>launch Stellaris
>pretty stoked
>hit new game
>literally first screen i see, pic related
but she dindu nuffin
>launch Stellaris
>pretty stoked
>hit new game
>literally first screen i see, pic related
but she dindu nuffin
You used the wrong meme. It's WE WUZ KANGZ you're looking for.
disgusting. you just saved me money. thanks OP
install the /gsg/ mod which removes apes
but... she dindu nuffin
If I posted on Sup Forums they would have
>80 IQ
>making it into space
go back to tumblr
we wuz sjw
There's already a mod to get rid of the blacks and american-negro ebonic names, released 20 minutes after the game released
>black people trigger me!
Holy shit you're the same as tumblr
kill yourself shitskin
haha, that's amazing
get to your containment board
well it is set in the future, user. Like you're always crying about, white race isn't going to last for long.
>make space Russian Empire
>make starting ruler look Russian
>give him proper Russian aristocratic names
>thirty seconds after starting the game I get an heir
>some black chick with a Chinese name
Fucking Swedes.
Remember kids, you can't show white people in games because it's racist.
I can assure you that if the United States or Europe are the first to reach Mars, the first person to set foot on it, will be a black muslim transsexual
Remember guys, can't show black people in games because its tumblr
>both preset human nations have female leaders
>default option is female
>in a game that will be played by 99.9 percent men
Showing blacks contributing to society is appropriating white culture
>waaah its realistic
Newslfash: By the time we get to space every country on earth will be 100% multicultural. Heck, nations would probably stop existing altogether and become unified as one all-encompassing entity
Paradox had to be sure to appeal to the mainsteam masses for maximum shekelage.
>By the time we get to space every country on earth will be 100% multicultural.
Literally Gay Niggers from Outer Space
Donald Trump mod when?
>by the time we get to space
Thanks for stopping by!
It really bothers me that if you have a monarchy your heirs don't even have the same last name as you.
>Donald Trump
He's the biggest shill of them all.
And registered Democrat right up until he ran for the Republican ticket.
Why is everyone's memory so goddamn short?
>lowering the IQs of nations will improve our chances of interstellar travel
Can you even hear yourself?
Sure he is. Let me guess, Bernie voter?
>By the time we get to space
We'll be lucky if we get to a level of civilization in PIC related by the end of the 2100s
SpaceX is showing everyone how it's done.
>tfw the USA chants when this happened
Those IQ scores have more to do with culture/society.
Run at me.
there are three options. Bernie is most definitely better than one of them. You're obtuse
I don't think weather we get to that level in 2100 or 2200 is that relevant to anyone browsing this thread right now.
Unless there's a breakthrough in some life-prolonging drug, none of us will experience the real space renaissance.
IQ is hereditary, friend.
I hope you're referring to Clinton.
does this game have a high learning curve for someone new to the genre? I am assuming it's something like CiV?
Most older Democrats are considered moderate or right wing compared to the newer generation.
It's a pretty steep curve if you're brand new, but you have to start somewhere. Try it out. Maybe watch some Let's Plays when they start rolling out first.
>And registered Democrat right up until he ran for the Republican ticket.
And a registered Republican right before he switched to Democrat after 9/11 happened and the Republicans let it happen
Don't be retarded
>be hype about a game
>it's pure SJW horseshit anti-white cuckery propaganda
I just want to play a game, not be beaten over the head about how fanatic the game makers are to the cult of political correctness. When did hipsters replace the fanatical religious right?
Pls r8 my ships.
I'm about to go to war with a dude in an alliance with pretty equal capacity and tech but a bit less strength but he's big and I know he'll start shitting out fleets once I attack.
What's a good navy comp? Are corvettes totally trash at this point or worth building for their cheapness?
I think he's referring to the fact that you think Clinton is worse than Trump. She's a nasty witch, but she's clearly the lesser evil unless you're a BERNing retard.
>adopted children
>Globalism is ultimately the result of government policy and not "muh free market"
Get a load of this classcuck
The Neoliberal genie is out of the bottle and you can never put it back. Be sure to thank Saint Ronnie Later
I just made my slave nation and plan on enslaving everything I can. Any non lizards will be working the plantations
Just like the SJW, same coin different sides.
>inb4 hipster with a mask meme
You are both equally faggots that ruin games.
>lesser evil
Holy fuck, what are you doing here?
Hillary is the candidate of corporatism, faux-progressivism, and foreign interventionism.
Trump could eat baby kittens and that still wouldn't be as bad as the shit the Clintons have pulled.
where can I find those mods that make stellaris great again?
If anything the leader of a UNoE should be Chinese I mean there's a few billion of them that's more than there are of black people on earth
>Holy fuck, what are you doing here?
Good question. I was here back when all the right-wing posts on /n/ were obvious jokes and no one really believed them. What in God's name happened?
to be fair, the Clintons probably ate baby kittens for dinner just now
>muh right-wing politics is sarcasm meme
please leave this place and go back to your original breeding grounds
Act like idiots long enough and eventually you'll be surrounded by real idiots.
People are actually supporting Trump AKA the Clinton plant shill.
I refuse to believe this person is here.
Well, if you're a lefty and Trump is a democrat masquerading as a fake Republican, then what's the problem?
You should be gleeful that your team hijacked the GOP and is veering them left on certain issues. Clinton, however, is a neocon hawk pretending to be one of you.
>Clinton plant
This meme got old a year ago. You need to freshen up.
>may may everything iz may may
No. Not even that guy but you're the one that needs to get out.
>Win war, get a planet given to me.
>Enslave the populace.
>No way to sell them or experiment on them.
What the fuck is this BS? Tell me something fun to do with these slaves before I purge them.
I said 'was'. Clearly not the case anymore. I just wanted to know when people here STARTED believing it.
It doesn't matter what you believe.
G-guys, I'm scared. Leave it to space jews to fuck it all up.
make them productive citizens of your empire
I can't believe you think Sup Forums was always filled with alt-right fedora tippers, you must be pretty new.
I'd rather just kill them to be honest. Is there a way to just liberate a planet if I don't want it? Like give it to the slaves to do with as they want?
Are we already at the point where contrarians are going hard left to not be "alt-right"?
Are you going to start complaining about white people next?
>white "people"
I've been visiting too many Jojo threads, because, at first, it looked like The Bull was his stand
No. I've always been something of a moderate leftist (I have many problems with Sanders, and Clinton is obviously a joke) and I think it's hilarious that I apparently need to go back to plebbit for not slurping down every last drop of Trump's cum.
>"moderate leftist"
That explains your kneejerk reaction and blatantly incorrect assertions. I'm sure you'll find many opportunities to act superior to everyone else this election season.
>set leadership policy to primary species
>next faction leader is a fucking alien
What the fuck.
I wonder who's behind this
>I'm a moderate leftist
Get a load of this guy
I'm fucking a white male! A white male!