Translation of script pretty much finished

> Translation of script pretty much finished.

Who's ready for Crossbell?

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Can I have source and not false promises made of tears.

>he is saying it's coming in december
Which in fan translator terms means in 2 years.

Maybe. But based on their previous releases, high chance that it'll release on schedule.

Good news, hope its better than I expect it to be.

I just hope it releases by the time i finish playing CS2.

Is this chinese pc version or psp or what?

I won't play it till after the trails in the sky trilogy is out and I've completed it.

PSP version.

Japanese PC and psp version.

Is the translation going to be half decent at all? I've heard some bad rumors regarding that.

It won't be good coming from that team.

They have proper translators this time, so i reckon it should end up being decent.

From that team leader rambling back then on gbatemp. He is going to change and edited the final script without ever played any Trails games before. So yeah.. It is going to be Nayuta level of translation.

Naytua had an assload of repeated stock phases that was clearly ran though a machine translator then guessed.

I at least expect Zero's to be semi-competent.

I'll wait for XSEED's.

Nayuta was done by just one person, and they actually have a team to work on zero.
So at the very least zero won't be anywhere near as bad.

You'll be waiting a long time, maybe forever if 3rd doesn't meet expectations.

But if they do end up releasing, itll be late 2018 at the earliest.

After the abysmal sales of SC. 3rd won't meet expectation. I qm not even sure why they bothered to localized it. So we are stuck with moon or EngRish.

I think its only because cold steel did better than they expected.

What other translation projects are going on that we should be aware of?

In terms of Falcom games?

Brandish 2 and ys vs sora are slowly being worked on by the same group.
Until zero releases, i wouldnt expect anything.

Any JRPG honestly.

Wasn't that a lot of bullshit drama with the translator being a giant attention whoring faggot?

Yes, but the project itself is legit.

Trails series conclusion when? Who is the fucking grandmaster? I will be death before this series got resolution, is that it?

None that I know of.
Theres 7th dragon 2020, ft was recently released if you like dungeon crawlers.

You can play Xanadu Next fan translation also, if you cant wait for Xseed's release.

As of cs2, series is at the halfway point.
Should be at least 6-7 games left.


Why the fuck the thread is so ded? Isn't this what you guys have been waiting for all this time? Years ago people will post "TiTS where?" but now no one seems interested anymore.

Trails games never have many English fans. It was just a vocal minority.

I wasn't aware that Zero's patch was this far along, and I guess I am excited about it, if not cautiously optimistic.

I am a bit annoyed at the timing though, since I was planning to finish up SC and finally move on to the copy of cold steel I bought ages ago, but now I am kinda conflicted, because I would like to play the games in order of release, but I had already resigned myself to having to play CS before the crossbell games, and Ao isn't going to be out any time soon, assuming it gets a patch at all.

This. Now that the games are actually coming over, there's no need to beg for a release.
Different story if xseed stops releasing the games.

According to xseed, CS games can be played without being familiar with the crossbellgames so you should play them next.

I would play Zero after Trails 3rd.

>According to xseed, CS games can be played without being familiar with the crossbellgames so you should play them next.
>believing their lies
Well, I guess for CS1 maybe, CS2? Hell no. Play them in release order.

Well I had no idea. How much does cs2 spoiler?
I can see why they said that though...

A lot.

Anyone have a link to download the Japanese PC versions?

I think the best way to play is from zero, CS, Ao, and then CS2 because Sen 3 will out probably next year after Ys8.

It may be the best way, but wont work for English only readers.
No way is Ao coming out in English anytime soon whether it be by a fan translation or even Xseed.

We've known they were going to flake out since that drama fit a few months ago.

Interesting, seems like he looking for potential help.

PC version is an upscaled PSP version so it won't look as nice.


Into the trash

And then it's just a matter of insertion, which takes even longer than translation.

trust me it looks real nice compared to psp one

Just finished AO and starting sen. Can't stand the shit graphics. The school setting's turning me off. Also, I'm sure story's gonna be dull until I get to the second game.

So where is this in relation to cold steel and trails?

This is the first game in the crosbell series that take place after sky and mostly at the same time as cold steel.

The trails series is a one big story. A lot of factors in story are closely connected and there are constant references to the previous titles in the series. Cold steel especially has a very close connection to Zero/AO and you are missing out on alot if you do not know what's happened in Crossbell. The game's are still playable, but to fully understand what is going on, you HAVE to play zero/ao

It really didn't felt that way from what i played of Cold Steel, it was mostly HEY SHIT IS ABOUT TO GET REAL IN CROSSBELL CITY BUT WHO CARES THERE ARE SCHOOL FESTIVALS WE NEED TO GO.

Northumbria Province arc when?

It's because the games are designed that way to attract new people to the series. The first game in the entry is always an intro anyways. The second game will be moreso

After Calvard

Is this threat real?

There is enough optional text in SEN to give you a good synopsis of the major events happening in the city.

Why read some shitty translation from some fagboys when I can read the Japanese original?

Who do I know it's shitt\y? Tell me about all the drama that happened when the translation was being made. That's how you know it's shit, the translators being drama queens. It's a sure way of telling they just learned some basic Japanese and now feel like they need to save lesser people by granting them their shitty translation. Too bad some good game gets ruined by that, you know noone will make a good translation of it now.

Still seems rather silly (not that I'm complaining) considering PC sales are what really matters, especially considering how it's a sequel to a sequel which didn't do that great (though it not doing that great is very much their fault for poor release timing and bad advertisement). Falcom could have always given them the push because CS sold well but I kinda doubt that. I'd say they'd push for the Evo versions if Falcom wanted but I hear that's a real pain with who owns the rights to what and that'd be the third release of the game already (for FC) so they might be hesitant there too.

well aren't you special, little buttercup. Not everyone can read Japanese, you know.

>writer of the first game won't be the writer of the last
Aaaaand dropped.

Why are you so butthurt Mr. "translator"? You should have continued studying and you'd lose all will to fuck up some game with your shitty translation as you'd get better and better.

You know how it works. The better you get the more you realize how bad you are.

While i'm not familiar with the workings of fan translations, i seriously doubt inserting text will take anywhere near as long as the translation, especially for something as long as a Trails game.

Huh they change the writer already? KEK what a disaster. This is always the problem for long series that refused to end the stories. This is going to be another Suikoden scenario, isn't it?

SC sold shit? That's fuckin sad considering SC no doub has the best story in the series

I'm saying, if that user is gonna die before the end, imagine the writers.

I thought these guys were working on Ao too and had good progress on it as well already? Am I just poorly informed?

Depends on how the text is codified, making sure the text fits the text board everytime since english sentences tend to be much longer than their japanese counterparts, on how many files is said text, if the font needs hacking so you don't have wide gaps between letters.
It's a bit more complex than you think.

Ao will get a release in 2018 at the earliest. I am being generous here since i seriously doubt that they will ever finish that. Xseed will take their lovely time until 2020.

you're a funny person, you know that? You really think you're better than others. It's so cute

And you're grasping at straws with your generic anger. Something tells me everything I presumed is actually correct.

>grasping at straws
in regards to what? Wishing to play a localized game?

Whether Xseed release zero/ao depends on how well trails 3rd sells.
Seeing that Sc didn't do so well I really don't have much hope on any more PC only games.

cold steel feels awfully like persona. I know they had to change up things from bracers style but this isn't creative at all

Does Zero end in a cliffhanger?
At this point I'm waiting for the 3rd so I can replay FC and finish SC, I guess Zero will be out by then too but I might hold out and see how long Ao takes/if ever. Can always just play Zero and replay it later like I'm doing with FC if it takes a long time.

The more platforms the game is exposed to the better.

Zero is mainly more of a fantasy story with ancient treasure wish granting loli and everyone wanting a piece of that.
The political stuff is mainly on Ao

It's not like sky FC where it ends with "shits starting to go down" but it does leave many things unanswered.

They had to catch up with the times and in the mean time they saw how other franchises get away with being lazy and did the same.
CS just feels like it's a light novel and it's pretty sad.

But YS sold well on steam. I guess JRPG isn't easily received in general

Good to hear.
I wouldn't want another SC cliffhanger with years of waiting to find out.

Ys had a much more pronounced western presence since the Turbografx days, TLOH had those poorly translated games on the psp before Trails kicked off.

So did FC, and Ys is more action orientated.
Problem is Sc did much worse, but it should be expected since its a sequel to a game many people never finished.

Did FC sell well? I was sure it did bad since Xseed practically gave up releasing SC

I'm not gonna believe until the deed is done, that way dissapointment cannot happen.

Dont know about psp, but It sold very well on steam.

It's at like ~175k sales now on PC, they were having a lot of problems and were spending a long time on SC and they had to rush it out on dying platform, that's mostly why its release was so awkward.

I thought the only reason it took that long was the translators fault?

>Trails in the Sky
>Playtime total: 17:53 (average) 06:02 (median)
>Trails in the Sky SC
>Playtime total: 48:33 (average) 39:13 (median)
Pretty interesting numbers, I wonder if xseed is already going into 3rd with the mentality that even if they don't sell much they have some 10~20k fans there waiting which will buy the game for sure and that might still be a good deal for them in the end. I'm sure they have better selling franchises they could be focusing on though, but Trails always had a small team anyway.

There's a lot of factors, they just had a bad time in general with it and by the ending it seemed like they just wanted to get it over with.

I am sad that my toaster cannot even run YS Celceta at decent speed. FUCK ME


Learn some fucking English yourself before you start complaining about fan translations holy shit

Core 2 Duo @2.80GHz @2.79Ghz
Nvidia GeForce 210

Don't bully

So that's why the psp version is a goddamn mess, did they ever fixed that?

It triggered you? KEK

There is zero complaining there. It is the truth. Either Moon or Engrish regardless of his English level. You are with the team?

Can you even patch games on PSP? Either way, making a game on PSP is different and they can't fix things as easily and need a bigger time period between it being done and release, that's why it uses a version that's some months older and is missing a ton of fixes they did at the end, they didn't say it but the reality is that it'd just be a waste of time.

I think its possible but Xseed returned their PSP devkits, so they can't work on it even if they wanted to.

>Who's ready for Crossbell?
Finished it around 2 years ago. Would be nice to be able to experience it for the first time again.
I'm ready for Sen III, unfortunately will probably have to wait another year yet.