Witcher 3's $20 DLC has vastly more content than Uncharted 4, a full complete game for $60

Witcher 3's $20 DLC has vastly more content than Uncharted 4, a full complete game for $60.

How is this even acceptable?

most of the witcher's content is looking at the characters stand there, gerald with his arms crossed, as he listens to the details of the quest he is about to embark on

after that you spend 10-15 minutes following a red trail and then fight an enemy for about 20 seconds. Witcher 3's DLC might have more time spent doing nothing but it's not exactly the best gameplay experience ever.

Uncharted also has a lot of wasted cutscene / scripted time so I'd call it a wash. There may be more time but Uncharted has indisputably better production values.

>Uncharted has indisputably better production values.

as in the same shit cover and climbing system since the first one?

yeah no

>but it's not exactly the best gameplay experience ever.
Neither is Uncharted, really. Uncharted's gameplay is both extremely easy and it over uses shit like quick time events. Both are not riveting gameplay experiences in the slightest.

animations are better, the characters look better and have better facial animations

I agree with this, I'm just pointing out that more doesn't mean better, especially when the vast majority of the witcher 3's gameplay isn't even actually gameplay

Bloodborne and DS3 > both

maybe you should play a game before you talk made up shit about it

maybe in bullshots

But is the dialogue.... snarky?

the Witcher 3 also had a much more impressive graphical downgrade than Uncharted 4

Witcher 3
>forced combat (only form of gameplay in this game)

>meme combat mechanic

Status - Loved by Pcucks

Planescape Torment
>TERRIBLE combat system

Status - Loved by PCucks

Uncharted 4
>Stealth section
>Vehicular section
>platforming section
>Hand 2 hand combat section
>Set piece
>Puzzle solving
>Gun combat with a stealth route alternative
>rinse and repeat

Status - Hated by PCucks

>1 or 2 cutscenes in the whole game
>Rest is pure gameplay filled with fantastic bosses, boatloads of content and build variety

Status - Hated by Pucks

Differing variable between Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4/Bloodborne = Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne are not on PC. Witcher 3/Undertale/Planescape are on PC.

Gee, I wonder what is going on here :^)

>consolefag caring about graphic than gameplay

kek, the console only ON for 5 hours before never being used again forever

Uncharted 4 blows Witcher 3 out if the water when it comes to production values. I sill love the Witcher 3 more but let's not kid ourselves here. The shilling for the Witcher 3 is started to become too much.

Does TW3 hace multiplayer? Thought so

I own the Witcher 3, Hearts of Stone, and have pre-ordered Blood and Wine

it's snarky but Geralt's sarcasm is unmatched

Age of Empires
>Little diaalogue
>Many hours of gameplay
>More gameplay
>More gameplay

>all of our dlc will be free

Bu-bu-but theres a Multiplayer which nobody will play in few weeks!

>the first post is an argument about how uncharted 4 has better gameplay and wither 3 content is all cinematics

bruh... honestly wither 3 combat is about as fucking vapid as uncharteds

fucking kek

Crysis haave the same and don't have many cutscenes
Why is this allowed?

>bruh... honestly wither 3 combat is about as fucking vapid as uncharteds
It's more vapid but there is more of it

the shooting segments in Uncharted 4 are actually pretty fun especially with all the new destruction. Unfortunately you must sit though a bunch of bs

PLEASE STOP #ps4shaming

too bad the witcher 3 is an unplayable piece of shit. i know it is shilled repeatedly on this site but it seriously is not good. i should have gotten a refund, it plays like ass and is worse than virtually every other rpg in the genre. seriously the controls are so bugged i can't believe people defend it, then again that's Sup Forums's shitty taste.

the only thing wrong with cdprojekt's animations is that they reuse too many of them, other than that they're solid, and being that uncharted 4 isn't even out yet I'm not even going to argue which has better animations. it's literally impossible though for a ps4 exclusive game to have in game characters that look better than the witcher 3 maxed out on pc, and if you are counting cutscenes then you need to go watch the witcher 3's cgi cutscenes and trailers.

>that pic
that's actually a lot of niggers on screen. more than what i expected would be capable. no matter how shitty their games are naughty dog is still the undisputed champions of technology and optimization.

Uncharted 4 is already out and the characters do look better than Witcher 3's on any platform. Witcher 3 is open world though so it's not an entirely fair comparison.

Nearly all Uncharted 4 cutscenes are real-time.

>It's still better than uncharted moviegames.

I probably won't play Uncharted 4 more than once but the graphics are pretty damn good

>Witcher 3

Literally lmao'ing at your life senpai.

>seriously the controls are so bugged
love this meme. a realistic design choice for limitations of character movement are now bugs. if there are actual control bugs then i didn't experience them and get an it works on my machine gold star

I honestly wonder how ND manages to do it. Do they just have the best talent or what? They manage to push the hardware in the Playstation to its limits everytime. It's pretty impressive.

The controls are objectively shit, why do you think they released a literal patch that attempted to fix it?

>a realistic design choice for limitations of character movement are now bugs.
If it was just a realistic design choice why have they patched the controls multiple times, each time making them slightly less shitty? Swimming has been drastically improved as has the walking controls.

>they never said this
They specifically said small DLC would be free, not expansions. Stop trying to derail into a shit fight by acting like an idiot.

Wotcher has shit gameplay and is more "movie game" than Uncharted.

They literally had to patch the controls multiple times and even added in an alternative movement but it's still subpar.

high budgets
only targeting 1 platform
Sony's ICE team is located at Naughty Dog and Sony's first-party studios all share rendering tech, so when Guerilla Games comes up with something new or Santa Monica, they share it.

Post the one where he eats the apple. That one is comically bad

>if they're so shit why did they patch them
because fans complained and they listened. people disliked the design choice they went with so they patched it. doesn't mean the controls were bugged you silly faggots. i never said they were good, just not bugged. i could see what they were trying to accomplish but i'd rather have a more snappy feeling of control to my character.

yeah that was complete shit.

Are you retarded?

>comparing W3 and uncharted 4 gameplay
You're either retarded or baiting. You wouldn't compare an action movie and a fantasy novel would you?

Because uncharted is actually a fun game to play with graphics that are pleasing as fuck to look at

i would. and you're a faggot. i can also compare apples and oragnes because i'm not some autist.

No, are you?

>doesn't mean the controls were bugged you silly faggots

I never said that the controls were bugged, just shit.

then you're an idiot for replying to me in the first place where my point was exactly that the controls weren't bugged and it was just a meme excuse for them being a bad design choice. are you retarded?

So you play on consoles or do you have a potato as a pc?

Uncharted is actually a good game though. Wicher was just the best of one of the worst years in gaming

>not shaping up to be worst year in gaming of all time

so this..... its the powah.... of sonyggers

>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
>Dishonored 2
>Dark Souls 3
>Uncharted 4
>Ratchet and Clank
>Persona 5
>many more

Just because you only own a PC doesn't make it shit, it's legitimately shaping up to be GOAT

that looks like shit, and I bet that grass doesn't sway in the wind at all, just moves when drake walk's on it.

Uncharted 4 is great, but Nadine is the worst character I have ever seen. Black, strong independent woman who can take on two fully grown men at once and come out unscathed. To make matters worse you just wanna smack the smug bitch's grin off later on in the game BUT OH NO, she manages to hold up the main hero and main villain and walk off unharmed. I am so fucking mad. This is why we can't have female characters in anything.

>that list
>not a single non sequel
>many more hahahahahahhaaaa

holy shit. desperate times. just because uncharted 4 came out this year doesn't make it a good year for sonyggers. you guys are just embarrassing yourselves at this point.

>uncharted 4
>Ratchet and Clank
>timed exclusive
>'I can't think of anything else but there is so much more please believe me!'

daily reminder that multiplats technically count as PC exclusives.

>vastly more content
>no mp


>i-it's not DLC it's an expansion!
>is downloadable content added to the base game

why do witcher fags try so hard to seem like witcher 3 is a CRPG from the 90s?

You're dead wrong. Go watch Digital Foundry's video.

He didn't say anything about exclusives.

>Killer Instinct
>Quantum Break
>XCom 2

In the dozens of hours of dialoug in that game that clip was seriously the worst example you could find?

I'm not going to pretend uncharted is worth $60 but having lots of "content" is a deceptively vague and almost always absolute bullshit filler that is not compelling in the least but just exists to pad out playtime.

how is it not an expansion? yes it's DLC, but it's also and expansion, most of the time when a game releases DLC it's just a few items or pieces of equipment or a new character to play or 1-4 new maps in an fps, not an entire new open world region with an entirely new base story and new quests and everything else you could check off that defines an expansion of a game.

Someone post the final boss webm.

Faces are far worse than Witcher 3.

he implied the only worthwhile exclusives are on ps4 while shitting on mustards

>literally year of the blunders
it can't possible get worse right? is this just what it feels like to grow out of video games?

How is Witcher 3 compared to 1 and 2. I really liked 1, but two felt really sluggish and boring.

I like 1 more but 3 is good. It's not linear and boring like 2 but it could have been much better.

keep playing pre 2007 games, it seems to be your niche.

How do ankles work again?

>controls are so bugged i can't believe people defend it

He was talking about games coming out in 2016, read the reply chain.


Its basically the amount of quests from the first game with combat similar to the second game, spread out over a giant mostly pointless area filled with nothing but useless bandit camps and the occasional harpy nest.

that guy definately made a poo list but we still got ds3 and blood and wine so it's not fair to call it a year of blunders, in fact the last three years were worse than this year seems to be heading imho.

Did they SERIOUSLY have Nadine beat on Nate and friends (not to mention shoving all the mercenaries down their throat) the whole fucking game and let her get away scot free?

You don't even get a legit fight against her.

A lot of the game have pre-baked lighting and AO, almost none are dynamic (there is definitely no real time AO). That's why the crap is like 45 gigabyte.

>animations are better
Witcher 1 has better animations kiddo.

>a subpar sequel and dlc
am i supposed to be happy about this?

it's not pointless though, there are a lot of contracts and quests in the game the majority of the map, and the witcher armor hunts are interesting as fuck.

by the end of the game you realize that you've actually explored pretty much the entire region just doing most of the side quests and contracts.

except for the skellige islands, you explore a lot of it in the main quest but their is a lot that is just empty ocean and phoned in treasure finds.

Wrong the lighting is dynamic twat

its only the light shaders and some of the particle lights that are.

wow you sure are a sour cunt. compared to the last three years? yes.

you should probably find a new hobby.

>you should probably find a new hobby.
i don't disagree. enjoy dlc cancer and sequels of shitty movie game qte fests.

Witcher 3 is trash desu

that draw distance is disappointing

The Last of Us still has an active online community.

The interior lighting is still absolute ass in many places, and there are quite a few environments where everything looks like crap.

you're trash

how nu r u?

>facial animations

senpai, TW3 on any platform is unmatched in in textures/animations only when you're in a conversation. For some reason those scenarios look better than 99% of the game. Look at any screenshot of a conversation in TW3. There is more detail in 1 article of clothing on an NPC than there is on Drake's entire character model.

Starting new game + now.
this gon be gud

>climbing system
With fucking white paint everywhere, even on rocks in some godforsaken shitholes.

>i can also compare apples and oragnes
So what's better?

>final boss is a QTE
Jesus fucking Christ, do people actually watch these movies?

>QTE final boss
It's the order 1886 all over again

Uncharted actually has a gamemode where you can skip all of the story crap and only play the action and shootouts.

>He didn't say anything about exclusives.
Why should you play multiplat on console if you can play it on PC with options and mods?
I really don't understand it.
PS4 have bb and uncharted 4. Okay maybe you can play ds3 for less cheaters.
But why play Deus Ex on it? It's fucking FPS and stealth with saves, you can't name any game more appropriate to PC.

>lel I wanna fight a bulletsponge enemy for 15 minutes

Off yourself

Uncharted 4 is a better game than the witcher 3. Having said that, the witcher 3 is far more gamey than uncharted 4.