Dark Souls 3. Why this game is so disappointing?
Dark Souls 3. Why this game is so disappointing?
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I thought it was okay.
But it's the best game since DaS. I have not played BB
But it's the best Souls game
Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > Bloodborne > Demon Souls > Dark Souls 2
Focuses more on jerking off DS1 than being a good game.
Because it's lost it's identity.
i miss poise
Dont worry user, its watching...waiting.
Dark souls 3 = dark souls nostalgia + bloodbourne lite
Because you're an edgy contrarian teenage hipster
maybe they'll give me back my favorite damn gesture when they fix their game
No you dont, your just a nostalgia fag mistaking terrible mechanics with what made the game good
Game is pretty good senpai, currently doing a sorcerer run, would've liked for spells to be stronger though. Here's hope for patch.
Also can anyone trade crystal sage rapier with me? I used the soul on the spell and it's actually really shitty. I have souls of greatwood, wolnir, demon, blood wolf.
I just beat it tonight. Thought everything about it was great except for the final boss - no middleground, either too challenging to take on his second form alone or a single summon and it became trivial.
Basically this, senpai. I wish they would have included a chalice type dungeon crawler to DS3. Hopefully DLC but I'm not counting on it.
I found his second form way easier. Mostly because he had less health and way fewer moves to learn the timing for
Ivory king > Old Iron King > Old hunters > Sunken King > Artorias of the abyss
Nostalgiafags need not reply. This is unarguably the correct rankings.
It's alright. I went back to bloodborne already. Post game bloodborne > post game DS3.
So you can havelstoc/havelmeme sword people with no fear of being staggered?
I wasn't disappointed one bit by it.
It's not, it's really good, I just wish the weapons that are slower and take more stamina to swing would have a benefit to them of some sort.
Demon's Souls - Meat Cleaver and greatswords
Dark Souls - Artorias greatsword
Dark Souls 2 - Moonlight greatsword.
Bloodborne - Moonlight greatsword/Burial Blade.
I fucking love regular ol' greatswords but in Dark Souls 3 they're useless because their AR is just barely more than a straight sword, can only be swung half as many times before draining stamina, and are much much MUCH slower. There's virtually no reason to use them other than being a contrarian hipster who doesn't like using effective weapons and is afraid they'll be picked on for their weapon choice.
At the same time I don't believe straight swords and other small weapons need a nerf, it's just the BIG ones need a buff.
>PvPfags trying to have a valid opinion
Magic Clutch Ring, Bellowing Dragon Crest, Sage Ring and the Crown of Dusk if you're a waifufag. MLGS is actually decent if you stay out of sl 120 PvP and hopefully From might wisen up and make it Pure Magic Damage or give it A int scaling.
DLC fucking when
I am a consumer whore and my needs must be sated
It wasn't for me. I hated Dark Souls 2 so I went in expecting a massive letdown and was pleasantly surprised. It's not on par with Dark Souls or even Demon's Souls, but the mechanics are fine, that was my biggest problem with 2, and there are some truly great boss fights. Main complaints would be the linearity, all the rehashed elements from earlier entries in the series, and a lack of weapon and covenant diversity. Good game overall though, and I fully expect the DLC to fix most of those issues and be one of the best experiences of the series.
Straight Sword range needs a nerf, especially the darkshitter sword. The phantom range on most ss's are worse then washing pole running attacks.
>nostalgiafag thinking his clunky ps2 Souls game is good
Everyone always remembers their first.
>ranking bloodborne last
>counting sotfs but not the base game
I think that's an issue with the game itself, because offline I need to be dryhumping the enemy to hit them with any single handed sword that isn't the washing pole. Online yeah it needs to be fixed but all weapons need that fixed.
Wth are you smoking OP? DaS3 is one of the best souls game out there.
>Best Souls game
>Dark Souls 2 at the end
>sonigger thinks his Edgy R1 Spam game is good
>>Dark Souls 2 at the end
Yep, right where it belongs.
I was pretty hyped for DaS3 until I saw it looked pretty much like DaS1. They didn't even take the fucking amazing backstab animations from 2, and everything looked weightless and floaty again.
When will these meme end?
>DS2 is objectively the worst game
>It's time for Sup Forums - contrarian to pretend it was the best
Why are you such a pack of goddamn sycophant cocksuckers? I wish I could hate you to bald.
I just use "WELCOME" in place of shrug
>and everything looked weightless and floaty again.
You're not even discussing these games anymore. Everything was floaty and weightless in DS2 and Bloodborne but not DS1.
If soul memory wasn't a thing I'd still be playing DS2. No, the Agape ring is a "too little, too late" gimmick and is shit when using a hexer build or a build that uses greatbows.
honestly, yeah, i could have pushed myself to solo him. just wasnt feeling like wasting so much time on that fight (friend is waiting in NG+ for us to play together)
i thought the princes were way more challenging
It's disappointing because you want it to be.
because everytime game loading you see your own reflection
So you've never played it?
>I'm not a bandwagon faggot that just latches on to trends and spouts memes on the internet y-you're a contrarian!
Magic actually does insane damage once you're full build and leveled.
Is missing an item, you want to hold a Scholars candlestick in your main hand. It boosts your sorceries by another 20%. Court Sorcerers staff in your left then Young Dragon Ring, Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, Magic Clutch Ring and Sage Ring as well as the Crown of Dusk for an additional 10% damage. Don't try to use an actual weapon, you lose too much damage. Stick with Farron Flashsword, Soul Greatsword and Dark Edge for melee, they give you lots of variety and do great damage.
That might have been a decent comeback but your grammar is shit. I'll give you a solid 2/10.
>use the dark sword because it has decent scaling
>buff it up tons, my main DPS sword for generic, no weakness enemies
>find out it's the worst thing ever apparently, cancer weapon ala Estoc
N-nani? The fuck? Why is it so hated?
because heavy weapons don't hit hard enough
and magic sucks, I miss using a quick-cast ring and just surprising bitches on the iron keep bridge with a quick soul greatsword.
What? DaS1 was definitely looked weightless and floaty, assuming you were fast rolling like you should. I never understood how people thought 2 looked floaty, but there was not one peep about 1.
Just going to leave this here
I just beat it for the first time.
Shit was great.
It's so hated because it was literally THE BEST weapon by a massive landslide before the patch that balanced it.
Because the level design was fucking boring. Same issue of 2, but much worse.
In 1, the level design was good because it had to be good. Everything connected into itself, it all flowed really well, bonfires were well placed, etc. In 2 / 3, the over reliance of warping between bonfires did away with the need for the level design to be connected and feel like an actual world.
Also the bosses were neat, but all of them were piss easy
I honestly just said fuck it and just kept levelling, and now i'm nearing SL 600 with PvP just as active as always, surprisingly. People actually try different things at high levels instead of just buffed katanas because stats are limited and they provide the most bang for your buck.
>my opinion is uncommon, therefore it must be correct!
I am a borderline Souls oldfag, started with Demon's Souls in 2010, played Dark from launch, and completely bought into the Dark Souls 2 hype. It's a disappointment on a fundamental level, the movement and weapon mechanics don't even feel like a Souls game. It's clunky and unresponsive. I'm not the only one who thought this either, I played through it while in a PSN chatroom with some Sup Forums Souls vets from back in the Demon's days and not a single person was happy with the way the game turned out, and how the game controlled was biggest issue. If you like the game that's fine, but don't pretend like it's some esoteric experience that only true Souls patricians can enjoy. In my experience it's the exact opposite: people who were very familiar with the entire Souls series prior to 2 were insanely disappointed by it while those who started with 2 or started with another game but didn't play much of it are more likely to enjoy it.
Because DKS1 attracted a horde of meme spouting mongoloids with no opinions of their own.
2 has by far the best movement and animations in the series. Though i will say for 3 that i like some of the audio and visual feedback for heavy and striking weapons, they have a nice UNMF to them
3 had much better locals than 2. Also much better bosses. Though Dark Souls and Bloodborne rule supremenover environment and mood. DS3 had some amazing music though.
How so?
itt: opinions become fact via anecdotal evidence
never change Sup Forums
great base damage, infusable for great scaling, and straight swords are the best weapons right now, dealing the most damage, the quickest, and eating the least stamina
The only thing I found disappointing was Profaned Capital and how easy Yhorm was. Other than that it's great.
>Trying to pull Soulsfag rank
You are figuratively a massive MASSIVE faggot. Holy shit
>Why this game is so disappointing?
It's not bloodborne
>3 had much better locals than 2. Also much better bosses
>Also much better bosses
>better bosses
I actually really liked it, but I feel no need to go back to it for quite a while.
oh shit this contrived series of unverifiable personal events has changed how i feel
>le havel boogeyman
Havel equip load requirement is so fucking high that even 150 builds will be them trading poise (non existent damage reduction) for being able to stagger the other guy.
The lore is trash, just like 2.
That's what literally every Dark Souls 2 asskisser does though, pretend like it's only casuals that hate it while the true hardcore fans of the series love it. I'm just telling you that as someone who has invested a lot of time in the series, has been with it from nearly the start, and knows many people who are the same, this is not the case.
because des, das, scholar and bb are all better games
i'm sure it will catch up when the expansions hit
Learn to use L2
DaS2 is my favorite in the series but I can't pretend the bosses in 3 don't look fucking awesome.
DaS 3 bosses are neat but they are so fucking easy. Sinner alone shits all over every boss except maybe nameless
Nice b8 m8
Don't have a ps4.
Dude what the fuck. I don't even fucking remember the bosses in das2 they were all armored knights who were piss easy.
Shit dude, I played DaS1, the DeS, then pre-ordered DaS2. I don't regret my decision one bit, and I still play it to this day.
you'd probably place BB with old hunters up front, I agree with your order except das > das 3
We all know the hardest bosses are left for the DLC anyway.
But does DaS3 have good music?
It's the best in the series, no question.
That is 100% true. Even the DLC had mostly shit bosses.
>Smelter demon reskin
>Nashandra reskin with a side of Velstadt
>literal gank squad complete with havelfag
>a tiger
>two tigers
people who like DaS2 objectively have severe cognitive dissonance, that game is one of the worst piles of shit from has ever released, along with evergrace and eternal ring
Twin princes shits all over everytl boss in Dark Souls 2 don't even start. And that's just one boss.
>I can't pretend the bosses in 3 don't look fucking awesome.
>don't look fucking awesome.
You hit the nail on the head nigga. They LOOK awesome, but they are not awesome because they are undermined by shit mechanics and being under tuned for the player. None of them have enough health, they can be backstabbed, they can be parried, they can be staggered and stunlocked, they have Sif Syndrome, etc.
They are very impressive visually but when it comes to the actual fighting mechanics they are a complete joke.
PVE gameplay was great, I loved most of the bosses.
I hate that they nerfed ranged and magic even though I almost always play as a physical tank. Also, I feel like a lot of enemies were damage sponges. I killed bosses fine but generic enemies were tedious to kill.
Overall I had lots of fun and I'm excited for DLC and patches.
you're gonna have to post some evidence of your claim if you want me to believe you.
I was listening to O&S's theme for the first time since I played it yesterday and its simply magical. What's 3 got?
>Bonfires every 10 meters
Could have cut out all the non-boss bonfires as none of the levels are large enough to require separate bonfires.
>Game feels rushed
Poise being turned off and the unbalance of the majority of rings, spells, weapons just makes me think that a lot of it went untested before release.
>Poor roster of bosses for co-op
As a solo the game the bosses are fine, but there are not many bosses that are fun to fight with others. they are either rediculously easy (vordt, greatwood) or gimmicky as fuck (wolnir, yhorm) or don't even feel like a boss (crystal sage, deacons).
>covenants are broken
3 covenants should have just been the a single covenant. Purples are not much different than reds and actually make reds rather irrelevant. the wolf covenant only works for low levels and its a rare summon from my experience. Sunbros are fine, but the lack of good bosses listed above hurts.
>Sinner alone shits all over every boss except maybe nameless
This is painfully untrue. Sinner is beyond easy. I can't even comprehend how anybody could have trouble with her.
Did you overlevel in DaS3 or were you underleveled in DaS2?
I got one hit killed by a sorcerer, not sure how. Those were about 800-900 damage with a soul arrow.
I didn't think it would be able to top Bloodborne but it so fucking did.
Sinner used to be an actual boss before she got nerfed to shit. Now she is DKS3 tier
I don't understand this. SotFS barely changed shit from 2.
sinner is about as hard as the pontiff, the abyss watcher, the twin princes, and the final boss. its difficulty really wasn't exceptional, though it was probably the coolest boss in the game
Look up the boss battle music for twin princes. One of the best boss themes in the entire series.
So what's the havelhexadon of 3?
Oh. Is that what it is? Okay user :3
not the same guy just fyi
Caestus is literally the best weapon PVP until they fix poise.
its not. you are just a fag.