Did anyone get this? I haven't seen a single thread on Sup Forums about it.
Did anyone get this? I haven't seen a single thread on Sup Forums about it
Yep I did, currently loving it mate
Not a big moba fan, but after playing the beta for this I had to get it. There's a good amount of content too, they've managed to make some pretty great fun multiplayer game modes - my favourite is definitely the moba style one, even though I fucking hate mobas.
The game gets a lot of unnecessary hate on here, mainly due to the develops not taking the degenerate pornography route to promote their game, the pathetic neet faggots on here seem to have to defend their waifushit's honour constantly.
But yeah, fun game with about 5x the content of OW
So its worth getting? I played OW and thought it was alright but wanted something with more depth.
Yeah I have the game too and it's pretty fun. I had my doubts about it at first but donmy knock it until you try it. Also here come the shit posters
you never get to see a thread because they are almost instantly filled with overwatch fags shitting on the game. meanwhile they are allowed to have 4 threads front page about the game and token "pls nerf character" threads.
fun game I bought out of spite because of all the disproportionate hype for overwatch. What do ya know its actually fun.
I like it more than Overwatch. It has some issues, such as maps get old fast and what not.
But sadly its going to go to the grave simply because of bad marketing.
It's pretty good, if you like FPS mobas then go for it
There's been a few threads where everyone piles in and shits on it.
The game is ok, but get it for console. The PC version sold very poorly and the number of players on PC is drying up quick. Not even Overwatch's beta ending helped it. Console seems to be doing alright, though.
This. Even before the Overwatch open beta was out threads on Battleborn's beta were filled with shitposters praising Overwatch. It's one of those games like Bloodborne that will just be impossible to discuss on Sup Forums ever
Except Bloodborne is good.
I kinda love it. Tired of fps games so having many dota-elements helps to keep it interesting. Could be more in-depth like an actual dota-game but I guess it's pointless to try and compete with dota and lol.
Not as good as your mom was last night
How are you currently loving it when the betas are over
Pirating it now. Will tell you what I think later.
As a long time PC gaymer im sad that most games online communities die quickly if its not a valve or blizzard game. I went to console this gen and havent been dissapointed. You can hardly notice the difference graphically and even when you do, in 5 minutes stop caring long as the game is good.
I think it looks solid, but Overwatch's girls managed to snag all of Sup Forums's attention away.
But its an online multiplayer game, won't a pirated copy lack the main feature?
It has single player.
this game sucks
Always online
Don't think you can pirate it
>first battleborn thread in a week
>there are at least 5 Overwatch threads at any moment
It's ogre, just get the superior game.
no waifus, no buy
>implying I didn't get both
Nice try shitposter-kun
they don't though just depends what your definition of a dead game is. if you can still find matches no problem it's not dead to me
i still play evolve sometimes on pc and as far as i'm concerned it's not dead because i always find games
maybe this the only case in history where ugly girl character manage to destroy sales and hype
and i will not suprised if she is actually trans
I bought it and while it's a fun game it really could use some porn love,
I already have.
Single player works.
>the game has no waifus
there are plenty of waifus, they are all refined ladies tho' so Sup Forums hates them
my god, even the tumblr tranny in overwatch is better than that abomination.
Don't even bother it's boring as fuck
I figured but it's free.
It needs porn.
All I ever see is this one. Post more otherwise you're lying.
Characters wouldn't be appealing in porn for the most part because of the art style.
Which one is the tumblr tranny? I mean Zanya or whatever her name is just a weight lifting russian snoo snoo bitch
People fap to Moxxi and Maya. I have
>I haven't seen a single thread on Sup Forums about it.
>Did anyone get this?
You answered your own question.
the game is dead, they forgot 75% of the moba players are waifu-fags like me
but overwatch is not a moba
because it released may 3rd dingus
marketing buttholeborn was a moba was a mistake
It's true. I see why some people are saying it is, but it's more FPS than MOBA.
are you a degenerate? The game has been out for over a week
>see why some people are saying it is
i don't
i wouldn't call dirty bomb a moba, i won't call overwatch a moba
More like Stillborn
Overwatch has designated abilities that you need to time for specific situations. The abilities are arguably more important than the straight gunfire.
I never played a moba, but everyone here were saying these games are mobas, but doesn't matter I have my overwatch pre-order just because of D. va.
Overwatch is a arena fps with some MOBA elements while battleborn is just ASSFAGGOTS in first person
Battleborn was never alive in the first place.
same thing with dirty bomb. and it's still nothing like a moba just like ow. character classes and skills have existed for fucking ages and are not the distinguishing features of a dota-game
Honestly what hold me back about Battleborn is the ugly characters. Overwatch did well in this regard.
Battleborn was marketed as a MOBA
Overwatch was not
LMAO made my day!
Pretty much this
I have nothing to add beyond there's always a /vg/ thread and at least it's semi-safe from Overwatch shitposters
Are graphics really more important than gameplay?
i don't mind the artstyle
i think phoebe a cute
My friend has it and I played some. It's alright I guess, the talent system is kind of interesting. I'm not really a fan of the moba/fps hybrid they attempted to do, but to each his own. My biggest gripe with it is the ugly as sin artstyle they decided to go with, I don't know what they were thinking.
No theres no porn because all of the characters are fucking lame and ugly to look at.
It's not graphics, though, it's designs and aesthetics. Graphics is stuff like lighting and shadows, or how high poly the models are.
Although Battleborn doesn't have much in the way of either for me personally.
Design and aesthetic falls under graphics. Are they?
>ugly as sin artstyle they decided to go with
That's just Gearbox being Gearbox. Believe it or not it's their best attempt at art so far. Especially if you look at the godawful designs in Borderlands/2.
Nah, I think one is art and the other is tech. Graphics doesn't really affect how Orendi's character is designed, but it does affect how her in-game model is rendered.
It could be a fine game but I'll never touch it for the simple fact that it is made by gearbox, and you should feel bad for supporting them. You wouldn't download a ubisoft game
overwatch being great is just a bonus
I kind of want to fug that mean looking gangly elf bitch
Graphics are simply everything visual to me. So are visuals more important than gameplay?
Yeah it's pretty good.
Indeed. With PCs the userbase is extremely concentrated among a handful of games, many of which are F2P.
With consoles you get the decrease in tech obviously, but you also get a much more focused playerbase. Your average PS4 owner has it because they want to play games and since it doesn't have 10,000+ titles like a PC people are often interested in every major game release.
porn when?
No, she's not trans. She's gay.
chi-cha chi-cha
headcanon is not real canon user
It's not even really headcannon, it's pretty heavily fucking implied that she and deande fug.
Why would I buy a DoA game?
battleborns audience are people who are to hipster for overwatch
>it's pretty heavily fucking implied that she and deande fug.
>Factorio gets more attention
That game actually deserves it too
overwatch is shit though so that's not hard to find
almost depressing
>SC2's audience are people who are too hipster for Dota2
>Lame to look at
"Oh no there are no cute grills i can look at so I can jerk my self off in the corner of my basement!!!"
Cure yourself you white ass honk-a-donk.
Every game needs a selling point, some games sell graphics and waifus, some games sell stories, other games sell fun or refinated gameplay, then there are games who have nothing like Battleborn.
>Overwatch is a arena fps with some MOBA elements
I agree.
They can be. Or at least as important.
If a game is awesome-playing, but people can't stand to look at it, you've failed as a game designer(unless it was your intent not to give a shit, like dwarf fortress.) This is why people complain about shit like overused motion blur and bloom(and in battleborn's case, the color use is frequently bitched about. It hurts the gameplay, not helps it.)
Character-centric games in particular like this, or fighting games, also need that hook of "if you come to play this game, you'll see at least one or two characters who appeal to you". It doesn't have to be waifu appeal, but it has to be something. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how awesome it plays if you can't get people interested to start with.
you cannot even see your character it's in first person
A) first-look appeal
B) immersion
You greatly underestimate the importance of both in building a large audience for a game.
yeah guess i'm too old and come from a time where gameplay was king
Why is this game so unoptimized.
Whoever decided to release this around the same time as Overwatch was foolish. The Overwatch hype completely outshined this game. It's a shame because Battleborn is not a bad game at all.
This guy and Toby make me want to play this game.
Is it worth it and how big is the player base?
>0.10$ deposited to your account.
>and come from a time where gameplay was king
I have played since the times of Doom and Overwatch gameplay is far better than Battleborn, it's not the times you just have shit taste.
if you enjoy casual games that's fine, i need more depth
I'd say yes. Toby and Benny play completely different though.
I don't think you have ever played a game with deep gameplay.
nobody said battleborn was incredibly complex simply that overwatch is casual. don't get upset now
I hate everything about Marcus's design