Illidan is back

>Illidan is back
>Dalaran is the main city
>Players can work towards getting the Ashbringer
>Vol'Jin has been corrupted
>Med'an finally appears
>King Anime has been killed
>No more garrison missions
>Players must walk to instances again

Has WoW been saved? I'm feeling that this will be just as big as BC and WotLK.

I'd only return if they created legacy servers

>Med'an finally appears
>no more garrison missions
lol no

Legacy Servers when?

>You can now get Ashbringer
Fuck you Blizzard, the casual kids (like OP) that still play this game in 2016 don't deserve Ashbringer.

Only people that work for it get it.

Let's see...

>Illidan is back
meh okay i guess
>Dalaran is the main city
nothing new kind of cheap copy paste the city in new location cop out imo
>players can work to get ashbringer
What the fuck why? ashbringer is supposed to be a legendary fucking sword and now everyone gets a rehashed iteration depending on their spec? this is a useless and illusory middleman and it's fucking gay
>Vol'Jin has been corrupted
this could be interesting but blizzard has a bad track record so i'm not excited
>Med'an finally appears
same opinion about voljin
>king anime has been killed
once again another expansion that is all about the horde. now we get prince fuck boi? hooray...
>no more garrison missions
dat blizzard back peddle, too bad everyone who stayed is now infinitely richer for free from a facebook game
>players must walk to instances again
this means nothing unless there is no flying mounts in the game

Let's all not forget that the demon hunter class is guaranteed going to be flavor of the month for at least 4 months. And class balancing with blizzard at this point is fucking bullshit.

At this point it's more logical to assume blizzard does it on purpose in order to incentivize cancer cell casuals to make more characters for their own instant easy mode gratificaion for the month before doing it again.
Yeah. WoW has been saved OP.
Let us all rejoice.
Oh yeah and flying mounts and level acceleration are still a thing
Oh and phasing mechanics that are abused to no end.

>Vol'Jin has been corrupted
no he's dead
>No more garrison missions
they are still in there in the order halls
>Med'an finally appears
no he hasn't, absolutely no mention of that
>Players must walk to instances again
no they don't

he's actually alive

and medan does appear

>be playing with my mythic guild
>am one of the officers, recruit lots of people, a handful even stood long term and became core
>be there since wotlk, slowly progressed to becoming one of the pillars
>a guy that just got here a month ago, hasn't even got raider rank whispers me saying he has something of worth to ask me
>he says he's actually the officer of a heroic raiding guild and seeing how I perform I could give him some suggestion
>think to myself I'm gonna play along and pretend I'm interested in his pitiful guild
>say sure, give him the link to a post I made after editing it and fucking up rotation and gliphs
>the day after I log on
>he immediately whispers me screaming how he got kicked from the raid for doing sub par dps all because of my post
>tough luck kiddo
>whisper the GM of his guild, tell him how he's trying to jump ship to get into mine because he thinks you're lame
>he shits himself seeing my guild's name (top 5 worldwide)
>one minute later dumbo has been kicked out of his guild
>tell this in trade chat too adding some more details here and there to make sure no decent guild will ever add him again
>GM of his old guild even gives me his house address at my request
>tell this to Adam (GM of my guild) on Vent and we laugh it off
>he asks the retard to come on vent one day and invites him to our channel
>he's basically crying at this point asking me why I put all that effort into hurting him
>reveal to him that us elite mythic raiders are hardcore about everything we do
>proceed to swat him and his family 4 fun, dog got killed

>he's actually alive
he's not
>and medan does appear

hey look it's a sociopath

It sounds like they're at least on the right track. They seem to understand that rep grinds and dailies are shit. The World Quest system that is their solution sounds like it might make things a bit better.

I like the class-centric stories they're making. The DK story arc sounds awesome.

Storm Light's Hope Chapel, kill a bunch of paladins, all to steal the corpse of Tirion Fordring to be raised as a new member of the Four Horsemen.

Fuck yeah. Time to dust off my old DK.

world quests are literally the same as dailies

No, they're world quests.


they are reflavored dailies


same shit, different name

Would be cool if it were more like quel'danas but I don't have a beef with neutral city as long as they're nicely made.

>thinking you can swat somebody without getting caught when you are that close to your mark.



I'd still get a good neutral city over the non-existant one of wod

I do not want any city if there is no pvp allowed in it

It's nice to have a hub close to important locations.


>During a legion attack

Nah brah, we have to come together as one.

Honestly alliance/horde should have gotten over it at this point, but whatever you always have a splinter group of fucks.

So doing a quest that every paladin like 1 hour into the expac gets is working for it now?

>>Vol'Jin has been corrupted
>>Med'an finally appears

Source or I call bullshit

I can just go talk to a npc with a quest and maybe a couple of vendors

nice /wowg/ pasta family

Then name the game over to stop lying to consumers.
World Of Sit in one place with no threat to them ever craft.

You are crafting war against Illidans legion, who is coming to your world which is now united against him.

World of Warcraft: Legion

they could name it dicks magee and it would still not be "lying to the customers", autismo.

>Illidan's legion
it's not his

>npc with a quest
Oh I get it, you're one of those people who stops playing when they're level capped.
Thing is a hub in the zone is really convenient but yeah war and shit.

If you're a Ret paladin, it's LITERALLY the first thing you do in the expansion.

Med'an's been essentially written out of existence, user.

This would be cool except for the fact that there's probably no faction followup. Why would your faction just sit there and say "oh that's cool, yeah go kill those damn pallies, just make sure to spend your marks/points/whatever here okay?" If they found out and semi-flipped their shit but let it "slide" because of all the good shit you've done for them I'd be alright about it but as it stands it's just another of many little nails sticking out that Blizzard won't ever hammer down or do anything about.

>Vol'Jin has been corrupted


pandering, the expansion

it just oozes of desperation

No because they fucked class design in the ass

>>Players can work towards getting the Ashbringer

If by "work towards" you mean "do a 20 minute quest line 5 minutes after the expansion launches" sure.

>Nobody lies on the Internet, right dad?
Better than the alternative, that you're just this goddamn crazy. Oh, sorry: "Hardcore."

Most of this shit is wrong

>Chris Metzen still hasn't been fired


Vol'jin is dead, pic related, it's his urn.

Med'an has been basically disavowed by the writers, Metzen made fun of him and he does not appear in Legion.

>they kill off the best character

can't wait for them to put in a literal who troll to replace him

>tfw after all you've done for the Horde, from fighting the Legions last invasion, to trying to reunite the broken base after Garrosh, you get abandoned to die to the Legion and your friends wrap your ass in 256x256 texture cloth before they burn you

>Vol'Jin has been corrupted
Why is "X character is corrupted" the only plot device in every Blizzard game?

Why do you believe every post you read on Sup Forums?

Darkspear never die! mon

>jelly people are more hardcore than him
kys queer

well, i don't see how something like being dead can even hinder the shadow hunter.
unless his spirit is somewhere else.

Even if Vol'jin is not curruoted. My question still stands. Kerrigan, Arthas, Sylvanas, Leah, ...

I'll enjoy it enough to justify the buy in at least. Thats for sure. Got enough coins banked to last 10 months so shouldn't have to pay a dime past the initial expac costs.

Mostly looking forward to the various class storylines.

>"Darkspear never die!"
>they actually kill him

The Alliance might flip their shit. Maybe the Horde too, that Blood Elf pally apparently gets her shit wrecked. I would imagine that with as much chaos is going on, the two factions will be so fragmented that they won't be able to form a solid force to go take down one of the groups attempting to push back against the Legion.

inb4 Blizzard announces for Legion

>no more leveling
>no more tanking
>no more healing
>everyone is now a DPSer
>personal companions now tank and heal for you
>no more boss HP or damage, they die in cinematic
>after cinematic you are rewarded with 3 legendaries
>final raid boss awards a BoA item that instantly grants a playable legendary NPC, most notable Thrall and Arthas

>work towards
You mean get it instantly at level 90 if you're a paladin
>Med'an finally appears
That's a bad thing fuck him
>Garrison missions
Class hall
>Players must walk to instances again
You always had to if you wanted to do challenge mode or mythic (the only difficulties worth doing)

but wod was pandering the expansion and look how that turned out

>tfw Fury Warriors don't get Varian's swords

and Legion will only be worse

Man, that's depressing. Blizzard really doesn't know what to do with the horde. We've gone through 3 Warchief in as many expansions. Vol'jin didn't need to fucking die.

>3 months from release
>Still no beta
>Still only invited a small amount of youtube/twitch shills
>Even many of them are making videos about how much shit sucks, garrisons 2.0, etc

They're hiding it for a reason, this is going to be WoD on steroids.

Beta starts this week.

Sylvanas is now Warchief so she's next on the chopping block

I only want to see Med'an if he appears as one of the artifacts. I want someone to swing his dead, awful body around in combat.

>Illidan is back
So what. We don't even know how he is involved. Demon Hunters specifically have the option to lead the Illidari AWAY from him and the only further involvement is a scenario where you play as Illidan during the Black Temple raid.
>Dalaran is the main city
>Players can work towards getting the Ashbringer
One out of 35 specs can, and they don't "work towards", they get it instantly at lvl 100.
>Vol'jin has been corrupted
Source. He's a pile of ash in an urn from what I've seen.
>Med'an finally appears
>King Anime has been killed
And replaced by Prince Anime-er.
>No more garrison missions
Reduced, not gone.
>Players must walk to instances again
Only for Mythic, which is not a new thing and never mattered before.

This is exactly it.
Class Orders exist because the Alliance and Horde are in shambles and pretty much unable to put up a fighting force anymore after getting wrecked at the Broken Shore. The Paladins are fucking pissed, but if Tirion says, before and after getting turned into a Horseman, that he's okay with it, there is nothing they can do.

You think you want 'em, but you don't.

Can someone explain the logic behind calling the newer versions of WoW casual when both pvp and pve are harder than in tbc and vanilla

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah if I hear this shit one more time I'm going to kill someone.

>Med'an finally appears

I'm pretty sure even fangirls hate him.

Why did they bring him to WoW?

why dont they just rez him
why dont they just bring him back with an altar of storms?

No way, she's the darling character. She is going to remain WC until the end of the franchise.

>Med'an finally appears

>Med'an finally appears

please be fucking lying

So what happened to Thrall? I heard he cheated in the fight against Garrosh and had his elemental powers removed and he has to do some soul-searching to gain them back.

>actually believing anything bad will ever happen to Sylvanas

Last I heard of this shit expansion Sylvanas was looking for the vrykul goddess of death so she could have unlimited val'kyrs.

She's not going anywhere. I feel fucking sorry for the horde, they've completely lost all identity by now.

>all you've done for the Horde
>stabbed in the neck
>disgusted Alliance with his halitosis
>wiped so hard on Iron Juggernaut that another raid had to bail him out while he stands on the sidelines admiring how cool they are
>deliberately stays away from all fighting to "stop the bloodshed"
>doing jackshit in WoD except poke Alliance with a stick in Ashran and show up in your garrison once to tell you to build a shipyard

Vol'jin was fucking useless, at least that urn smells better and is decorative.

You just said exactly what happened to Thrall.

holy shit, just when the overwatch shilling were goin to die the wow legion shilling start

You think you'll kill someone, but you won't.

>personal companions now tank and heal for you
i would be okay with this and turning wow into a single player rpg

I'm kind of hopeful. Heavensward was a really bad disappointment so it's pretty much Legion or nothing now.
A lot more was posted than this pic, but I can't cap it all.

This tbqh

that explanation for the late beta isn't very reassuring
>shit wasn't done

>Illidan is back
>Dalaran is the main city
I like Dalaran, but why is it? moved again?
>Players can work towards getting the Ashbringer
>Vol'Jin has been corrupted
le metzen writing strikes again
>Med'an finally appears
>King Anime has been killed
haven't played wod so what is this meant to be a purpose of?
>No more garrison missions
rip facebook
>Players must walk to instances again
This doesn't work with LFD, if it's what they did in cata where you had to go in once to be attuned for LFD then into the trash it goes

Vol'jin dying wasn't new, though this is the first time I've seen the urn. Its the statement of him being CORRUPTED that I called bullshit, since its been known he supposedly dies at or after the Broken Shore for awhile.

Glad to hear Med'an showing up was a lie. He's one of the worst WoW characters ever conceived. No wonder Metzen would make fun of him.

Admitting it isn't finished and not rushing it is pretty assuring that they are aware it's unfinished and are still working on it.

>>Players must walk to instances again

This is complete disinfo. It applies only to challenge mode dungeons which have had this rule since they first came out. I mean sure challenge modes will be more important this time around, but its only a bandaid.

Vol'jin isn't dead. He faked his death and is meeting with "an old friend", to help the Horde against the Legion. Varian though, wasn't so lucky.

What a fucking travesty Blizzard has done with his death. He pretty much never got to even do anything as Warchief.

Still holding out a sliver a hope that all those conspiracies of his death being a ruse is true, but the more I see, the more I start to accept what is likely the grim truth.

Med'an appears? Really?
I'd fucking quit if that piece of shit comes on screen for even a fraction of a second.

Varian did just as little. It's not like the faction leaders have actually done anything aside from Thrall, who had to stop being a faction leader to be relevant.

why? he's based. do you know how powerful he is?

>Jaina is a Dreadlord
>Jaina is a Dreadlord
>Jaina is a Dreadlord

Fucking lol

>Jaina is a Dreadlord


They let it slip in the Dev update on twitch last night.

>Sylvanas becomes the leader of the Horde.

Clearly best expansion.

Now that overwatch beta is over we've switched over to shilling WoW! Aren't you anonymous excited?

got some bad news for kalecgos