First special ability is *teleports behind you*

>first special ability is *teleports behind you*
>second is *floats away before u can hit me*
>emote is *slowly claps while emerging from the shadows
>entire character revolves around death, killing, etc
Did Blizzard intend for this character to be a complete joke?

Other urls found in this thread:

give them credit user

he's one of the few designs not stolen wholesale from jap porn geimus

>"Alright we have characters with unique ethnicities, roles, difficulties and genders. Now we just need a character that the average fps shooter codfag can dig. Something super edgy and almost comedically simple"
And thus edgy shooter man was born

But Soldier 76 isn't edgy.

meanwhile, the most call of duty-like character is a grizzled old man who doesn't appeal to cod babbies

Considering literally no one takes him seriously, yes. Also, he's not entirely edgy, as he has a decent sense of humor. Plus the game pokes fun at his edginess- his "Hi" emote is funny because of his horrificly deep voice contrasted with the simpleness of "hi" making him seem much less threatening.
I still love him, he's such a fun anti-tank.

Yes, it's pretty obvious

A good reaper flanking at the right time is game saving. It's just a shame the average reaper player I came across doesn't seem to know the game is based around team objectives.

He's obviously supposed to be ironic, anybody can see that.

mei is my favorite anti tank. she kills them slower, but that just wastes more of their time and pisses them off as you spin in circles repeatedly freezing them.

or when you ice block at 1 hp and they sit in front of you eagerly awaiting their free kill and then you pop out and 1-shot them

>flank behind with the TP
>ult is ready
>jump forward
It's orgasmic. He's the only Attacker I can honestly say I enjoy: i'm more of a tank guy myself

He is actually a victim of Mercy aka MGSs Paramedic experimentation. She failed to end his suffering leaving him trapped between life and death.

Fucking women.

don't forget
>duel sawed offs
>Le epik badass

Yes. He's clearly not meant to be taken seriously. The fact that you didn't immediately grasp this is a sign of autism.

that float ability is annoying as all hell
his ult is like mcrees where it only works if the other team is retarded, but nothing is more annoying than nearly killing a reaper and then having him make me walk 5 more feet before I can kill him

I'm still salty from all the team wipeouts from reaper ults, it made me begin playing mei

He was designed for edgelords to take seriously, not recognizing this is a sign of autism.


Original and more importantly acceptable character designs are hard to come up with without "stealing ideas" from the billions of art from the past

>i want him to fly
>needs a cool hat or cowl/cape
>photon beam vision
>oh and he can pick up heavy things but only if he has enough gem power
Thief! Just a strange ripoff of superman!

I like Roadhog. Does he have any flaws?

For the record teleports behind you is supposed to be some DBZ 2fast4u shit, not taking 10 seconds to incredibly obviously and visibly teleport.

shoots and reloads slowly, useless past midrange

Lackluster ult. Mediocre damage, but good for knocking people off a point, however other heros can do that much more frequently

I know the feeling, user. It's the BAMF that clicked for me. I lose my shit when getting PotG since it takes maximum fucking effort unlike Bastion, D. Va shits and the like. No offense bros

absolutely horrid mobility, low amount count, decent ult but its no teamkiller, and a mediocre second fire.
He makes up for it though by being a hard counter to almost half of the entire roster
>hooking pharahs
>hooking bastions
>hooking tracers
>hooking reapers during their gay ult
>hooking anything with less than 250 health in general
>hooking mei
>oh shit why did I do that

>1 shot a tank with mei

sure senpai

I thought he looked awesome

I don't know how to explain it to people who aren't Hispanic, but there's just something we naturally love about edgy characters. Blizzard nailed it by making the Mexican dude the edgelord.

>Torjorb hammer doesn't do more damage to Reinhart even though he made it
ok blizzard.

>One of my friends I play with is Hispanic
>He unironically likes Reaper

I think you're on to something here

My sister in law is Mexican and she fucking LOVES Reaper.
God damn Mexicans and their edgelords.

He's a spoof of actors like Antonio Banderas. A lot of the characters are parodies of actors like Clint Eastwood and Toshiro Mifune, or just of archetypes in general.

McCree is the greatest for sure man, instantly my favorite, nothing quite like being the fastest gun in the west. Then it's probably a close tie between 76 and Genji. I'm glad Genji is actually such a high skill character, and his movement is so insanely good it makes him incredibly fun and 76 is just so versatile and straightforward while being lethally effective and looking really cool.

I know that feel, ese

1-shot was poor phrasing. i meant we're both low on health before i block and then i pop a single icicle through his eye socket. they never react fast enough

>fastest gun in the west
>has to announce to the world "i'm gonna shoot you soon" and then stand in plain view for 4 seconds before he fires

That's all true but I still love playing him.

>Widow and Reaper are so edgy they'd try to kill some kids trying to enjoy a museum

>Throws his guns away as a reload animation
No, I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be taken seriously as dark and mysterious character

oh I do to user, I'm a roadhog main
although I did play a lot of reinhardt but after seeing so many bastions I just pick roadhog every game, especially since he works perfectly well on offense and defense

>Go around corner
>Go back to where I was

Game is self-aware about his Edgyness, just listen to tracer

>tfw hooking pharah as she tries to use her ult
>tfw hooking a camping bastion and watching him try to jump backwards after my first shot leaves him with under 50 hp
>tfw hooking a tracer that was trying to dip out after unloading a clip in my back
>tfw baiting reinhardt into charging me so I can throw a hook straight into his face
>tfw hooking hooking mei to save my frozen teammate she was trying to line up a headshot on
My favorite character by far

>and then after 4 seconds he proceeds to kill 6 people in the blink of an eye
What's your point user? He's gotta give em a fair chance.

>Not the best
get out

>get hooked repeatedly as mercy
>switch to mei and spend the entire rest of the game playing ring around the rosie with a frozen streetpig

>reinhardt catches me by surprise and pins me
>his face when he realizes he did his pin while he was under half health and now he's dead

This actually made me like tracer just a little bit

None of the characters are original though, making them all a joke

He plays the objective shittily. Ultimately, he's either in one of his two or three optimal positions, or he gets gangfucked without benefiting his team any.

++++++ He charges ults.

That said, he's nasty, but you'll never see him in comp because he's slow and your team doesn't benefit HEAVILY from doubling up on him. Also, Tracer is a soft counter and she's popular right now.

He's one of the better designed characters, and should be the power meter for balancing, characters weaker than him should get buffed, and ones stronger/more broken should get nerfed. He's just right.

>playing hanzo
>respawn with ult up and just fire it at the objective
>kill five people while at spawn and instantly know its going to be the POTG and it was
>shake my camera around after it happens becuz i r good player

Sorry user, she's top fap material but I'm no healslut.

Does Winston say anything making fun of Reaper when killing an enemy one? I know he has some good bantz with a Reaper on his team so I'm curious.

>his pin doesn't one shot roadhog
I love seeing how they react after I get up and continue shooting them. Its like they don't have any idea what to do after the initial charge. They either put up their shield which I just walk through and shoot them, or they spin around in circles while swinging their hammer in hopes I'll die

>tracer will never rewind time right as you nut inside her over and over


please explain

There's a decent handful of characters that are very obviously satire. Reaper, Mckree, Zarya, and Lucio come to mind.

>teleports behind you
>"it's over Tails"

Sure user just check this link for a quick overview:

why would tracer rewinding time make you go back in time? it only works on her.

also i wonder how many people only like overwatch so much because they started masturbating to the characters. it's kind of weird and gross to think about.

>healslut on my team
>follows me around heals and buffs me
>game ends teams get switched up
>healslut now on the other team
>always flank and pick her off, none of her team pays attention to her
>healslut has left the game

>he's meant to be taken serouisly look at this silly reloading animation

>implying she wouldn't find a way to make it work for you

she's a good girlfriend user, you think she wouldn't?

thanks, it's a virus link.

My nigga. Bastion ain't got shit against roadhog.

>bullying a qt for not healing you

In one match I played there were 3 roadhogs, 2 on the enemy team against myself.

We were on that fucking map with the giant pit in the middle, and I pulled both those fuckers into it, one after the other. So satisfying. I was a smug little piggy that day.

He doesn't have as much team support as Reinhardt, for example.

Absolute fucking monster if you play him right, though.

Why is she being called a healslut I don't get it.

>should be the power meter for balancing
Honestly that's the nicest thing you can say about a character in this fucking game.

because Sup Forums thinks that anyone who plays a healer is a sexually promiscuous homo sapien

similar to Dva he is more of a Flanker than a tank
He's got a shitload of HP but his best strategy is Hit and Run (lol) to separate and pick off weaklings. He doesn't off much in the way of team support. like shields or stopping projectiles I wish he could share his heal like a sandvich

>has a somewhat equal mix of standard cute girls to pander to waifufags and token badass women characters to pander to whiny sjws
>male characters are entirely big gritty tough guys

Lacks range on his hook to be effective on most maps and in plenty of open areas.

Lacks range on his weapon even on right click to do any considerable damage to anything NOT hooked.

Hook is wonky as shit, sometimes dropping the hooked target either too short, gets caught on some geometry, or flat out ends up behind pulled behind you, letting them retaliate or trigger an ability and get away/drop your ass/get into your team for a beautifully positioned free ultimate.

Huge hitbox, large HP pool, self heal means he's gonna charge your enemy's ults like no tomorrow.

Ult will seldom do any real damage outside of cornering/walling someone off (at which point you can do it with a hook/shotgun combo anyway). At best serves as a "push people away for a few seconds hopefully off the map" area denial tool (which still fails to high mobility heroes or anyone that shoots at range anyway like Pharah, Junkrat, Widow, etc).

Shame he's the most fun to play, but also the most garbage.

*it was a hologram*

>Did Blizzard intend for this character to be a complete joke?
Yes. They've mentioned this before.

>reinhardt is literally Big Bull from anarchy reigns
>anarchy reigns fans are OK with this because anarchy reigns is amazing

We're hitting dangerous levels of parody here, calm down.

>not *rewinds time*

why does Tracer's left gun have "Daddy" written on it?

Hmmm, I don't know.
>Winston isn't gritty
>Roadhog is too jolly and really fat
>Junkrat is 'crazy', not really gritty or tough
>Floating Support (forget his name) is not gritty or tough

I agree about most of them though.



Him and Soldier 76 were originally made by the VP of blizzard while in school.

He said "why, here's my OC I made when younger and wanted to have do something, can you make them fit" and they did.

Knowing the backstory makes these characters way more charming. Your shitty oc can go places man.

it says "Tracer" you freudian shit

>he still believes the summerfags meme
>he thinks all new fags are summer fags

>>Roadhog is too jolly and really fat
roadhog is essentially a furry.

>not using the invincibility to get right in peoples faces

you have dual shotguns m8

I feel he, Tracer (albeit having design issues), McCree, and Mercy all kinda fit that area.

Tracer's just stupid because she has a one-button full heal and her weapons don't promote skillful use. McCree's flashbang also doesn't fit his character.

Widow needs
her Mine's buffed
her full-auto's damage rate of fire buffed, so she does more damage but has to reload faster
her body shot damage nerfed relative to headshot
and her grappling hook having some sort of cooldown (albeit maybe reduced) for missing

But Roadhog really is perfect from a gamefeel perspective. He's powerful, intuitive (both in use and counters), and fills a unique role in the roster.

It's called sarcasm you socially inept loser. How could you ever think I was being serious with that statement?

Goddamn you're right. The BDSM mask is one thing, but for his rare skins he has a sharkoutfit. confirmed for shark-kin?

I meant more the pig thing, like he gets angry at mentions of bacon, a lot of his art is him as a literal pigman.

But yeah, even his alt costumes are him as an animal

his flaw is that hes impossible to miss and builds the enemy teams ults faster. tracer builds ult on him in like 3 bursts.

Give widow 2x zoom reduce damage. I swear her zoom is fuckING trash and promotes garbage play

I don't get what's the point of this shit character.
He's supposed to be the absolute close-combat character, but he will always lose an engagement to McRee, who can decently fight mid and long range with his pinpoint accuracy guns.
So what is the point? Why would I pick Reaper when McRee exists?


Nice pasta.



>So what is the point? Why would I pick Reaper when McRee exists?

You don't want to wait ten seconds between getting a kill.

You don't want a useless ult.