Daily reminder that its the current year of 2016 and Nintendo keeps releasing games that look like Mode 7

Daily reminder that its the current year of 2016 and Nintendo keeps releasing games that look like Mode 7.


And yet the gameplay is somhow better than 80% shit on the market. Go figure.


Please delete this.

Nice and realistic screenshots, i bet it looks like that in game m8.

Gameplay? is literally the same combat system that every rpg game used since the nes.

Pretty much, that's why I said 80% of the market user.

>Still giving shit about graphics in 2016
Literally retarded when tons of games with "outdated" graphics that come out today are better than most of the yearly hyped up "Triple A" shit.

Is he questioning why my dick is hard?

Just because its turn based doesn't mean its identical to Dragon Quest / Final Fantasy, user.

You need to learn the difference between aesthetics and dated graphics, mongoloid cunt.

Yeah, i bet pokemon looks like garbage because of the "artstyle" ;)


Why wont they just do really high res sprites. Would look much better than this half assed 3d.

What is that Yokai Watch screeshot from?

I'm more interested in the tanned guy. Totally reminds be of Wulfric.

Personally I think it looks charming, better than N64 but worse than Gamecube - like an early Dreamcast game without bi/tri-linear filtering on the textures

Only problem comes from the fact that the environments are charmingly old-school and conservative, whereas the Pokemon and character models individually have more poly's than the entire environment. It's jarring as fuck, meet somewhere in the middle for fucks sake

A fucking clown seal. Like, what the fuck? Fucking fuck.


The whole gimmick of the 3DS is that its fucking 3D.

Just like the tablet gimmick ruined the WiiU the 3D gimmick ruined the DS.

gen 5 really was the peak of this series, whether people want to admit it or not. one of the reasons being the sprites were fucking awesome, even funky ones like Blaziken

Daily reminder that its the current year of 2016 and people still give a shit about pokemon.

You can do "3D" without making everything "3D".

t. Barafag

If gen 5 taught us anything it's that sprites were long past their expiration date.

This is what people calling >muh artstyle dont understand.

Pokemon looks like this because they can't make it look better, not because they want to make it look like this.

>Why wont they just do really high res sprites

They are. That's why the frame rate shits the bed so hard in XY/ORAS; its just too detailed.

>people thinking game freak is a good dev

Better than a lighting fixture.


>still playing pokemon shit

literally what the fuck

>Shit hardware resolution

>Game looks like shit

What exactly were you expecting?

Not enough mash A to win for you?

the textures really suck though, I am really sick of these giant stretched pixel blocks, like they colored everything with the MS paint spray can.
Its especially easy to notice in cutsenes, like when mega kyogre comes out. Its not even comparable to anything, textures should be the easiest thing for a game with creatures and people who are usually composed of large color blotches with thick cutoff lines.


this looks terrible

literal toddler trash

Pokeshit is probably the most casual turn-based experience in existence.

And it's making more money then anything SONY is dishing out.

pokemon is press a to win

Who cares? It's fun. I've already nearly completed an entire living dex (only got a few more mythicals to go, and I can get those from the upcoming events), and I'll have even more Pokémon to collect once I get Sun and Moon.

your shill

>b-but eating shit is fun

Nintoddlers are amusing.

What happened to Pokemon saying their own name? Now it's weird screeching noises.

This is what I see.

They're trying, bless their retarded hearts, but Game Freak is always going to be at least a hardware generation behind when it comes to understanding of graphical and technical shit - we should have had a game that looked like X and Y (albeit with lower-poly battle models) halfway through the DS's lifespan

They need to either fire half of their programmers and modellers and rebuild, or pool some extra staff from Nintendo development groups like EAD. Left to their own devices, Game Freak are always going to be making games that are both artistically and technically inferior

and yet they still make bank.

Are you a shareholder?

>caring about other people taste in video game

Why are you so angry user ?

>this dead horse by-the-numbers, two-versions-to-sell-more, poorly designed, doomed to rot on handheld, tired game franchise for children by a past its prime company run by senile Nips looks bad
Yeah no shit.

this is Sup Forums dot org, friend
may i direct you to reddit dot com

Stopped reading right there.

Figured you'd be one of THOSE fags the instant I saw the "daily reminder"

Youkai Watch was originally going be be a Sony series.

I hope we get Monster Hunter Stories. That shota is 10/10 cuteness

why do people enjoy turn based combat? in the real world people don't wait for you to take your turn to hit them

I don't really see how that's relevant to my post though, but yeah, they make millions and they'll continue to do so regardless of whether they up the artistic quality

This is true. Good graphics can only make a game look better, not good.

The problem is that X/Y/OR/AS/Sun/Moon look like complete garbage, and the gameplay was ruined in Gen 6.

Yeah, their designs are pretty on-point.

Gen 6 has the best gameplay by far. The progression is a bit fucked by exp share and other handholdy features, but gameplay mechanics are more varied and intuitive than they've ever been.

Yes they do. Have you never been in a fight? It's literally turn based, but super fast. If they hit you twice it's because you wasted a turn doing nothing

Ever been in a convo? If they say something and then say something again it's because you spent your turn being quiet.

Ever have sex? Every time you thrust and the girl just takes it that's you leaving her stunned, cumming is your signature move


>Best gameplay
>Type chart more imba than ever before
>Fairy type is the second strongest type to ever exist, right behind Gen 1 Psychic
>Fairy is so fucking strong that a middling RU Pokemon, Clefable, got one change (Normal -> Fairy) and jumped up to being the BEST Pokemon in the highest tier below the banlist
Fuck right off.

I just need more games to play user. Every release means another month or two until a game i'm actually looking forward to comes out. Got Bravely Second, waiting till Robobot and MHGen. Looking forward to Rhythm Heaven whenever that comes out and there's nothing else that's been announced Besides S&M eventual release date.
And being competent at video games is suffering, i'm beating things too quickly.

and you're correct

800+ 3D Model Pokemon is a bitch to animate without lag user

Please stop pretending you know shit about game development

>He's not maining Circus seal

Get gud


Atleast Sun and Moon actually look good and a direct improvement from X and Y

The models aren't chibi shit

The battles have the trainers there, and those fucking circles during battle are finally gone

Why the fuck were they even there

Are fans of lesser monster collection games jealous and assmad again

pokemon finally looks like a downgraded digimon/persona game, cant you just be happy that they now cant go back to tilesets.

dont kid yourself, the gameplay isn't that spectacular its just familiar.

Define lesser, and remember that sales dont mean shit unless your their CEO.

you know, all the chinese bootleg tier shitgames for mexicans, like digiman and yokai watch

And yet, you still got mad ;)

I'm not bothered that it looks bad since that's the 3ds's fault. I'm extremely disappointed that it looks exactly like gen 6 though. I wonder if they're going to keep recycling XY assets forever.

Personally speaking, I'm Pokemon-autism incarnate - I love the world, the combat system, the monsters, the music, etc.

It just pisses me off that blatant copycat franchises and shill games have better visual quality, actual difficulty settings, proper character-building and lots of post-game content. Dozens of games learnt the ropes by taking influence from Pokemon, and it's about time it came full circle and Pokemon copied the parts that other franchises objectively do better

>pixelated crap
Gen 4 was the peak.

Every single Pokemon game has been set in Japan and now they can choose another part of the world and they fucking chose HAWAII of all places fuck's sake

Still havent said how they're lesser other than hurling elementary school tier insults around, which considering the thread doesnt surprise me that's all there is.

its not a bad place

I've made myself sound really clear, but you spergs will never get over your inferiority complex.

>what is unova
>what is kalo
>hating haiwai

The bara porn
it keeps rolling in

That nigga look like a Whalmer

All you've made clear is that you're an oddly defensive sperg who cant even back up the shit they spew and randomly attack anyone who exists outside of your bubble.

But if you want to think that has anything to do with a complex of some sort than that sounds like a personal problem.

>sales are only relevant when they favor my company

Jesus Christ

>Every single Pokemon game
Nigga what?
We've been out of Japan for two generations already.
>Kanto - Kanto
>Johto - Kansai
>Hoenn - Kyūshū
>Sinnoh - Hokkaido
>Unova - New York
>Kalos - Norther France
>Alola - Hawaii

And Hawaii's a great place to get animal inpsiration. Very different from New York and it's more 'MERICA theme.

Yeah, faggots making these threads every day because they cant deal with their shit games being unpopular and crap is totally a personal problem.

This, tbqh senpai, i love pokemon but i wish it looked better and had real difficulty, i have more fun with fan games desu

^Pretty much this.

Everything they did in X and Y could have been done on DS including the online. We know this because Phantasy star zero exist on 3DS and is in some ways more technically sound than even Pokemon X and Y.

And that was by a B or C team from Sega during a time where they focusing on Phantasy star online 2 and Sonic.

*exist on DS


And you assume it's them because why? People that enjoy something can still be critical of it, like this user Unless they're some retarded, blind, fanboy loyalist or some cancerous shit like that.

No, you're mad. :^))))

>DQM3 in the west never ever
I hate SE with all my soul

>mfw Sun and Moon come out and you can only use it on a new 3DS XL or new 3DS

>And you assume it's them because why?
Because its always the same with you faggots.

Especially Digimon fanboys are really cancerous about it.

>it still runs like crap

I mean there's many weird dream scenarios but this one is the most unlikely.

Copying some words from my post isnt going to add any substance to yours. You're still being a presumptuous, cancerous, company loyalist with that mindset.

Talk about jumping to conclusions.

Some things wont change though. Pokemon will remain at the top and fanboys of lesser games will remain assmad like you.