Post your favorite youtube gaming channels.
Post your favorite youtube gaming channels
>mr title clickbait
Well atleast he is honest about using clickbait and being a fucking faggot. He is still a faggot thou.
Gaming Historian
Lazy Game Reviewer
I don't casually watch youtube. at all. I used to way back in '08ish, but never again. I just don't see the appeal
go away grandpa.... lol
Jesus fucking Christ, kill yourself you colossal fucking faggot. Your opinions, which are factually incorrect, are shit and deserve to be stuffed down the same well that you'll fall into. I award you no points.
ManyATrueNerd and Chuggaaconroy are near the top of my list.
I only recognize this fucker because I see his embarrassingly blatantly clickbait-as-fuck titled videos on my recommendations tab for some godawful reason.
Anyone else like these channels?
also SSoH
I like ManyaTrueNerd but I feel he will inevitably become like every other youtuber. Chugga is just too happy and pure to be changed hes went this long I doubt he will fall to the dark side.
I like you
>calls out others on having shitty taste
>posts lets play cancer
wew lad
Gaming Historian and LGR are based
don't recognize the other one
DSPgaming for kwahlity kahntent okaaaay
odd that the smartest guy among the group is a nigger. gotta love Pat tho. reminds me too much of Dan Vs.
I like chugga, he stuck to what he started as and is consistent, he isn't another generic facecam overreact to everything. He feels like he actually enjoys what he does and is supportive of starting out letsplayers. One of the nicest lpers out there.
he's such a dork, I like that.
>Who's Rerez
I got fampai.
I like you too, user.
He hasn't shown any significant changes in the kind of content he puts out over the last few years outside of making more of it. I don't see how he could be on a downward spiral.
If you're wanting non-LP stuff, the first ones that come to mind are Matthewmatosis and ProJared. The first for being informative, and the second for being genuinely funny in a non-cringey way. It's something that a lot of people of his style fail to do (looking at you, PBG).
we're rats
not videogames
fuck off back to or
Royal taste my nigga.
name a better channel than these two cavemen
not even a gaming channel, he just puts some game that he knows his 12 year old audience will like in the backround while he makes fun of kids that are about as retarded as himself
O shit waddup
>tfw I sang that song as a joke to people who never heard of jerma
>I am now only remembered by my friends for being the guy who sang the rat song.
Newfz, rip spike and barley :_:
Oh, no, don't start this.
Once in a blue moon we can witness Sup Forums having a comfy YT thread, don't pollute it with this bullshit.
Woolie on his own is fucking terrible though He needs Pat to hold in his little bitch tears otherwise his thin as fuck skin makes him so over defensive that he ruins any LP just as much as Liam.
The only real answer
< Best gamer
I just have a strange feeling in my gut is all.
So he's honest that he's a piece of shit. How's that make him less of a piece of shit.
I legit like leafy
this is not troll
think it is idgaf
He points out the scum cringe that needs to stop internetting. Hes doing more than any of you FAGS.
pyrocynical > leafy
I will never understand how someone with such below average content can be so popular. He's just a worse JonTron in every conceivable way.
It's because it's relatable.
his enitre subs are trolls. butthurt basement dwellers just like all of you
One note joke: the youtube channel
How long can you listen to a deep voiced man say things like "tittysprinkles" in monotone?
You seriously think teens have a sense of monotony?
SeaNanners He has his moments
Huggbees, or The Lone Noob
Lt Corbis
Life of Boris
do you get to make the rules now at least?
Smash buttons
It doesn't. Why should it? To me it is just more respectable to be honest about what you do or what you are. It is kinda if PewDiePie went and said in a video "fuck them retarded little kids for money, those stupid naive pieces of shit". That is what he does but he isn't honest about it in a blunt manner as Leafy is.
Leafyishere more like LeafyisQueer, amirite?
Honestly, when he isn't actively trying to be idiotic or self-depricating he can be pretty funny. That's why I used to like his Zelda Month content - he typically put more thought into it than... whatever the rest of his content is composed of.
Unfortunately, he's begun to lean more and more on the "lol so incompetent and unsure" shtick, and that well ran dry years ago.
I have such a strange collection of opinions on NCS. On one hand, he's the chill guy that got me into LPs in general. On the other, he has refused to get with the times, and everything about his current content (from layouts to video quality to everything else) screams incompetency. I'll gladly rewatch his older material, but his new videos just don't click for me.
I never watched him whats he like
oh hes buds with leafy he shouldnt be too bad
seriously come at me scrublords your all just haters of the POSITIVE VIBES
Lazy Game Reviews
AdumPlaze if that counts
Super Bunnyhop
Easy Allies
Game Maker's Toolkit
Gaming Historian
I won't pretend I have amazing taste but this is everybody vidya related I'm subscribed to right now.
No... now whenever my friends are bored they force me to sing it. If I don't they play a recording of me singing it full blast.
Leafy is a faggot for bullying King Joey
r8 my t8ste, Sup Forums
Accursed Farms
The Trooth
Kay Plays
Many a True Nerd
Dropout Dragon
I use his channel as buffer and to tell when the other Normal Boots guys will update because they tend to be in synch.
He's not awful but not amazing.
>No SuperBunnyhop
Jesus christ user
500 replies here we go.
no shit he uses that as a username get mad cunt like what i dont like
.mah nigga, Jontrons the shit. Dunkeys pretty good too.
I think the reason that you won't see him appear a lot on Sup Forums is due to his current popularity surge.
Popular groups can be received well on Sup Forums (see: Giant Bomb), but when there's a popularity surge currently happening you'd have to be insane to post about them on Sup Forums and not expect to get insulted and degraded for liking something that other people like.
Other examples of this trend include: movies and video games across the entirety of the internet.
Why do you people always have such shitty friends?
o shit wazzup nigga
Don't get at all how people think leafy is a gaming youtuber, he doesn't talk about the gameplay. Leafy just puts it there so he isn't the same as gradeA but more toxic. But back to the question, my fav gamers are dashiegames and life of Boris.
How is Leafy's channel considered a gaming channel?
Its just him doing that wall sliding shit from CSGO while talking about "cringe" videos while he himself is a borderline autistic weirdo in his own right.
it's the 12 year olds.
I like leafy but he does have shit fans.
I really only follow RoahmMythril because I like Mega Man and he's stupidly good at Mega Man but doesn't go to speedrunning levels of obsession.
>liking Timothy Brentwood
No. His entire sub base are 12-14 year olds. His shit and formulaic videos appeal to the lowest common denominator: The people who realize the former, but pretend to like it to be ironic. Post-irony is the fucking worst.
Because for someone who acknowledges that his videos are trash, he makes 0 effort to improve. "I'm a murderer, but at least I'm honest about it" doesn't make you less of a criminal. Making shitty videos and acknowledging they are shit, then continuing to make hundreds of them without getting better doesn't absolve you from being shit.
Pewdiepie is leagues above this guy and I consider him just as lowest common denominator. But sure, keep defending "MOST X KID ON THE PLANET" where (X = Cringiest, Maddest, Lamest, etc). Cause fuck actually making quality content, just keep doing CSGO surf videos while repeating the same things over and over senpai. "BUT AT LEAST HE ADMITS IT". Fucking hell, is it really summer again...
Not really an e-celeb/let's play guy so I never watch that kinda stuff, really enjoy saintttimmy and chrontendo though.
I used to love SocialDissonance and the TeamworkCast crew in general, but TeamworkCast turned into Krystian playing Netrunner and SocialDissonance dropped off of the map.
I hear that we're going to get at least one last Monster Hunter Podcast Show when Generations comes out, and it'd be nice to have it come to a close.
It's a damn shame that it's been gone for so long, though.
This board shits on youtubers like TB and 7 dollar pablo but then lists a bunch of let's players as their favourite gaming channels
The irony is fucking real
lmao can't wait for him to kick the bucket
Zisteau, duh.
>because that's what the algorithm currently favors
fucking savage
man i miss social dissonance and nahxella
No. It's all a bias opinion. Stop arguing at about liking things you hate fag.
It's going nowhere. use your words for discussion.
>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums is one person
based joey is part of the foodie senpai
Knowing that I'll never see another "Lessons From KO Han" clip hurts on a spiritual level.
>one person is Sup Forums
gay chart
My man.
I'm Sup Forums
He knows what's up
not an argument
Would anyone be interested in watching my videos?
I only just started my channel a few days ago. I have a really powerful love for Silent Hill 2 so I decided to create a "lore-play" where I talk about all the lore, details, trivia, developments facts, enemy designs, environment designs, and so on as I go. I watch the videos back through and edit in pictures so you can see what I am talking about if it is references to movies, media, other games, concept art, whatever. The videos aren't monetized (although Konami detected its content and put ads on I believe, just use adblock to get by) so I don't make anything, I just wanted to share my passion for the game.
Anyone care to see?
I don't mean to shill my own stuff but I thought being this is Sup Forums you might be interested.
Holy shit, there's another actual human being who knows who this guy is?
I've only ever watched his perfect runs of 1-9 and his Battle Network runs, but they all blew my mind when I first watched them.