Would you buy an Imperial Guard game, Sup Forums?
Would you buy an Imperial Guard game, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>start game
>gellar field fails
>game over
>suspected of heresy
>game over
>stepped on by Ork
>game over
>artillery fires short
>game over
Sure, it's a nice change over endless spece mahreens.
Hell yeah, just getting that random chance of ending a months long siege might be fun.
I'm pretty sure you could just take Darkest Dungeon, make all the classes guardsmen and make it even more unfair and it'd be pretty accurate
True, though for the most part as part of the guard you have a high chance of not doing anything really. Possibly just doing some PDF action since their isn't exactly full scale warfare on every edge of the imperium.
Mhm, just watch out if you're stationed in Obscurus.
>9/10ths of the game is defending some backwater with fellow guardsmen
>1/10th of the game is everybody dying because of some dickhead chaos cult caused a ruckus
They'd have to do it right tho.
first off, you'd need to be Kasakrins with hot-shot lasguns.
the real battle should be going on in the background, and you're just getting behind the enemy and taking shit out.
In this game in the campaign when you died you went into a "Ghost" view and picked a new soldier to spawn into. It's also how you changed classes mid mission IIRC. That would work
Or Cadia during one of it's incursions.
Oh yeah, that would work.
also, all the boss enemies would have to be normal enemies.
like an Ork Shoota would be a mini-boss. Most of the time you're fighting swarms of Gretchins, actually...Tau might work.
I imagine everyone on Cadia enjoys kicking the shit out of chaos.
or enjoys turning to chaos.
The Inquisition has been notified.
Cadians? You nuts? That's like thinking the Mordian honor guard switch to chaos! (Okay maybe a few after doing dick for a few decades.)
>let's say any faction had reign to do whatever they want in an infinite timespan starting from 40K
Which faction would win, Sup Forums?
Orks or Nids
Tyranids or Orkz. Hard to say, really.
Someone suggested a Gaunts Ghosts game that played like Splinter Cell Blacklist.
Give me that.
Like, now.
I wonder if he'll survive again.
Not quite sure what faction is what in my folder but I'l try to dump some shit
Imagine gathering with your fellow adeptus machincus and having a LAN party using servitors as players.
Starring Mkvenner? Or Mkoll?
>Watch some hour long youtube video about 40k
>Shit is dope
>Decide to start reading a 40k book
>Lot of people recommending Eisenhorn
>Book starts with him slashing dudes in half with his power sword and capping other dudes in the face
Fuck yes, where has this been my whole life.
-X-com style game play
-play as a commisar/sargent and control a squad
-have to find ways to re-inforce moral
-different moral reactions depending on the enemy eg. fighting orks lowers moral less than fighting nids
-option to kill panicing soliders and request new reinforcements
-build foxholes and trenches
-fight meter by bloody meter
Fuck yes i would buy this fucking game
Anyone have any Steel Legion shit? My folders are messy as fuck to dig through
The Ciaphas Cain books are also pretty good if you're interested in learning a bit more about Commissar/Guardsmen life.
Good, next read Ravenor and Gaunt's Ghosts, followed by just about anything Abnett writes. Really can't go wrong with his 40k stuff.
Is this a 40k thread? Cause i heard this was a 40k thread.
Depends on what regiments are available.
Sign me up for some Deff Skawndron
That'd be a hell of a game.
I just got the 'Death From the Skies' supplement, if you could have dogfights with all the 40k flyers in a video game I'd be in heaven.
Stay away from C.S. Gotto. And basically any of the Horus Heresy stuff.
If you want info go to /tg/ or Lexicanium. Or even 1d4chan
Fuck no. Imperial Guard are worst and most overrated faction in 40k. There's nothing great about a meatgrinder.
You heard correctly.
Milkdrinking heretic
It's like slow infection that blows up with enough guardsmen posting :3
Mkoll by default, Mkvenner as an unlockable for beating hard mode of course.
Unlock achievement references the ghost of Gereon
Take my money and make it.
If they did an IG game with pic related in the same squad-shooter style as Freedom Fighters, it'd be the absolute tits.
Proud Imperial souls right here.
Fucking die scum
>Freedom Fighters
Just shut the fuck up and take my money, because that sounds perfect.
Outburst of profanity not directed towards heresy or xenos is heresy!
>mfw this will never ever happen
Don't just hold Guardsman, PUSH FORWARD!
Sorry lads im bored of sharing now.
Is that the apocalypse mod?
lol fuck.
Titanium Wars, got the newest version from the Ruskie site.
wew lad I lied
>bottom right relic uncaptured
>no heavy weapons keeping radar dark zones pinned open
>no chimera support rolling kasrkins into the fight
It's almost like you want to lose!
That was an awesome game.
Campaign was just alright but multi was the shit.
Never played warhamer 40k, but my roommate has a group that plays regularly. whats the best faction/race/whateverthefuck to play as?
If you want to cheese do the necrons.
I already kicked the shit out of one commie computer, that was near the level's end after... so much artillery and death.
Who /ork/ here?
Despite disliking their play style you got to give orkz the credit of being entertaining as hell. Especially in the Emperors Speech device with Gork and Mork yelling at each other.
Skynet is cool, probably easier to paint models too, good choice. Still open though.
I was thinking of playing orks, but my friend says they got changed and are kind of boring now.
The Squats
Still have yet to find the story for both kriegs. The one where the guardsmen fall in love with a kriegs gunner while the other is women trying to make a kriegs infantryman feel love.
>tfw GW always just makes Space Marine games.
I want a Imperial Guard shooter.
I started playing DoW1 but holy shit the pathing is abysmal. Armies will NOT MOVE at times.
>there are people who think the Night Lords aren't the best traitor legion
That shit is good, and Ravenor after that. I'm actually halfway through the newest book in that line, called Pariah. It's great too.
The wiki on these guys is like reading mad magazine
Moving squads by themselves is better than as one giant blob.
You should check out Doomriders shit.
I keep buying 40k titles hoping they sell enough to convince devs and pubs to make an IG game.
At least we got an IN game in BFGA. They're the naval version.
Speaking of stories, there are two very fun ones from /tg/. One is a Halo X 40k crossover where they fight Tau and the other is a Metroid X 40k where Samus fights Necrons.
Pretty hype.
Do the Tau get destroyed?
Yeah and a Comissar dies.
Was he one of "those" Commissars?
What is the agenda of the ancient Egyptian Death Robits?
They look neat.