Bastion Complainers

If you can't get around a fucking stationary turret thats slow as molasses when he moves,
in a fucking arena shooter,
who's poster slut is a fast as fuck Australian Flash,
that also includes a hero who LITERALLY has a "Press 'E' to kill Bastion" button,

then you shouldn't be playing video games scrubby.

The real problem is Mc-reeeeeeeeee. Blizz pls nerf him

Other urls found in this thread:

>that also includes a hero who LITERALLY has a "Press 'E' to kill Bastion" button,

your move op

>arena shooter

Hanzo, how clueless are you?

Bastion isn't a problem.

Bastion and competent teammates is the problem.

I don't see what's the problem with Bastion.

Is he within medium range? Hook him with Roadhog.

Is he far away? Use a sniper character.

Is he far away and aiming at a chokepoint you have to go through to reach him? Use Reinhardt.

That's literally it.

We needed more Overwatch threads guys.

>It's high no-AUUUGH

Blocking a chokepoint? Get a Genji to press E

roadhog's hook is the most broken thing in the game atm, can't even dodge it by using a tracer flash/tp as it will pull you through the fourth fucking dimension just to be sure that the lifted pickup truck owner behind the other screen can one shot you and feel good about himself. Fuck. Roadhog

Genji you dumbfucks

>it's not the free self healing with no draw backs
>it's not the high fire power in recon mode
>it's not splash damage one hit kill ultimate that's easy to spam
>b-but don't complain about the turret guys

Nice red herring

>arena shooter
I'm mad, you got me

>Genji presses E
>Bastion stops shooting


>implying Bastion will shoot at you as you obviously approach and then melt you when the reflect is over
Genji mains are cancer.

>Tracer main complaining about the only ability that can stop him from flying all over the place

Things that can kill Bastion:

>Hanzo scatter arrow aimed at a smart angle
>Pharah rocket-poking from a respectable distance
>Getting the drop on him as Reaper
>Either sniper can do it effortlessly at a smart distance
>Killing him from behind a Reinhardt shield in a quick play
>A quick rocket+burst from 76
>Junkrat grenades ricocheted or otherwise
>Genji's reflect

Get good.

She's British ya dingus.

that's not what I planned to kill him with, senpai

No she's Australian.

>genji's best friend, widowmaker, takes the shot while the bastion stops shooting.

she literally has a british flag imprinted on her pants

I'd like to mention again that Blizzard has been watching the budding competitive scene very closely and noticed that nobody plays Bastion at that level. While pub players are crying about bastion being broken, Blizzard is talking about how to make him actually viable if you're any good.

He's the pyro of this game. A wall to bad players, mediocre to good ones.

I'd rather McCreed got nerfed a bit, either his 6-unload or the stun duration.

>come around any corner
>assCreed is there
>stuns you before you can blink
>takes his time to unload 6 shots to your dome because stunned for days

Oh fuck off

thank fuck they aren't balancing around pubs

>yfw you realized his recon mode is better than sentry if you can actually aim

That's just the top left quarter of the Australian flag. She's Australian.

>Using your reflect openly before he shoots
do you even ninja faggot?

>arena shooter
There he is again, another one of those retards.

>Bastion stops shooting
>Genji zips forward and attacks the bright weak spot on Bastion's Ass, killing him in nanoseconds

His recon mode is Soldier 76 that's less accurate
Just play S76

>Genji presses L-Shift
>Throws shurikens into Bastions "Fuck Me" spot


is there any reason to have a character that can kill enemies in 3 seconds with minimal effort

t. bastion player butthurt at being called out for playing ezmode the character

Nah she speaks proper english mate, not that rambling drivel you call language

yes, to pay the stupid tax, pubby

The real problem is that the game is counterpick heavy people don't change heroes as often.
A lot of people complained about the invincible Bastion + Reinhardt + Mercy on payload maps, yet no one bothers to swith to Roadhog or Widowmaker for example that completely destroys the combo.

Do you play against paraplegics? You do realize Bastion can turn 360 degrees, faster than you can run around him right?

They never have.

Genji don't run around the bastion they shift behind him

Our accents are pretty similar, the only difference is Australians don't sound like they have perpetual dick up their ass.

Genji has a cut attack that basically serves as a *teleports behind you* move.

Enemy team defending with 2 Reinhardts and 4 Bastions. We all go Genji/Hanzo and dominate until they play properly.

ive never played bastion and never will, is there any delay at all when they turn 180 degrees or is it instant, also where is the critical spot in sentry mode?

Your version if english has fewer words in it literally because your ancestors were a bunch of morons that were drunk so often they couldn't teach their children to speak properly
Even poo in loos are better than aussies

>Shitter doesn't even know Genjis moves
>Trying to talk shit about him

But you guys still sound like you're constantly getting reamed

??? That's a solution. I haven't had any trouble with Bastions.

Why haven't Genji fags realized that he isn't a hard counter to Bastion at all?

Bastion sees Genji and baits out the parry, taking a tiny bit of damage at best, then continues unloading on him.

A smart Bastion is just going to win that confrontation, lol.

Pretty much- I don't see them outright nerfing him, I do see them changing him in a way that makes him weaker at the n00b level but better at the pro level. Or just buffing him in a way that doesn't make him any worse at the n00b level and continuing to tell the whiners to git gud and l2hard counter.

Cooperation never happens with randoms, calling that a strategy is fucking stupid.

>Inb4 get some friends :^)

No delay, turn speed is exactly the same as any other player. There's a blue light that pops up on his butt when he's in sentry mode, that's his crit spot.

who cares the game is 20 tick the only people who will play this are console heroes

what the fuck? which hero

Genji's dash locks your mouse-look for like half a second, you can't turn around fast enough to hit the shurikens because the game legit won't let you. Meanwhile bastion can instantly 180 and start shooting by the time you're able to turn and start firing.
But really you shouldn't be 1v1'ing anyone, regardless of counters.
You have a team, use them.

>tfw I really like Bastion as a character but don't want to play such a braindead playstyle.

I just shoot him with phara

>Brain dead
If you want brain dead play Trobjonh or Lucio.

It's one of Phara's alt costumes.

Sup Forums complaining about Bastion just further solidifies my belief that Sup Forums is full of complete shitters.

It's the same shit with Techies. Somebody has to go out of their way to counter it, and the game changes.

you don't have to use him in a braindead way. You can use him to sort of hit and run. Set up sentry in one spot and do some work then quickly move to a new spot. Most bastion players are easy to counter because they just sit on one spot and hold left click, if you know where a bastion is you can take him out no problem

Sup Forums defending Bastion just further solidifies my belief that Sup Forums is full of complete shitters.

>bastion isnt op b-because genji !
How do you make it to a bastion with a torbjorn sat up slightly further than a backline bastion
Don't get me wron, there's bad bastions, but the biggest mistake they make is setting up frontline
It's genuinely difficult to get to them if their other 5 team mates even remotely pay attention

Bastion needs some serious love there are far too many hero's that sraight up shit on him from rocket/nade spam to just boosting into his face as D.VA he was more cancerous in his previous iteration with the shield but playing literally as a turrent isn't too engaging to play as or against but at the very least he's not quite a shit as the goddamn dwarf and those paper mache turrets

git gud


Bastion breaks his shield in about 3 seconds, if that

It'll work if you have an actually competent team that uses that 3 seconds to gun him down though actually

Bastion really is the pub stomper

Sup Forums complaining about Sup Forums defending Bastion just further solidifies my belief that Sup Forums is full of complete shitters.

You can say that about every hero. Switching and countering is how the game is played.

I will one day. You never will though because you cling to your special ed crutch character.

>Jump on bastion as junk rat
>Kill him with your passive


Same with the amount of people calling D. Va useless, despite her being one of the most well-balanced characters in the game.

Trob is only braindead if you try to play him like Engie.
He has a good gun and if you really want to be a helpful you need to go collect those scraps to turn into armor for your team.

and you're full of shit.

Even if you group with skillful friends and are coordinated enough to beat ultimately win rounds against Bastion players all the time, you're still going to die embarrassingly to them a lot because they can hide anywhere in siege mode completely silently and then kill you in half a second.

Unless you're that fag from earlier who said "I MAIN REINHARDT"

yeah its a team game you have to rely on your team and they have to rely on you woah.

>implying I play bastion

Why would anyone with half a brain play one of the most easily countered characters?

yes but even when being proactive if your gun 80% of the kills come from the turret, I did love throwing out armor in the beta though

They debunked this already you tard

Welcome to online games, you will lose your childlike innocence soon.

Toblerone's gun is super fun. I just set up a turret to babysit the objective and go to town on niggers with my spikes

I know get misunderstand when I say that user I love Trob he is one of the reasons I preordered. That doesn't change the fact 80% of your damage and kills come from the turret.

Bastion is op.

Yes you can counter him alone with Hanzo. But short from Ultimates no other character can break a bottleneck Bastion has locked alone.

? talk to your team or just play with friends or just get good. yeah it'll be harder if you aren't able to have your team as coordinated with you but in lowish level pubs its possible.

You're a retard, stop posting.

>bastion even gets quads

>80% of your damage and kills come from the turret
maybe if you can't aim. The turret hardly does any damage on its own when it's not ulted. It mostly exists as an annoyance and distraction for people to shoot at while I shoot at them

>b-but aussies don't sound like they are getting fucked in the ass

>you're still going to die embarrassingly to them a lot

The only time I die to Bastion is when I'm either the first one in and they switched to him mid-game.

Because people don't think about how to apply her skills properly. I've blocked entire McCree ults and Phar ults by flying into their faces and hitting E. Also, fucktards continue to stand 20 meters back and shoot, thinking its doing any damage.

sorry i hurt your feelings.

>n-no u

You literally sound like you're getting fucked by a big black Muslim cock, 24/7. There's a reason British men love dressing up as women so much.

>genji keeps peaking and hitting my turret
>repair it to the point where another salvo of shurikens will kill it for good
>shoot on the corner and headshot him

Torb's gun hits so fucking hard.

Overwatch heroes run a gamut where mobility and HP is inversely proportional to damage output.

Bastion can't kill any hero in a 1v1 that's hugging some corner geometry, without fighting in recon mode.

>They didnt keep his original design

Ahh shit I wanna try that now when the game releases. I feel like that would be really easy to do on Temple of Anubis, as if the map wasn't Junkrat's personal pain train already.

if I wear this, will it trigger Sup Forums?

>Brawl, get Mei
>Rein and two Bastions set up on house by point A in Hollywood
>their team is assured of their invincibility so they all sit on point and emote
>I set up a hunddred miles away and hold right click
>their spread is too big to hit me reliably
>damage falloff is too much to kill me
>team slowly begins to realize my plan
>zen orbs me
>mercy damage buffs me
>76 just spams around a corner on Rein shield
>Tracer blinks all around them, making Rein turn to block her
>kill on bastion
>break shield
>kill second
>their team pushes out to get me
>drop ult in their chokepoint, wall them in it, hit shift
>team wiped, cap point, two of them quit match
>steamroll them the rest of the game
Get shit on, bad bastion players.

>implying I'm british
ausscuck doesn't know mocking his shit hole is an international past time