Will too much vidya make you a crazed killer in real life?

Will too much vidya make you a crazed killer in real life?

What a silly thread

Only if you play yandare simulator

Yes, absolutely.


When will fiction stop spreading this shit.
I'm not even saying to do stuff like tactically disarm the assailant, usually they fumble the knive away on their own, if you do something like charge at them with a chair or table.

If it happened, chances are you were going to snap anyways.

In fact animal crossing makes me want to shoot an orphanage and eat babies

Not if I get my school shooter games that were denied to me for a generation because of muh Columbine.

>he mains Reaper

So people with knives really are invincible unless you have a weapon yourself. Got it.

>Not maining the best character

That artist has problems.

Haven't you been watching the news, it happens all the time

I have a feeling it might help

Do they even have school shooters in Japan

>that 'stance'

All they need to do is toss something at her and charge. Fuck.

Or draw their own gun and turn it into a shootout.

No, but I imagine this guy wants to do one.

I mean, they do have stabbings.

Is that some Shindol?

>Nevada-tan is an adult in her 20s now

Where did the years go?

Nah, owning guns is illegal. They do have bullied students shanking and/or mutilating their bullies though

I don't know if it's just me but I feel like Japanese portrayal of bullying is a lot more... hardcore.
I'm remembering a VN where a girl was being bullied and the kind of shit she suffered through was being tased and having her dog killed.

>Implying you can stop a sophisticated blade with such crude weaponry

My name is not important. What is important is what I'm about to do.

Is the artist a Hatred and/or Postal fan?

Gonna need a source user

depends if you have a natural disposition to be influenced.

>Where did the years go?

Into the ages

That's the societal difference between the West and Japan.

Fictional works tend to go beyond the original scope of the ideas, even though they might seem
grounded in reality. That's part of the Japanese escapism culture.


How many people here would you say suffer from antisocial personality disorder?

How does a Jap get their hands on a Tec-9 of all guns?

you don't want source

Kagatsuko Miyamishi - ep04

Russian arms dealer tovarich

It's certainly effective, in terms of emotional impact.