My dad is cancelling the internet and TV because he can't afford it and he doesn't use it

My dad is cancelling the internet and TV because he can't afford it and he doesn't use it.

I don't blame him, but I need a list of offline games/things to do that I can torrent before it shuts off. I only have a week to build a supply that will last me till 2017 since that's when I'll be moving out.

Any recommendations would be great. Otherwise I'm going to be very, very bored.

get a job and pay for your own cable, also morrowind

>get a job and pay for your own cable
He won't let me at his house. I have a job, but he doesn't want to be responsible if I lose it/can't pay for it. And cancellation fees are a bitch as he just realized.

Thanks, I think I'll download the entire Elder Scrolls games.

saw this floating around a while back. been working down the list for a while, as i'm moving soon too. not games but it fits the "things" portion of your post.

and take your pick of a modded bethesda game.

Great list, thanks.

Every ace combat game, persona 3, kingdom hearts 1.5 and 2.5, every Pokemon mystery dungeon game, and souls/bloodborne game

You're clearly under the age of 18 and a huge pussy to boot.

I can't believe anyone is seriously replying to this thread.

Fucking loser.

I'm 21 and used to be a NEET.

>I can't believe anyone is seriously replying to this thread.
And yet here you are, voicing your unneeded opinion and bumping it. The irony.

>cant afford internet
sounds like you've got bigger problems than video games

You do know it is the year 2016 right? People who live up to 30 live with their parents because of how expensive it is to move out now a days, in fact, if you got kicked out when you were 18 or something, your parents most likely hated you

>doesn't know what sage is
Little bitty worthless boy.

>not supporting your parents by the age of 21
It's like you suck at making money.

>sounds like you've got bigger problems than video games

Refer to
>in fact, if you got kicked out when you were 18 or something, your parents most likely hated you
It's probably the reason he's so mad. His dad didn't love him enough to help him out in life once he hit 18.

Kek. Waving your Internet dick around again are we?

I don't know where you're coming from. But until I graduate uni and get my job. There's no way I could support my parents and family at 21.

warband with some mods (/mbg/) and civ v

also aa2 and cm3d2 (/aa2g/ and /hgg/) so you don't run out of masturbatory material

user. Why don't you pay for a mobile hotspot? Sure there's data caps. But it's something at least.

or download kali and get into one of your neighbors wifi

No, pointing out reality.

>But until I graduate uni
So you either don't have a real job right now or you're currently without skills?

>There's no way I could support my parents and family at 21.
You wasted money going to uni unless you're at a top tier school with a clear pipeline. I did 70k after 1 year in my trade after the first year, you fucked up by being passive and now you and your family are fucked.

I bet you wouldn't even support them if you could.

Here's that (you) you seem to be in search of.

>Just stop being poor
nice b8

>i did 1 year and got a shit paying job so you should too
wew lad

>6 figs
>in one of the lowest CoL cities in the US
>shit paying

It's really that simple, you choose to be poor, stop it.

Nice b8 m8

>70k is 6 figures
nice 1 year education you've got there m80

The whole reason your shit profession exists is thanks to those who yearned for higher education. Quit undermining history and acting like you actually did everything on your own, because the impact you've made is minimal compared to the amount of help you've had whether directly or indirectly.

What to you here comes off as bait?

I don't even understand any more.

70k was my first year income, that's not a constant. College really is for the retards now days.

Made 6 figs by year two, my trade in high CoL areas gets even more stupid. All trades do though, just little betas like you want to stay poor.

ITT: white people with safety nets

>The whole reason your shit profession exists is thanks to those who yearned for higher education

>Quit undermining history and acting like you actually did everything on your own, because the impact you've made is minimal compared to the amount of help you've had whether directly or indirectly.
People like me command our pay for a reason.

1. Download Dolphin Gamecube and Wii emulator. Download the three major Zelda games (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword) and whatever other Gamecube / Wii games you want

2. Download Project64 and whatever N64 games you want

3. There's a PS2 emulator, PCSX2, I've never used it but I think it's meant to be pretty good, so you could get that and whatever PS2 games you want

4. Go for other old classic consoles if you want, like SNES and Sega Genesis.

5. Download whatever decent PC games you can run.

I lived many years without internet. The good news is without internet, I actually played a lot more games. Completed a lot of single player games during that time.

The big psp emulator is top notch too and there were a lot of good time sinks on that.


There's so much shit it's unreal

your dad sounds like a cuck

Why would you even want to support your family.

I wouldnt or wont.

Fuck em. They have done enough shit against me. When arguements happen between us the only thing they can honestly claim to have given is me is fucking hot food.

Fuck outta here.

I mean, I've worked in construction, and in a laboratory.
But I've been working as a cashier for right now.
So I do have skills, I've just been focusing on school. It's not a top tier school, but you don't need a top tier school to get far. Just having a popular name will do well.

And yes, you could say I've been quite passive, I get enough scholarships and grants to help fufill my pay in school and around the house.

But when I land my job at Medtronic. And I go from making 15k a year to 125k my first year.
I'll be able to support my family and my best friend's family.

Most of all, I won't be as bitter as you are. And me and my girlfriend will live happily while you shitpost on the internet.

Keep going with that trading though, if it works for you. No sense in fixing what's not broken.

>he fell for the skills meme

No one has skills nigga. Just experience.

Uhm get a job and pay for internet but how retarded is your dad.

You need internet for mail, to apply to jobs, news, entertainment and a lot of fucking things.

Anyways assuming your not trolling. I dont know if you can do this but someone correct me.

All you have to do is go to the library or somewhere with decent wifi. And download games or media to your extended harddrive. From there transfer files to your PC deskptop when you get home.

And how you can you leave in 2017 with no job starting now. Like dude everything costs money.

Ah right didn't know that. I loved my PSP back in the day. And I played emulators on that too, mainly Genesis for the Sonic games and also Pokemon on the GBA emulator.

Best PSP games I played were the GTA ones (they're alright, although the games they're derived from - GTA III and Vice City - are obviously way better). And also Monster Hunter Freedom 2 which was like some big Japanese game that I downloaded.

pay for your own phone plan and personal Hotspot you stupid faggot. what third world country are you in?

Also, the two Syphon Filter games for PSP. They were very good.

No him but I am from PA and there is no company that has unlimited data, and 100GB is about $600/m

>playing online games on mobile internet

I'm pretty sure his data would run out in under 5 minutes

>having to pay money to stop paying for a service
Americucks, everyone.

>me and my girlfriend

Yea a girl who loves you on that cashiers status? Bullshit your prolly a cuck or your girl cheats with you the cute 17 cute year old Bagger Boy at your job with a nice car that his parents bought him.

You wont make 125k a year with a degree. You wont just land those jobs right out of college. Youll make 40 to 50 and years down the road 125. Assuming you move up in the company. Maybe you get stiffed and end up capping out like everyone usually does at 60 to 70 at age 50 and start buying stupid shit to feel important.

What bullshit do you tell yourself?

>me and my gf will be happy with my guaranteed 125k a year starting job at 22
kek, yet still you're earning less than a two years tradesman.

If you want to get to the gf angle seriously it's hilariously how many dudes you cuck in trades, girls love a guy with tools that makes more than her bf.

I did have one guy recently scream at me to fuck his wife in the ass though which got really weird really quick.

Not really, a lot of guys in my industry command more and a lot command less due to their skills. I was in IT before so it's nor surprising I'm technically skilled, meanwhile good sales guys command the same as me off sales skills alone.

The monhuns are great timesinks, just get a controller. PSP emulation is really good right now considering how new it is and the demands,

yeah but he can still torrent shit occasionally and go on these decadent forums, i did phone net for 2.5 years at home

>>not supporting your parents by the age of 21
>It's like you suck at making money.

that's the dumbest shit I have ever heard. The highest earnings potential the average person has is the age right before they retire. Congratulations you can support your parents at the age of 21 because you are a nigger, sorry your dads in jail and your mom's a whore.

Sorry user. Been there done that. If you have a job, or can get one, just get cheap internet and netflix. Itll be ~$50/month. I havent had normal """""tv""""" in years.

Best of luck to you.
I almost forgot this was Sup Forums.


how many phone lines do you have and do you have limits on your minutes on cell phones?

You don't. Cancellation fees only apply when you want to terminate a contract early. These contracts are typically because you are paying a loan on equipment like cell phones or you payed below cost rates for the first few months.

> he didnt get an 80k starting position out of college
top kek

> Congratulations you can support your parents at the age of 21 because you are a nigger
Yeah, niggers are known for high income and supporting their parents.

>sorry your dads in jail and your mom's a whore.
Dad died a millionaire and mom was a legit whore so you're kind of close there, good job.

Only in Cali and New York is that common and in the end those salaries end up being worth 34-64k everywhere else.

Don't forget to torrent books as well op

Also download the complete game centre CX torrent, good show.

Alrighty dude, you lost.

For a moment there, I actually did believe you about your trade shit.

You useless person. Don't you have any other experience besides trade that you say you have? What if that fell through?

Forget that for now though.
It's ten at night. Why don't you get some sleep? You got a long day of work ahead of you right?

If you want to get into it, I really enjoy playing tetris. If you download NullpoMino you can get oodles of hours out of it.

dragon commander
the witcher 2 / 3
darkest dungeons
diablo 2 lod
divinity original sin enhanced edition
gnomoria/ DF (df if super autistic)
earth 2150 trilogy
neverwinter nights 1 and 2 with all the modules

Been there man,
-For sheer quantity of playtime, here's some games that got me through some rougher times:
Mount and Blade Warband is good shit tons of mods.
-Total War series will do you well to. Rome, medieval 2, Attila, and Shogun 2 are what you should look at.
-Bethesda game(s) of your choice. They're sgit, but there's not mucb better for killing time.
-Star Wars Empire at War. It's old, but it's solid with, again, a huge mod library
-Terraria/Minecraft. Quantity is key.
-Not most people's interest, but whichever ArmA game that your pc can run. ArmA is at it's best multiplayer. But the scenario editor is fantastic and you can kill a lot of time figuring out how to use it, and then using it to make missions to run through

And, of course whatever porn you like.

50% of college graduates in our generation live with mom.

Im not the dude who talks about trade crafts and shit.

The only way you actually get those jobs is to be the son of a trade worker to have worked in those jobs since you were a teen and by the time your 30 be making serious money as a trades master. But thats based on neopotism and hard work.

But besides that a degree is way more useful. Just not 125k starting pay useful.

Im the duse whos calling you an idiot for beliving in a 125k starting out of college. Especilaly for groccery boy.

The insults about your GF were a little overtop. However you mentioned making her happy and the delusional idea you entertain of 125k a year really makes me think your a cuck or/and delusional.

Tropico. Any of them. The only PC game worth playing that you don't need online for.
I can't believe any if these underage shits haven't recommended it yet

>muh trades
>muh degrees

unless you are an illegal mexican, a h1b visa holder, or a rich kid, you are pretty much fucked in today's market

>I was in IT before

spotted the retard

So what are you going to do when that trade skill you have is no longer needed and you get absolutely shitcanned because you have no horizontal experience?

Fo you have a psp? If so have custom firmware installed and play psp and older games on it. Because its portable you won't have to worry about having a tv and a bunch of cables to deal with. Also the games being digitalmeans you want hve to carry around a bunch of disks or cartidges. Head to nicoblog for a faq on how to jailbreak ur psp.

>The only way you actually get those jobs is to be the son of a trade worker to have worked in those jobs since you were a teen and by the time your 30 be making serious money as a trades master. But thats based on neopotism and hard work.

My dad owned a shit load of grocery stores and I never knew him.

Started my trade slightly over 2 years ago after getting out of IT, only a small part was neopotism which can be summed up as the guy who got me into my trade being able to connect me to other shops.

That being said you seem like a normal hard working guy, I just want to point out the fact that money is available here.

I made far less as a network engineer.

80% of college graduates are worthless faggots.

>So what are you going to do when that trade skill you have is no longer needed and you get absolutely shitcanned because you have no horizontal experience?
My trade is always needed and my IT skill actually makes me more valuable with higher seer equipment. Even if my trade did fall out of favor both my high and low volt background are enough to command a high salary.

Hmm. If you really need internet after you download your stockpile, do you have a public library that has publicly accessible computers? You might be able to use those.

In terms of recommendations, I'd go for some good long RPGs, for example, DQVII and Xenoblade Chronicles. Also try pic, it's not too long but it's excellent.

Not OP but whats better, assuming youve played both, s&p on 64 or star successor on wii?

I'm at the point where if i die on the streets then so be it. I have no hope for things to change to what I consider better and none of this feels worth dealing with.


Brainlet detected

I personally preferred the Wii one, but eh, I'm not everyone.

Doesn't mention brutal doom.

Get some emulators and you can have just about every retro game in existence.

>tfw 200 word essay due by friday and i haven't even started
I just don't want to stop playing dota

Why is anyone still replying to this underage NEET? No one makes 100k a year by 21 without an amazing education or powerful parents getting their shitstain of a kid a good job.

Say your job title or start posting game suggestions, you worthless lying faggot. It's great that you invented an interesting story to bullshit boys on grinder with, but come on. You're bragging to a bunch of anons on a forum known for being weeaboos and neets

don't you know? It's way too mainstream.

>200 word
2-3 short paragraphs
Are you in sixth grade or mentally disabled?

I type summaries that long

It's some old meme that's recently resurfaced in which retards parody a post of that nature by posting stuff like
>tfw 1 word essay due 4 years from now
>help me

>haven't had home internet since September 2014
I hate this shit. Luckily I have unlimited mobile data but can't hotspot

GOG Galaxy has a ton of offline games you can play.

I'm 25 now but know 21 year olds in my trade out earning me, sorry you suck bb.

My title is literally as simple as HVAC technician, realistically it's HVAC sales tech but I also do service and installs.