 4x as much content and significantly different competitive game types so it's objectively better value for money.
Two, one last year actually.
Your opinion on their games must surely be objective and other people are just wrong for liking them.
Od on your autism pills.
Kirby Robobut
>MOBAshooters, the hot new cancer that's sweeping the nation (of pre-teens)
Buy neither.
A capture game of battleborn will never exceed 10 minutes.
>>MOBAshooters, the hot new cancer that's sweeping the nation (of pre-teens)
such as battleborn and...uh...paladins?
Everyone in game makes fun of his hilariously tiny head though
And Overwatch and Paragon and however many get announced at E3.
>if it has character classes that means it's a dota-game
Wew lad
Battleborn is the only dota-game here and there are no others
Blizzard is gonna keep overwatch alive even if it is inferior to Battleborne, also is cheaper. So if you want money guarantee go for overwatch. Battleborne at this point is a gamble, great game, terrible marketing and has some visual problems (mostly about being a cluster fuck of visual effects)
Overwatch at the very least is guarantee for years to come. Just look at Hots, shit game yet still has a player base and Blizzard support
ah, I haven't played much capture
my incursion and meltdown matches regularly approach 30 minutes though. I only really see shorter games when it's a completely one-sided stomp.
you're retarded
>there are teenagers out there who vote for president based on memea
Minimum age to vote should be 30
Neither. Both are bottom of the barrel trash for 10 year olds and fanboys.
Paragon and Gigantic exist too but those are fucking shit so they're not even worth mentioning
>wanting to buy Overwatch
Literally no one playing this shit
>20 dollars for unique wow pet, diablo 3 wings, tracer for a different game
I think they mean first person shooters
You have to be joking
The fact that some people actually think that a Blizzard game won't sell is a fucking joke
There's literally zero players right now
Well no kidding, the beta is over
That's the joke right
There has never been this much freedom in a video game before
There will be years of quality overwatch porn
Hoping Lawbreakers will be good too. Overwatch is ok but already having a lot of hacker problems and I always feel like I have to play Reinhart if I want the team to win.
Battleborn does destroy Overwatch on content.
and I'm really looking forward to it
I don't give a shit about the game because what little I played of the beta gave off the impression that it's overcasualized and poorly balanced garbage that can't hold a candle to TF2 the same way that LoL can't hold a candle to Dota 2
that being said, I've fapped 3 times in the past 48 hours alone to futa D.Va SFMs and it's only going to get better from here
No more dems in the white house then
when is lawbreakers coming out
30 and a degree from an accredited university would fix this country right up
I find the whole cast annoying and the porn/feitsh bait around it to not be that great that doesn't stop anyone else from liking it tho
No i don't care for any of the shooters that came out---I might play lawbreakers tho