So Sup Forums what Harvest Moon should I play?

So Sup Forums what Harvest Moon should I play?

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Story of Seasons on the 3DS, the newest one. It is by far the best.

Though just about as good are:
Harvest Moon on SNES or Harvest Moon Back to Nature on PSone.

Friends of Mineral Town is regarded as the best overall, but some other good ones to consider are:

A Wonderful Life

Hero of Leaf Valley

Harvest Moon DS

Harvest Moon Magical Melody

And any of the Rune Factory Games

Is this actually true or are you memeing me?

I have played FOMT and liked it, but story of seasons had such a godawful tutorial and the framerate was possibly the worst I have ever seen in a video game put me off it

Not OP btw

>An entire season of nothing

God, I want to like this game, but the shit framerates and boring first year kill it for me.

I loved SoS. The tutorial isn't that bad, it onlys lasts the first seven or so days, which flies by.

Yeah the frame rate does mess up in one particular area of the town but it doesn't bother me anymore.

The GBA one

Friends of Mineral town was it?
Theres a female mc version as well

Don't you just love it when OPs ask a question then imediately abandon their own threads?

Na I'm here. I'm just downloading some roms onto my flash cart for my NDS.

Too bad I can't run GBA Emus on it.

The first one for DS it's by far the most challenging and complete, every other harvest moon is just a down in difficulty than this one, although this game had a really bad developement and was left with horrendous bugs on the first release, look for the version 1.1 where these things are fixed.

Stardew Valley

I can only like harvest moon games that have endings

I guess I like BtN.

FoMT is the only good one really

I would say Harvest Moon for the Snes..But 64 is like Snes but better.

FoMT is the exact same game as Back to Nature and Harvest Moon Boy/Girl, except it's in 2D.

>A wonderful life

I reccomend Rune Factory, recently I was just like you, wondering what HM game to pick, and someone suggested RF instead, so I got Rune Factory 3 and played one of the most comfiest game I've ever played.

Raven best girl

>Friends of Mineral Town is regarded as the best overall,

It's a cheap port of Back to Nature, so no.

>Sup Forums


I liked Back to Nature.

The GBA one is a port with bug fixes, so it's probably just as good. Didn't play it though.

64 is still my favourite one. Technically Back to Nature and Friends of Mineral Town improved certain things from it, but kinda ruined the characters and atmosphere to me.
If you're asking specifically about the DS, Sunshine Islands seemed good, but I haven't played much of it. Don't listen to the people recommending HM DS, it's buggy as hell, and just the horrible fanfic-tier writing in the opening was enough to turn me off the game.

the gba one is the better version but i personally like the ps1 version of BTN

Back to Nature master race reporting make America great again

Don't play the first one on GBC.

How is the Harvest Moon GBC version?

You should play this Harvest Moon, OP.
