How do you deal with stress and pressure when playing competitive games?

How do you deal with stress and pressure when playing competitive games?

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everyone is just going to comment on the gif

I feel up little girls.

I drink when at smash tournaments. I don't get drunk but i get loose.

I get shitfaced when i play rainbow six siege, im not perfect but i end up carrying/pulling of some really hard clutches that end up leaving myself surprised

You ever get caught with your pants down?

i simply stop playing and take a break when the stress hits

i cry in the bathrooms at smash tournaments sometimes, im power ranked in my region but i cant handle stress well.

So you get smashed at Smash tourneys?

If its Smash Bros just main braindead Yoshi, Mario or Luigi and Press A whenever something goes wrong and it automatically breaks opponents combos and can be used as an ultra safe OOS option.


I hit my keyboard or nearest object, making sure not to break it, and ragequit, and if I can't fucking quit or minimize the game I start mashing buttons for a couple of seconds and unplug my pc from the wall all of this cursing like an inmature fuck

I teabag corpses of teammates.

Post the webm. I'm surprised security didn't drag him out right then and there.

hes a coach

I shout at at my wife's son

nigga he's justin wong he'll just push-block whatever security throws at him

That fat swine was definitely fighting chub. Probably the only female contact he's had in who knows how long.

does jwong know this girl? kinda odd to do that to a stranger. he needs to be careful because people might get the wrong idea.

I tell my teammates to stop harshing my mellow and equip my level 10 mute button of devastation

He looks so desperate and overjoyed he can't hide the repulsive glee as he strokes that girl. Makes me want to puke.

>The part where she cums when he stops rubbing her arms

Xanax and other benzos. Chills you out nice without losing coordination like with alcohol. (Unless you take too much of course.)

What a little slut

..she ded?

>Play normally
>Cool as a cucumber but shit reflexes and reaction times
>Drink caffeine first
>Reaction times increase tenfold but anxiety does too, playing with strangers causes heart racing and shaking


so what is this, a tournament or something? Why is he standing behind her exactly?

Why was this allowed?

>tfw you will never rub a real loli like that

Is Justin Wong still a virgin at 30?

go to philippines


Cunny is illegal, enjoy the partyvan.

I get very expressive when playing fighters in a group, I constantly make faces reacting to what's going on and default to a concentrated stare while biting my lips. If I fuck up I may slap my knees or punch the empty space next to me if I'm sitting on a sofa, or make fist pumping motions or snap my fingers or whatever when I succeed at something. It's fun and gets my mind off the stressfulness of the situation and lightens me up.

she looks like Sage. same "I know what you're thinkling" loli face. post youtube link sauce so I can sauce.

I have to stop playing. The frustration is real, but I've only encountered this when I play smash bros. Some characters are legit broken and it's shit when you find a person that exploits that brokenness

By not playing them. They're fucking stupid multi-player is the worst thing to happen to video games. Only Co op is decent.

Usually I play pretty good, but in competitions or tournaments I get too tense, my hands sweat a lot and even shake. Like the other user said, sometimes I can pull some crazy shit and carry a shit team, but I don't have control over when I can do that, that's why most of the time I'm insecure about my game, even though everyone has me on a pedestal as the PvP guy.
I play with another account that my friends don't know. I play so good because I feel no pressure to win or to be MVP. I can just relax and enjoy, plus everyone expect me to play a certain way and with the user character I can play dirty and do whatever the fuck I want.

Is that seriously Justin Wong?

Playing fighting games can break any man down. I try to alt-tab and quickly think of something else besides the loss.

He loves Karin.

Who doesn't?

>look up
>breath deep
>look down at screen and exhale
>play on

I've been in a ton of last stock, last game situations at my melee local and this has helped.
Usually my opponent just clutches it out anyway though.

As a loli, I let weird otakus rub me for pep in between rounds.

prove it

I honestly don't see what's wrong here.

The only problem I recall is he did it like 2-3 times.

Premium cigar and a nice glass of an Islay.

because only perverts would sexualize this teacher-student interaction

i dream about this becoming a doujin every day.

Aren't there doujin idea submissions?

>Laugh at how pathetic he is
>See the face she makes after he stops rubbing her arms
[ N e r v o u s s w e a t i n g W e e b ]

it's not only the shoulder rub but he's LITERALLY right behind her rubbing his dick on her tiny ass

so creepy

I pretend I have an audience. I always do better when I'm trying to put on a show. The idea of overthinking and humoring possible mistakes just disappears. No nonsense, just crisp action, and on fire game sense. I've been in the zone while doing this and it takes a toll on the mental network. I had a night of Natural Selection 2 where I just played as a Skulk singlehandedly wiping out the enemy teams just biting the shit out of everything, making predictions, and looking like I was running a script to get around. For about 90 minutes I was other worldly but coming off of it I blacked in my chair and apparently just mumbled nonstop in my sleep over the Skype call I was having.

I want to hang out with SHiN but I hear the streets smell like piss

It's a good moral booster.

He was coaching his daughter at the Pokken tournament

she's going to grow up as good if not better than him, she can probably already slay Daigo


Source on this, mang?

Why is he training her at a dead game.

Few hours of solo GTA iv

Kids love Pokeshit.

It won't have the appeal when Nintendo goes bankrupt.

I don't think that's what she had in mind.

she clearly enjoyed the rub down

Is this the cunny thread?

stress relief thread

I only like 2d little girls.


You trust in your skills and whatever practice you've had to that point. Having experience with track and field probably helped me in that regard but you don't feel pressure if you're certain you're prepared.



Anyone else get really fucking sweaty in competitive games? Especially FPS games. After a night of playing them with friends I have to change my shirt.

fuck you

Depending what I'm playing;

>Fighting gaems

>Strategy; 4x RPG JRPG
>MFW Played CIV5 drunk off my ass
>Managed to conquer Ghandi and Atilla
>MFW ended ruling my side of the map for over 4000 years with space victory
>It came to an end when an alliance came over in full force along with nukes ended it all
>MFW Went out with a bang and irradiated the goddamn planet with MAD

Monster or Red bull but just one drink and depends how competitive it gets

>Dota, HoN, League

Pure sobriety

This fucking creepy motherfucker how is he not in prison?

I can see her cute loli hips through that outfit.

I play fighting games fairly often so I've learned how to cool myself when losing. I'm always surprised when I play some casual FPS like Overwatch with my friends and they all rage like spergs for losing in the game. Makes me realize why fighting games aren't that popular when they can't even stand losing in a babby mode FPS game.

jesus christ they've got some guts doing this kind of exhibitionist's play in public. the way he's rubbing his arms up and down massaging her petite body while he clandestinely thrusts his fat veiny cock up her tight ass one last time to satisfy her lust for cock and ultimately sealing her private climax is god-damned outrageous.

No I think he just rubbed her arms.

I normally don't rage during games unless the game feels unfair, overwatch for example makes me mad everytime I die to a stupid widowmaker, mei or bastion, but dying to a junkrat or a zenyatta doesn't anger me.

I'm ok in team based games, but 1 on 1 I freak out. Even playing shitty unranked Hearthstone/Duelyst matches makes my heart beat out of my chest.. I don't get it

isn't hearthstone a card game?

sauce please

He is the Vice President of the United States of America

Also Big Daddy Joe always does weird shit like this, he is very friendly and affectionate

I wish he ran for President this year, I would have voted for him over anyone else

that is fucking disgusting, creepy as fuck. Probably cause he never gets action he has to touch little girls when gets the chance to

i wonder how he touches her at home, bet that skirt is meant for easy access

the sauce is needed broski, google reverse image doesnt give anything

better than rubbing down real girls like that creepy ass poken trainer fat fuck

>In before the Olympian gymnastics coach webm.

Because there was someone off camera telling him to fix/move her hair. Don't worry, some day you will grow up user.

oh shit, that needs to be posted

go on...

nigga it's the first result on exhentai

This is rape. Someone report him.

my google is censoring search results, thanks man

With having fun.

gotta get past the sadpanda somehow..

I wrestled for a really long time, it taught me how to think on my feet, accept losses and move on, and really opened the door to my love of competition. Needless to say it makes me pretty good at most competitive games.
When im in a high-stress situation i think of what i can do, how whoever might react to that action, and then i carry out that action to the best of my ability. I dont let emotions or whatever other shit get in the way of my thinking, im too focused on the moment to even consider that stuff. Rinse and repeat, and normally ill come out on top, although honestly i enjoy the times where i get beat more. Theres much more learning to be had in going against someone who is downright better than you at any sort of sport, game, or challenge, and thats what i really enjoy, is getting better at things.

he's famous enough to get away with it

if you or i did it it would be into the county for the night until they decide what to do with you

yeah.. that's why it's ridiculous