>there are people who use controllers for PC games
There are people who use controllers for PC games
dumb joostposter
pretty good pic tbqh
im going to fuck stephanie and get her pregnant with my child!
Keep going. I need my Joost boost.
It's annoying to play GTA without one
If i am playing a port of a console action game I am going to use a controller.
If i am playing an fps or a 4k strategy game or an isometric rpg or something then I will use my keyboard
>dark souls
>flight sims
>racing games
cmon son.
>playing DaS with a keyboard and mouse
I'm a masochist too
Think she will ever do nudes or lewd pics?
Third person action
This DESU no way I am playing a fighting game or 3d platformer on a keyboard
FPS, RTS and MMO are like the only genres where keyboard/mouse is objectively better. everything else is either better with a gamepad or personal preference.
lol, 0/10
back to school kid
>using keyboards
For anything but RTS games and FPS controllers are and always will be better
Keyboards are so ridiculously bad for gaming and are only useful for hotkeys and mouses are just useful for aiming
God I hope not.
why do women pretend to like video games?
Even now with FPS's the Mouse/Keyboard is starting to get edged out by the gyro aiming Steam Controller since WASD lacks analog aiming, and the gyro offers more intuitive precision than a mouse.
And that is why you will be forever alone.
She looks just as lost on the keyboard.
You're one of those kids who goes on the Steam hubs and complains that 3D platformers and action games aren't optimized for the kb/m, aren't you?
PC gaming isn't about gaming with a kb/m for it's accuracy, it's about having the option to do so. If I wanna use a steering wheel, flight stick, xbone controller, ds4 or even a wiimote, I can. It scares me that there's a community of teenagers who take the PCMR thing seriously, but it scares me even more that they're too thick to figure out why kb/m simply isn't the best for most genres. And before you start waving your PCMR flags, I'm not saying Gamepads are better for most genres. I just started playing the Uncharted collection and all I can think about is how much I'd rather be aiming with a mouse.
More juice pls
I bet you also played MGS V using the K+M, didn't you? Sickening.
I mean, have you tried dark souls on a keyboard? It's terrible.