What is so great about NV compared to 3 and 4?

What is so great about NV compared to 3 and 4?

Ive tried to start a new game about 4 times now but I run out of steam around 12 hours in

Your introduced to all the factions almost instantly and its linear as fuck

Though according to Sup Forums and a lot of other people its the best fallout

Pls redpill me on New Vegas

The freedom, I love going around the desert like I'm a bounty hunter

5 years.
You fags have been making threads about this game, nigh constantly, for 5 fucking years.

Is it obsidian shills? people who have never played a better shooter?

Choice. Fallout 3 and especially 4 lack meaningful consequences for quests and actions, options just aren't as big and aren't as varied as in New Vegas. Plus there are more factions are provoke more thought.


>"3 vs. nv" season 9 episode 129 (rerun)

it's barely an rpg

Stay mad Todd

You still watchin tho nigga

fuck off Sawyer.

But 2 is the best Fallout you fucking pleb.

>implying you aren't correct
>implying OP shouldn't delete this thread

>What is so great about NV compared to 3 and 4?
The story, writing, characters and mechanics. Pretty much everything that makes the game.
>Ive tried to start a new game about 4 times now but I run out of steam around 12 hours in
What a shame.
>Your introduced to all the factions almost instantly and its linear as fuck
It's not, really.
>Though according to Sup Forums and a lot of other people its the best fallout
It's not the best fallout, but it certainly is the best gamebryo one.
>Pls redpill me on New Vegas
Please fuck off, if you haven't gotten it after 12 hours then it's not the game for you.

2 is literally a meme game, 1 remains the best

That's your problem, you see it as a shooter and not the RPG it is.

Am I the ONLY person who visits this board that likes 3, NV, AND 4, and gets my money's worth of enjoyment out of it? Is everyone here really that much of a bitch?

No, there are plenty of people who have terrible taste here

>memes and pop culture XD: the game
Fuck off.


Fallout 2 is literally ITS OKAY IF THE 90s DO IT:the game

>You're right, almost everyone here has a stick so far up their ass they're sprouting tree limbs
Fixed it for ya.

I love how it's basically a blank state as well as how the options and lore are so deep, you can play it differently so many ways. I've played through like 4 or 5 times and each time I find something new. Not just like an area or item, but entire questlines. In Fallout 4 I 100% the game in a couple hundred hours, New Vegas I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface

To elaborate on the blank slate thing, here's your character's backstory in New Vegas
>you were a courier from an area called the Divide
>you took a job and got shot in the head
THAT'S IT, the rest is literally up to you to decide on your own. Compare that to Fallout 4
>you're a soldier int he US army or lawyer
>you marry someone and settle down
>you have a kid
>you live in a house in Sanctuary hills
>you love Nuka Cola
I could go on. Fallout 4 predetermines so much of your character, no matter how insignificant.

In New Vegas the only limitation you have is that your character delivered packages and once lived in the Divide. That's IT.

Rather have a stick up my assignment then have such poor taste I can't tell objectively bad games from good games

Slight correction, the courier didn't live in the Divide. They delivered a package there.

It's fun and it has 5 years of replay value. What more do you want?

obsidiots actually believe it is better than 3 when it actually is a glorified mod and nothing more.

Oh oops, thanks

I thought there was something about them living in the area around there?

Nope, the package they delivered blew up the Divide. Ulysses hates them because of it.

It says a lot about Fallout 3 when a modded version of the game is leaps and bounds better.

Personally, I loved the aesthetic and mood of NV, of which I an identify two.

Firstly there is the semi-mythical romanticizing of Wild West Americana and all that it entails. I gleaned a very melancholy "Ghost Riders in the sky" vibe replete with neo-Wild West rad-Injuns.

Secondly but no less apparent is the reminiscing of the glitzy 1950s/60s heyday of Las Vegas and its scummy underbelly. I enjoyed the themes of the futility of war and the frailty of the human condition in a hard world with little physical pleasures at the edge of civilization. It even handled totalitarianism in a frank and mature way, whilst also critiquing the failings of democracy without coming off as a soapbox for NatSoc writers.

As far as mechanics go, I'm underqualified to comment. The RPG elements worked perfectly well from my point of view and I enjoyed it very much.

TL;DR I just fucking liked it, faggot.

I fucking loved it.

Cry moar, OP.

>mods make bethesda games better

12 hours is pretty good.

I quite after 12 seconds everytime I start an elderscrolls/fallout game after that weird urge to play them

>nothing more
Other than you know, the writing being good, and the quests having an actual input, but I guess that's considered nothing more when you want to move those goal posts huh?

We need a Fallout set in the south east like New Orleans or some shit. Nothing but marshland, snakes and alligators.

Oh, thanks

That helps my point actually

Am I the only person in the world who doesn't do the whole mental roleplaying autism thing when I play an RPG? I mean seriously, it's a fucking videogame with scripted choices and scripted outcomes. It's not like a pen and paper game where your mental autism actually means something.



found the cuck

No there are a lot of people who are so mentally handicapped they can't use their imagination.

I save my imagination for things that actually require it. Video games aren't one of them

I sincerely doubt you're capable of actually having fun

Existential boredom is a hell of a drug

Fun is subjective. I sincerely hate it when people talk as if they have a monopoly on what the meaning of fun is. Videogames do not entice my imagination because they are scripted, even the RPGS with their "choices" because there are certain options and certain outcomes programmed as a result of those options. There is no "freedom" there is "do you want to do A or B?" Why should I waste my imagination on that?

>Your introduced to all the factions almost instantly
you don't meet ANY of the factions for the initial stretch. then you meet the NCR on Primm. later you meet the Legion on Nipton. and then you finally meet House and Yes Man when you go to vegas which can take 10 minutes or 10 hours.

>and its linear as fuck

If you thought NV was any more linear than Fallout "BoS or Enclave just kidding it's BoS anyway" 3 or Fallout Shaun 4: All Choices Are "yes" then there's no arguing with you

i mean, there never was any arguing with you, your thread is clearly bait. i'm just posting to mark it because its another NV thread

Who hurt you?

Did your father like to drink?

More factions
Choices DO HAVE AN EFFECT (characters can die forever , turn against you , etc.etc.)
WAY BETTER FUCKING VOICE ACTING (see Mr house, Caesar, and many other characters)
Actually puts characters from previous fallout games in a way that makes fucking sense
I can go on heck the quests are still of way better quality

Seriously you can make a whole thesis of why fnv is superior fallout

No one. I'm saying Apple and you're arguing that it's an Orange. But I've never understood the mindset of those who play pretend with RPGs that aren't pen and paper which are the only RPGs that accommodate the players imagination.

I don't play pretend with things that don't need pretend

Because it's a good game

It has actual choices that matter, varying ending you can debate, interesting developed characters, and a great modding community

Join in on the fun dog

bethesda had the same five years to do a better game and failed

so you will still have plenty of threads :^)
stay assblasted

New Vegas is an example of how Bethesda is so shit at games that other companies can take their game engine and make a far better product than they could.

>Your introduced to all the factions almost instantly and its linear as fuck

Only if you follow the main quest. You can actually do it in any order you want. You can go to every faction separately and ingratiate yourself with them and then when the main quest rolls around you just pay a visit to each of them and tell them what you want them to do.

So NV is better because of options and head canon?

OP isn't really complaining though

Even if you do the main quest and only the main quest it will still take some time for you to be introduced to half of the major factions. Which have quests introducing you to pretty much every other minor faction out there.

tldr op is full of shit

Nv is a game designed around role play, and making your own fun in a wasteland. If you lack imagination, then this game will suck. Sorry for your loss.

Quality Side Quests

>pc shitters have nothing to shitpost about
>i know! lets drudge up a 10 year old shitty rpg from last gen! thats totally what we need right now!

>What is so great about NV compared to 3 and 4?

>The map is better. It doesn't have a whole quarter of it that is a relentless maze that you have to navigate using underground tunnels that take you random places
>Crafting. It adds crafting doctors bags/repair kits blah blah. It has more use of misc objects that lay around everywhere
>The protagonist has more choices over who he will side with. You can join or destroy almost all the factions.
>The follower characters are better. More likeable
>The follower quest dynamic is great. You slowly gain their trust and then they open up to you
>The Strip is a cool place if you mod it to be one space like it was supposed to be
>Super-mutants are rare. I don't like them. They are silly, 1980s, bad sci-fi material.
>Since super-mutants aren't running all about with missile launchers you don't need as heavy weapons. You can have a cowboy loadout.
>The protagonist has less story written for him. It's your story. You don't have to follow Liam Neeson around as they try to make you care about him.
>I'm past the part in FO3 where you get inside the Citadel and I still don't know why The Enclave is supposed to be evil and what their motivation is. They've done one bad thing but I have no clue why. It's too heavy handed. NV didn't do this.
>More desert, less rubble, easier to tell what things are
>More cowboys
>Funnier dialogue

I've been playing Fallout 3 for the last couple of days. It's growing on me. I don't think NV is that much better than it like I did when I first started playing FO3. It's just that NV does everything a little better. The only thing that FO3 did better was music and having a really unique intro.

>its linear as fuck
Okay, I don't think the game is the problem here.

>copypasted posts by pc cucks who have nothing to shitpost about

>I'm past the part in FO3 where you get inside the Citadel and I still don't know why The Enclave is supposed to be evil and what their motivation is

They're evil because... they are. That's pretty much it. They want to kill everyone because they are impure yadda yadda and that's it. To be fair to bethesda, the enclave was like that in Fallout 2 too, but they chose to bring it back exactly like it was, flaws and everything, and then decided to turn another group which had a bunch of assholes (BoS) into the heroes instead. So they fucked up the lore both by picking up a bad piece of it from the past and then retconning another.


Bullshit. If you hate 2 this much and like 1 so much, no way you would find NV better than 3.

And tactics isn't better than 4. Neither NV or 3, but i don't expect you to agree.

Are you implying I'm wrong, good sir?


I never realized that. New Vegas is about markets.

3 is definitely not better than 2, it's hardly better than tactics

Fair enough.


>They're evil because... they are. That's pretty much it. They want to kill everyone because they are impure yadda yadda and that's it.

This always makes me side with the evil ones, out of a solid distrust for obviously one-sided narratives.

Too bad you can't be evil in beth fallout games though


You're taking it way too far, pal. Sounds like a knee-jerk reaction.

Pretty sure they made regular deliveries there also, which helped to supply a growing community. But you're more or less correct.

>Firstly there is the semi-mythical romanticizing of Wild West Americana
I feel like it's not so much romanticizing it as it is struggling with the consequences of that romanticism if that makes sense. The NCR and the Legion are both different depictions of the US in the middle of it's expansion outwards, with the NCR being an ineffectual democracy and the Legion being a totalitarian war machine in a funhouse mirror reflection of the US mid manifest destiny. On the other hand you have House, who's trying to create his own state free from the control of both the NCR and the Legion, and the independent ending, which leans more towards anarchy/tribalism, also a reflection of the frontier, with smaller societies and tribes being bought out by land magnates and forced into reservations.
Almost everyone in the game is clinging to some romanticized idea of the Old World and struggling to reconcile that idea with the reality of the setting and the other factions through either diplomacy or violence, which is what you have to do also through your impact on the Mojave.

Lots of linear quests some branching ones
The same garbage combat
The same few companions/team mates that are in every Black Isle/Obsidian game
Even uglier graphics than Fallout 3

There are 4 different ending and the game gives you choices. All your skills can be used as dialogue options depending on the level. You're special stats play a role in how you communicate with other characters as well. You can rp your character and build their backstory through dialogue as well. For example, in the final DLC. An event happens before the main game begins that the courier is involved in. The game allows you to choose whether your character is aware or if the bullet in the head wiped those memories. Things like that make new vegas an actual role playing game

Head canon on a character is perfectly acceptable in an RPG, because you are playing a role which you have predetermined/built yourself.

that actually sounds like a good idea

No senpai, you're the only one with shit tastes. It's okay to like Fallout 3 because it has a special charm to it, but liking Fallout 4 is like thinking poking a steaming piece of turd is fun.

Someone post that image comparing the number of quests in each game

let me find it