Jealous pc lamers

So after spending $700+ why do pc games look so medicore when consoles look much better? Is pc just a shit platform with cheap indie shovelware?

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But user that's just a movie
PC can play movies too




ahaha kid


NaughtyDog are pixel wizards, they dont represent all of console gaming


PS4 owners sure have a lot of time to make shitpost fuel
If only they had some games to occupy their time


gee that sure was all very convenient

its like watching one of those 40s cartoons of a character walking through a construction site and everything is just perfectly lining up for them so they never get hurt

Drake is a manlet.

someone was mad enough about PC to make this

Hey pc cuck dont you have a large backlog of f2p/indie shit to get back to?


That doesn't make any sense. PC plays the same games but objectively better. Unless you are specifcally referring to exclusives which even if they weren't 30 FPS or you are ignoring that they are never the best looking games or are still held back by console limitations. For example Ratchet and Clank is beautiful but the lack of any anti aliasing and awful frame rate ruin it.

This shit is silly.


consoles need to stay afloat somehow. if Sony fails to impress, it's all over for the brand. if X PC game fails, whatever. thus they overspend to maximize every aspect of the experience, including art design.

personally this is something I always found lacking in vidya, probably because it's superfluous and the budget could be better spent elsewhere, but still.

this is so cringeworthy


lol. guess they weren't aiming for any sort of realism in this game huh

Does anyone land any sort of convincing offense on her, or did they manage to perfect the "unbeatable dragon" concept just by making all the characters so limp-dicked, they can't overpower a woman half their size because it would be "mean?"

woah... those strong choices and branching paths... truly a unique experience every time...

So after spending $700+ why do DVDs look so medicore when on Blu-Ray drives, but on DVD players look much better? Is DVD just a shit platform with cheap Chinese hardware?

the only impressive thing about U4 is how seamlessly they manage to switch between real gameplay and cinematic angles.

that shit must've cost a ton. game looks absolutely terrible the rest of the time.

Enjoying your silky smooth 30fps?


nathan drake who has wrestled to the ground burly russian mercenaries cant pin a skinny woman to a wall


this would be forgivable if she was at least slightly visibly muscular

that Sleeping Dogs ending lmao

fuck physics, let's make this thin woman as strong as men who by the look of it weight two times as her

so progressive

blame the hardware, not the developer

>full grown athletic male
>pinned by a slender female in a lower weight class

So this is the power of PC... woah

hey sonyggers, what are you using to post on Sup Forums right now?



I read this post about a random guy off the street who offered to fight the top ufc women fighter and then beat the shit out of her.

>game looks absolutely terrible the rest of the time.

sweet summer child

I would post some Skyrim screens but they're all NSFW, so.

>Pc AAA games pc cucks get to look forward to

PC has nicer graphics? Maybe I'll get one.

never ever, even though it's a shit game

Pc is 1080p, ps4 is 1080p

Thanks for reminding me that hundreds of morons are going to throw "MUST BE SUMMER" around again here soon.

I use skyrim as a fuck simulator these days.

there's something odd about that screenshot. I don't remember the game looking so detailed.

it was worse than previous entries at some points, actually.

Yeah that's probably bullshit.

It still doesn't change the fact that devs have decided to publish fake screens. In other words it's scam.

The part in the Madagascar jungle looks fantastic.

>PC exclusive
not even once

It's always summertime on Sup Forums.

Doesn't the game have a photo mode, rendering any screenshots people post questionable at best?

Moot was lying anyway. There is a rise of traffic on Sup Forums, but I don't think there is a rise in retards. Retards are always here. It's just confirmation bias at work.

What the fuck...
I mean it looks pretty uncannily realistic, so props for that, as in it really looks like it's being filmed cheaply in a studio in front of a greenscreen background.

I don't know how you can browse Sup Forums and not know what neogaf is, but alright

Maintain your masquerade, summer soldier

>looks better than majority of PS4 games

How many times will Sonyggers get BTFO?


wait, the player isn't able to hit her despite constantly taking a beating from her?

I've barely touched any of the expansion stuff because every time I try to play the fuck mods just convince me to jerk off and I never wanna keep playing right after I cum.

>I don't know how you can browse Sup Forums and not know what neogaf is, but alright
Where the hell did you get that from?

I never visited neogaf, though I've been to Reddit.
I've been here for a few years

Just forget I asked.

summerfag hasn't been a thing since phones could go on the internet.

How many times does this guy get thrown out a dang window? This is freakin ridiculous.

>been to reddit
I see a pattern here.

>Complaining about summer
Yeah, I'm not anxious for for it either.

Do you ever think Nate gets tired when he has a near-death experience every ten minutes?

Which is another way of saying

>It does go up

Daily reminder.

>a game with zombies and murders nearing the thousands is suddenly supposed to be 100% realistic

I bet you faggots would be alright if she was Grace Jones

Just finished the campaign in 12 hours on hard and I'm about to do some multiplayer stuff.
Here are my spoilerfree 2 cents.
Yes the game looks great both graphics and animations.
But man did they fuck up the pacing in this one. As someone who liked the previous games, this one was hard to digest. It's like 60 per cent climbing, 30 percent cutscenes and 10 percent actual shooting,wich is a shame because the grappling hook and the improved stealth actually made the very few encounters enjoyable.
The setpieces weren't as impressive and the 2nd half of the game is all jungle with little to no variation.
This game is definitely not a 9 out of 10
More like a 7.
Also the theme of pirates might be the most boring yet and the story kinda sucked

My tits are longer than that you fucking console pleb

wow... truly this is the power of the ps4....

Frankly, i am a little envious. The game does look great, but I'm not buying shit station just for that game

you can play anything on PC from nintendo to PS2, over 10000 games on piratebay from old to new

and your only complains is.... 'look'?

you're a dumbass, that's exactly what it always looks like
dude, that was a fucking trophy screenshot get out of here

>blame the hardware
i think it's blatantly what it is - to make ps4 owners feel ashamed

If it doesn't go up a noteworthy amount, then it might as well not go up at all.

haha no one will get that reference.. so here you go

This game was supposed to be good graphics on pc when it came out.

Where are the shadows? there is a big spotlight and no shadows.

>if this cancer tumour doesn't go up a noteworthy amount, then it isn't anything to worry about

And your only rebuttal is..."I can play a game I played a decade ago"?

my phone ??

Looks like Quantum Break.

>Right after the big plot reveal and Nathan is knocked off the cliff it bounces back to Sam and Nate as kids

I so fucking mad

>no super natural shit what so ever


I don't know about the second part, but I think Nate wasn't trying to really pick a fight in the first one. He was trying to get the fuck out of the manor and he probably tried to go easy on her since she's a woman.

Not even equivalent at all. Try shit and food analogies next, user.

it can still look good

yeah, only not 720p with tons of ghosting (i liked quantum break but IQ was suspect)

The rebuttle is
"I have games to play and most of them are free"
rather than "I have a game and a couple of pretty movies for a little over 600 dollars"

>PC games
not even once

I've bought this game and was so fucking booring just like uncharted 4, where are the games which gives me funny?

If burger doesn't rare a noteworthy steak, then meat isn't prime to worry about

What was supposed to be good console graphics in 2007?
