How do you feel about the resent popularity Overwatch has been getting from Japan?

How do you feel about the resent popularity Overwatch has been getting from Japan?


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I switched to the japanese va and it sounds a million times better

>Playing a shooter on console
Fucking nips

I am looking forward to the porn.


Fuck off shill

Overwatch was on all our Taco Bell cups and food containers.

I feel that's pretty fucking ridiculous.

But dude, like, how can you know when hanzo or genji are doing theyre alt by listening for japanese yelling, when ITS ALL JAPANESE YELLING

I like it because it means there will be lots of high quality porn.
That's wrong, though. Even the Japanese VA in the English version for Hanzo and Genji sounds better in the English version.

nvm, didn't see Japan part. But that's pretty ridiculous too.

Fantastic, porn please.

Does anyone else find that jap girls have annoying voices?

Im not a chink, I dont care
Im not a weeb faggot white boy, i dont care.

Well, here's the thing: Literally all japanese men are pedophiles, so their women try to make themselves sound like little girls to be more attractive. is Korean.

Bliizard has paid shills on 2ch too?

I hope it means more porn and more animated shorts from Blizzard. I honestly can't enough of the characters.

As long as it brings in more porn.

Shit, you were talking about the person in the video. Yeah, Jap girls have annoying voices.

...resent popularity, or recent popularity?

Good more doujins. I won't have to trudge through so much garbage Western art to find actually decent content when I'm masturbating.

They are good at porn so I might be able to expect some good stuff out of them at the very least. Other than that I don't really care.

Any game with cute girls that gets popular in Japan is a good thing if only for the art.

I thought she sounded kind of cute.

I know enough of the language to get a general idea of what they're saying

plus I have yet to die from either of their ults
hanzo is really easy to sidestep and all the people I've played against who were genji sucked at it

besides, widowmaker has an ara ara~ taunt and desginated sounds like a milf

also reinhardt is basically stroheim, he even has a german engineering taunt

it's great

you are on Sup Forums, so it must be resent

It's a very good game and deserves all the attention.

I didn't think it was that bad either. I've heard much worse.

Holy fuck I wish I was a Japanese girl. She sounds so fucking cute.

I can't get the fact that Lucio is Johnathan Joestar out of my mind.

do you just hate cute sounding things?

are you one of those hard bottoms that fantasize about Widowmaker's futa cock cramming up your asshole?

>Being this big of a fucking weeb

OP is giving out subliminal messages.
He's part of the allies

She is amazingly bad at the game.

Why do jap girls always sound like they breath helium before talking?


thats how they sound

its not exclusive to asians ya know


Why does modern Japanese sound like broken English?

Omg this Japanese Youtuber is the perfect waifu.

She sounds cute as a button and her looks match her voice perfectly.

On top of that, she loves video games and animu!!!!

Shows her face in this one

Sounds like you're the one who's fantasizing you literal faggot.

Part of the Treaty of Peace.

>Does anyone else find that jap girls have annoying voices?

You're on Sup Forums, normalfag. This place is not for your kind. Move along before you get hurt.

The best part is that you know her cute Japanese looks are natural, not a result of plastic surgery like the 3dpd Koreans.

Too fucking bad millennial.

Im not the one who got the boner wuss


not everything translates into japanese

also mixing english words into your speech is 'hip' or whatever they'd call it worst girl! Worst girl, remove worst looks.

That would explain the swears.

I want the days when weeaboos were shamed for sucking Japan's cock and wanting to leave there.


Different person. Looks like the channel is for a group of girls.

Sup Forums was always owned by weeaboos faggot, if you don't like it go back to /reddit/.

Reminder that if you're under 30 you're technically a millennial.

>I'm new guys xD le /reddit/!

Only fucking millennials do the go back to /reddit/ meme.

Why is that artist so great?

Here is one if the entire group

>You will never be a cute Asian girl and make a let's play channel with your 2 best friends

There's something hot about surprise yuri kisses

Whats the source? Too cropped.

It's just like one of my animes

DId you see that mechless Dva wreck Bastion? You uys can now shut your traps about nerfing him.

>A Blizzard game getting popular in Japan
Has this ever happened? Once?

They just released Hearthstone over there a few months or so back, and they still refuse to release World of Warcraft over there. I recall way back when Capcom actually published Diablo 2 because Blizzard wouldn't self publish their games in Japan.

Looks like she's ready for some proper gaming there with the headset etc.
>On her mobile phone

Send another nuke.

Get fucking rekt.
You have 2 weeks peace now of less threads until it starts up again.

Arguably D.Va is more useful outside of her mech.

Her mech is like a second life that you burn to get in some quick kills before raping with her pistol.

This game is constantly trashed on 2ch, there is no 'recent popularity'. Recent infamy maybe.

>yfw this is how console players play FPS games

Needs a qt Japanese character. We have a shit Korean and 2 edgelord Jap males.

Need a Jap pop star idol character.

I had a Japanese gf, that's not her real voice

>This game is constantly trashed on 2ch
sauce, my child

I find I need to move to this country more and more every day

>Gets D.Va's Mech
>D.Va mecha gets instantly wrecked.
>Kills Reaper
>Chotto matte

The expressions she makes is cute.

Some little Sakamoto in his tiny village province of nowhere complaining about Bastion on 2ch doesn't count.

>pop star idol
No fuck you. Let's ruin them further and give Hanzo and Genji a little sister

Complainers are the tip of an iceberg of players, If its seeing publicity its seeing play.

>I want the days when weeaboos were shamed for sucking Japan's cock and wanting to leave there.

LOL, keep dreaming, newfag. You know jack about Sup Forums's history and it shows.

It's constantly trashed here but seems to be doing fine.

I subscribed to the channel. I know enough broken anime Japanese to understand 20% of what she says. The reactions make it worth it too.

ban. You're in for a treat.

There's virtually no difference between an idol plugsuit Korean teenager and an idol plugsuit Japanese teenager.

Make her a magical girl loli

>New Japanese girl character
>She's an average looking anime highschool girl wearing a regular seifuku

One is yellow, qt and talented
The other is pale white, plastic qt and manufactured

Would she be like Biki or would it be ancient nip magic bullshit to explain the magical girl stuff?

Weeaboos have always been ridiculed here.

>pale white, plastic qt and manufactured
So Figures.

>Schoolgirl costume
>press Q
>magical girl powers

I really don't know why they chose Genji to be male when they could have done the whole kunoichi thing, since there was already a male Japanese character.

Real weeaboos, but the word has lost all meaning.

Really? What are they saying?


And CoD is niche shit that barely makes money. I know this because people on the internet think it's bad.

Make a Sadako from The Ring character. Have her be a kind of ghost who creeps up on you.

Does anyone have the Pixiv tags for Overwatch/the female characters?

Grown men who love moeshit are just as bad as "real" weeaboos

"Weeaboo" is a made up fantasy word, literally created out of thin air by the guy who makes PBF. It means whatever it comes to mean.


"Ban artist"
"Ban overwatch"
"Ban hentai"
I'm going crazy and Google isnt helping.

All words are fantasy words. Definitions are important.

Search on gelbooru or something numbnuts.