does Sup Forums like league of legends?
League of legends
Yes, but the only friend I play with is starting to play less and less. As a result, I'm following suit. Can't bring myself to play this game alone. Here's my main.
Does Sup Forums like Annie?
I like Annie.
I like Annie a lot.
My man.
Is that Doppio?
I don't like lolis.
Yes. Lolis are God's Gift to mankind.
Fuck you Satan im onto you.
>thought about playing lol because ahri and annie are cute
>realize its forced isometric shit so i cant even see the characters
If you zoom in you can see better.
Characters shouldn't be played by their skins. That meme is long gone
Same but reverse.
I started playing alone at the riven release ,get 5 friends to play it, coach them etc
Now they are good,some are better than me it kinda makes me happy that my hours were not wasted. After that fish support i stopped playing often , well i wasnt even playing that much 2-4 per week with my fav champion.
Heh now my friends are playing religiously,dunno if i want to go back. I dont like the current direction and game balance.
>Sup Forums
>liking video games
>Wants to play the assassin role despite being new to the game and just because of 2 cute girls.
Man, you are in for a rude awakening.
what about lulu?
Leona is the cutest League Female.
>not ezwin ezlife in low elo
It's like they don't even realize Annie has a passive.
>Plays the low elo card
>Doesn't realize low elo annie can't even summon tibbers properly.
Hey man, i'd only just play training mode or with bots if it had something like and wasnt isometric
I know nothing about lol other than liking ahri and annie
I like Annie, too.
There are better League girls.
I would put my dick in any of the female yordles. Probably a couple of the boy ones too.
Annie's nice.
>pro player flashes away from gank when they facechecked a bush
>commentator goes wild
>audience cheers and claps
This game is pure fucking cancer and has been since it's inception.
I know what you mean. Everything started going down hill when mf came out. I played about 2 more years after but that mf patch really rubbed me the wrong way. I still talk to friends I met through the game though
>jp annie saying tibbers
just annie because little girls are the best
>IS that a rocket in your pocket?
Sup Forums likes games. Just not when they're discussed.
pls sauce me