Other urls found in this thread:


>135 followers on twitter
>put a fucking email for business inquires
>responding to your own thread from your phone

>Being a cuck and buying EA DLC in any form


Yea its crazy how only 40 people say it and one of those people goes to Sup Forums and cared enough to post it and you just so happened to be here and catch this thread two posts in that's so crazy woah holy shit



Stopped watching

I get why people are upset by Battelfront but I don't get the "It's irredeemable trash" arguments. It's almost like Splatoon with the free updates every now and then. It's not an amazing game but it can still be fun

>declares he browses Sup Forums in the fucking video
>replies to his own thread one post in acting like he stumbled upon it
>Thinks calling himself a fatass would cover him up
Classic OP

This entire thread is just an elaborate stunt to try and gain attention.

Totally not you OP.

Pretty sure the game sold the most on PS4. So why we're you shocked?

>Pulls the 'elaborate stunt to try and gain attention' card on a thread he created about himself
Classic OP, pulling elaborate stunts to get attention.

Is this what the average Sup Forumsirgin looks like

>Pulls the elaborate "pulling elaborate stunts to get attention" post on himself to gain even MORE attention

wow OP, keep it up

>20 minutes long

I remember sonyggers being extremely hyped for this game, how they were having so much fun in it.

Not even 6 months passed, the game is already completely dead and the sequel is coming, fucking lol. Splatoon is more alive than ever and it's older.

>He's still going
You know, maybe if you made videos that people actually want to watch you wouldn't have to resort to whoring yourself out to Sup Forums

>OP's youtube channel has a video where he admits to crying over the intro to Super Mario Galaxy
My god, man.

>This thread.


Battlefront is Dead! Long live Battlefront!

>didn't like the old battlefronts
>did like the new one, and allegedly vocally championed it
>bought it with money

kek, get rekt fatty.