So, i have a very important test tomorrow morning, in 12 hours to be exact

So, i have a very important test tomorrow morning, in 12 hours to be exact.

Which of the following should i do? (choose as many as you want)

>Play Vidya
>Order and eat a whole Pizza
>Eat some frozen dinner i have here
>Cry myself to sleep
>Dont sleep at all

Help fixing my life, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread: word essay meme

kys and get it over with

I wish I wasn't such a pussy

Study, and then eat a pizza. You dumb fuck.

study. vidya can always come later

Study for 4 hours, sleep for 7, and pass the test. You can do all that other stuff afterward. Simple.

Put on some Seinfeld, order the pizza, eat the frozen dinner while you wait then eat the pizza.

Study you lazy shit, how hard is it?

Here's some wake fuel

Order whole pizza
Sleep if time remains

my motherfucking nigga

>300 word essay
>it's due tomorrow


Order and eat whole pizza, then eat frozen dinner. Don't sleep.

It is thermodynamics

whats your essay about op?

>300 word essay
Either special ed or underage b&

>Play Vidya
>Order and eat a whole Pizza
>Dont sleep at all

Take test in morning, bomb or ace it, play more vidya.

>underage detected

Order the pizza and start studying. If you feel overwhelmed take a 20 minute break and by the time it's getting late choose to sleep or not based in how ready you feel. Study when you wake up too

I say do all of these things in that order.

>300 word essay

Studying is mostly inconsequential to your final grade unless it's history which is essentially memorization of dates and names.

What worked for me in uni was:

-Study some the night before
-Git to bed at a reasonable time as possible
-Wake up early (3 hours or more before exam) so 6AM if your exam starts at 9.
-Study and have a breakfast

Course I had bush-league humanities and not so you might be fucked but no matter what don't do the all nighter study meme. That shit is never a good idea, you will not remember or retain as much as you might benefit from getting a good night's rest.

Now for writing a paper yeah I've done the all nighters. Those are 'ok'.

>300 word essay
So like... just an intro paragraph?

>calling someone else underage
>being too underage to understand

u guys have been m3m3'd friendos

>70 page thesis due tomorrow
>haven't even chosen a topic
how fucked am I, Sup Forums?


I wasn't able to answer two questions on one of my finals, and it's killing me inside despite the fact I got everything else correct.

Study, get everything right, and then play video games to celebrate.

Lel study you dumb fuck or you'll fail miserably
>Source: a miserable failure at chem

Understand what? Anything can be stretched out enough to make 300 words. word essay meme

>have to study for exams
>maybe I'll browse Sup Forums for a few minutes
>8 hours later

Fuck my lack of will

>lol get baited guys! nailed those newfags good with that rad bait i picked up from Sup Forums

Please lurk for at least 1 year before posting.

Do not play vidya during uni/college semester
at all
Binge during out-of-semester breaks
I've been following that method for years and have a HD average

Literally have a 500 word essay on the industrial revolution due tomorrow. Cant stop playing OSRS though

Yeah, what this user said.

Additionally, what changed everything for me was getting a small dry erase board and writing down every single assignment and it's due date, project and test dates. Seeing it all in front of me in a list made it super easy for me to prioritize and chip away small bits daily without ever feeling overwhelmed.

>500 word essay due tomorrow
>in japanese


It isnt chemestry, it is more physics and being able to consult data tables.

I have to know how to solve the following problems given the initial data:

Carnot Cycle (ez as fuck)
Rankine Cycle
Otto Cycle
Diesel Cycle
Breyton Cycle
All on both "generate work" or "cooling" cycles, when available.

Don't sleep, order the pizza, play vidya til pizza comes, study while eating, go back to vidya after eating, play until you get too tired from staying up and cry yourself to sleep.

Do each of those characters count as a word? I don't know how japanese works

Study, order pizza, eat half, don't cry, absolutely don't cry, don't get used to it and then sleep.

Channel out your thoughts before sleeping, so you are well rested before exam.

Don't mess up, senpai!

it's a sentence

In this order:
Study some
Warm up and eat your frozen dinner
Relax, play some vidya
Study some more. Use this to wrap up your studies/notecard/whatever.
Then, play some vidya (if you have time) and/or go to sleep.
Get your sleep. Wake up ~2 hours before your exam. Have a good breakfast, prepare a lunch for after the exam. Use any extra time to review your note sheets and visit the exam site.
I wish you the best, user.

>5 word essay
>due at the heat death of the universe
I think I'm going to drop out.

Ok, OP here

>Pizza here
>Several example exercises found on slides, books, notebooks and videos.

Wish me good luck. I will try not to waste time coming back at Sup Forums