Rate the last game you played. Would you recommend it?

Rate the last game you played. Would you recommend it?

Dark Souls 3
Would recommend.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Star Fox Zero

No, it's really just Star Fox 64 but worse. Not terrible, but a prime example of too little too late.

It's alright
Recommend for fps nerds and dota autists alike

Flower, Sun and Rain

7/10 would recommend for genre fans

Deus ex: Human revolution
of course I'd recommend it, It's fucking great

dumb ratposter

Most recent - Ace Attorney Trilogy 3DS: Sure. 14 cases across three games and only 3 of them well and truly suck [1-1, 2-3, 3-3]. 8/10

Most recent that wasn't a replay: Alien Isolation. Not really far enough to judge yet, but the atmosphere is great. Tentative yes.

Enter the Gungeon.
If you're into roguelites you'd probably dig it.

Stupid ass fucking hamster


Dark Souls 2


Great game on its own despite certain questionable design choices in comparison to its predecessor

DmC 4 Special Edition - Never played a DmC before, but I got it in the Humble Bundle and I'm loving it. Feels similar to Bayonetta, which I played last year. Can't wait to play it again tomorrow.


Really nice little shmup. 4/5 would recommend heartily.

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Yeah, it's pretty fun. I'd imagine if you've played other Ratchet and Clank games its probably more of the same.

Dynasty Warriors 2
If you like the feeling of jacking it to massive gang bangs you will enjoy the feeling of beating off every guy you see in Dynasty Warriors 2

Wait, is that a gyroscope or is that operator skill? My mom's husband wants to know

Do not bully Umaru

I want to kill that hamster.

Do people still play this?

Got it off of /k/, it's supposed to showcase the stability of the Leopard II. So yeah, a gyroscope.


they should use this as beer commercial because it's making me want to drink

Kirby: Planet Robobot
Absolutely recommended. It may well be the best Kirby game.

>Defending a fucking anime hamster on the internet

God fucking damn I can't wait to play The Silver Case.

Literally worse than boypussy faggots

Nobunaga's Ambition Sphere of Influence
If you like clicking through menus then I guess you can kind of have fun.

>Bullying a hamster on the internet

>Posting pics of Jews that grew up in Forest Hill

Dota 2
Kill me

Smash 64
It's cool

>Getting this triggered by a singing nigga

>Having a whole folder of Forest Hill jews
Do you have Issah Goldbreg? His dad works at Goldsman Sacks!

Is there a worse Mary Sue in all of anime?

Fire Emblem Fates Conquest
Only just started it, on Chapter 9, heard it really ramps up in difficulty. So far seems like a solid Fire Emblem game.

>getting triggered by a hamster

tale of wuxia
7/10 perfectly captures the feeling of a badly translated kung-fu movie
It feels 10/10 to me because I fucking love kung-fu movies

Miles Edgeworth Investigations

better than the wright games

Red Orchestra 2
Would get shot from 250m without even seeing my enemy again

Probably the best one, Umaru atleast makes sense.

I'm not a bad enough dude to hit my own dick with a hammer.

i don't know who this character is but im sick of seeing her autistic hamster face, i want this meme to end, the mods need to make any post contenting this fuck a bannable offense god damn i m so pissed right now

The game isn't a gem, but bretty gud all around. Story mode is fun to bang around with randos. There is nothing overtly bad to bitch about. Having a few more maps/story missions would be nice.


It's hard to pinpoint what stops Doom 2 from being a perfect game. It has the exact same phenominal gameplay as its predecessor, but it also has a larger and more varied monster ecosystem, a more varied weapon sandbox, and is probably just as if not more difficult.

From what I can tell, it falters only slightly in 2 areas. The atmosphere for one thing isn't as genuine. The sense of transgression from level to level is lost and thematically the game has all but lost its horror element.
Also, the level maps, while still good, don't quite reach Doom 1 quality until the last 3rd of the game and this is the biggest reason this game is not quite a 10/10.

Still a great classic experience and a must play for any FPS

Hitman Blood Money
8/10 for the time.
7/10 right now. NPCs can be really dumb and I wish there was more actual stealth.

Also Umaru is cute.

>megaman zero collection

9/10, loses a point for the retarded time it takes to get ecrystals to level up crap you arn't even supposed to use

I played Deadbolt, its alright, play it if you want a faster gunpoint or a 2d hotline maimi

there's actually a martial art in the game that requires being an eunuch.
If you learn it you are locked out of all the romance endings

Trails in the sky: SC
I haven't beaten it yet but it picks up right where FC left off and the story keeps getting better

t. Randy Pitchford

>8/10 if you have disposable income
>4/10 if you don't
>if you have disposable income yes. If not no.

Umaru is video games

>It's hard to pinpoint

it's obviously the level design mostly. It has some nice levels but that whole city section is completely nonsensical and not fun at all. Also, the fact that it uses its two boss characters from the previous game without introducing some kind of new big bad enemy is kind of dumb (no, icon of sin doesn't count. it's a wall that spawns enemies, not an enemy itself).

It also could've had at least one more new weapon.



Only reason i play is to reminisce

Bravely Second
8.5/10 bretty good. A bit too many reused assets, but in a way it makes sense for them to be there. Quite a few good TWEESTs in there too.

Yakuza 5 8/10
Fun game.story was very weak and contrived, especially towards the end.

>play Doom 1
>fucking love it, why aren't there more shooters now a days like this
>play Doom 2
>so far loving it just as much
>just beat level 8
I'm getting worried now.
Is it going to start sucking soon?

Heard the story was sweaty butts, user.
Yes or no?

Root Double
Would recommend for VN readers alike.
Suspense and mystery was delivered pretty good.
Pacing near the end of the game was pretty bad and expect it to get a little bit chuuni but worth a ride nonetheless.
Tons of infodump.
Play Root A first.

Those fireball shooting guys are basically introduced as new bosses

3 kinda falls short

but you have decades of doom mods/fangames to tide you til the new one

binding of isaac rebirth. 9/10 would reccomend for people who need something to waste 20 min to 1 hour

2 is still a good game, the level design just gets kind of tedious for the middle part of the game. you'll notice it once you get to the city levels. they get pretty fun again towards the end though.

Flatout 2
yea, I probably would recommend it

Dark Souls III: 8/10 so far. I'm only as far as the Abyss Watchers.

i dont give a shit what it is i fucking hate it

Crysis 2

bloodborne. 10/10 recommend it to all souls fan and ps4 owners.

5/10 now but can go to either 3/10 or 7/10 later depending on how Parajew handles DLC and updates
The purge button alone bumped the game up a point

Pirate now if you're interested in GS/4x, buy it if it improves

>bought it earlier today for $5 on my tablet

This is how I learned the Emperor was retarded kids. Played two games so far, both times lost as loyalists because even if the attacker rolled a 1, Big E rolled low enough to fall flat on his face.

Seriously considering becoming a Heretic.

Skyrim for some fucking reason

I modded it to hell and it's scratching my role playing itch that I've had for a while now (I wanna be an elf in the fucking woods shooting shit with a bow is that so fucking much to ask how is the closest thing to that world of warcraft how can we have so few elf-in-forest games) and because I haven't played in like 4 years it's a blast.

7/10 w/ mods, 8.8/10 for role playin as an elf innawoods.


If this game was completed, it would probably be the best console shooter, but alas, it's simply not complete, and as satisfying as the legendary difficulty is, it still stings a bit having the game end abruptly like that.

On the multiplayer front, there's no complaining to be had at all. Best map roster in any console shooter I've ever played to date, and I've pretty much covered the bases. The BR definitely feels a bit too powerful at times but most maps have ample geometry to compensate for this and if drawn close enough dual wielding will wreck any BR whore. Seriously what happened to that mechanic?
Everyone owes it to themselves to get 4 Xboxes together and 16 players and experience some glorious Halo 2 multi at least once.

Trigger warning for Sup Forums undertale and....Another trigger warning..... Yes

My Summer Car (Build 172)
It's okay if you want the exact opposite of Need For Speed and know how to build a car. Otherwise it's a slag to even build the engine.

LISA The Painful
It's okay.

I actually really liked it. You get the extremely obvious "I wasn't bad, just misunderstood" bad guy backstory, but I absolutely loved the second half and the way they connected the
Great Plague story from the first one into it.
Also the REAL SPOILER Ringabel reveal was pretty fucking great
It's just got a lot of cool little touches that make it a fun game to progress.


Easily the best AAA PS4 exclusive.
Anyone that one's a PS4 needs to pick this up and at least try it.
While at times it can feel like a more streamlined dark souls, the new approach works with the style of the game. Make no mistake, this game is a huge refresher after Dark Souls 2.
The art direction is also phenominal and the OST compliments the atmosphere well. Probably one of the most surreal experiences in gen 8.

I don't want to give people the wrong idea. Bloodborne is a great game, but it's not phenominal by any means and it's certainly not a system seller. Sure, if you have a PS4, get it Pronto! But it's not worth picking up a PS4 for. It accomplishes what it sets out to do, but it still can't hold a candle to Dark Souls 1 and possibly 3.
But if you own a PS4, what are you waiting for? Go get a copy.


I have no words.
Simply an abomination.

Gets slight props for having the best Mercenary mode in the series and some very nicely detailed monster art direction... but that can't make up for the mountain of shit that this game is. I played it at launch and was disgusted. I thought I'd give it another chance.
Nope, it's legitimately terrible.

Pretty high presentation but it can get a little tedious with how easy it is and how bad everyone is at it. That being said it's at least fun to play with lots of different characters that offer interesting play styles. With some different game modes or better maps it could probably be an 8/10 but the capture point and payload seems pretty uninspired for how many things the characters can do.

Lisa: the painful
It had a really good soundtrack and I like how the morality decisions they give you make you sacrifice pretty big things instead of random story items that don't impact your playstyle. I wish it didn't try to be funny since I thought its atmosphere was 10/10 at times but usually followed up by humor I wasn't particularly fond of. I broke the battle system pretty quick so nothing was a real challenge too. The plot itself struck a chord with me but by the end I was pissed off with how uncontained it was. I thought I missed a bunch of stuff in the game but it turns out it was stuff you needed to realize by playing lisa the first and lisa the joyful. Even after playing those I thought that there were some pretty glaring omissions that felt pretty important to leave out. It was still cool in the end but it could have stood to have a more consistent plot with a lesser emphasis on jokes.

The thing about overwatch is while I see it being good and even having alot of depth everyone is a massive idiot and has no idea how to play the game never changing class to fit the situation



It looks good, sounds good, Same old Uncharted gameplay and being I just played Rise of the Tomb Raider i'm getting a but burned out on the theme park ride linear action adventure game. Gun play was better in Rise of the Tomb Raider as well

this guy gets it.


Easily he most generic campaign out of all the CoDs. It doesn't do anything particularly bad, but it doesn't do anything particularly good either. Only a few parts of the campaign are memorable(escaping a flooding city, the space missions, the underwater mission, infiltrating a facility disguised as enemies), but all the other missions are as bland as possible with a story that isn't engaging in the least. There's a pretty good fake-out twist ending, but since this game is never getting a sequel, that doesn't matter.

Do not recommend unless you really want to play a CoD campaign, even then play any other CoD(except MW3)

A Boy and His Blob
Charming, cute, but very middle of the road and the controls are lacking.

10/10 lived up to my hype I knew it would I played it at blizzcon
in major withdrawal without it, haven't touched another game at all today


9/10. Near perfect game for me, it would get the last point for being on a console instead of a handheld.

Pretty fun and solid, retro-ish feel, lack of content really hurts.

>5.5/10, play if you're indie trash like me

I wish mine looked that pretty.

I really didn't like it at first though. It requires dedication and patience to really appreciate the game's qualities, but man, I just love it now. The game doesn't tell you shit, so you're probably going to want to have the wiki open during first playthroughs. I also recommend it to fans of the Metroidvania styled Castlevania games as there are tons of different weapons and loot that can drop from enemies just like in those games. There are also tons of accessories that act like relics in CV (double jump, walk on water, immunity to knockback, etc) It also has good online multiplayer. I definitely recommend it because it's dirt cheap all the time, PC version of course.

Yes, get it. It's great, especially if you wanna see the true end after the anime and more backstory on characters. Only beef so far is that the Ghost Trick-esque parts are FAR too fucking easy, but I assume thats cause its still early on.

Solid 7/10 so far.

Smash 3ds. Would not recommend, the online players are mainly faggots.

I get them to 70%+ with a couple well timed grabs and they suicide. Way to play 1 on 1 guys.

>Broken Dreams
>dat Voice Acting
>dat plot
>dat one looping, probably illegaly used music
>dat "I want to be the next Braid but I don't know what subtlety is."
>dat fw I'm playing it for the cards and to justify even having it



There was some effort in here, and if they decided to drop the dumbass story it would be pretty decent use of an afternoon. A "popcorn game", if you would.

It's just laughably bad, instead. Don't play it.

uncharted 4
i'd say 6/10
dont play on harder difficulty
and put the aim assist on because the gunplay is dog shit

good visuals, for a console game, runs slow as shit tho, like 20 fps mostly

way too much SJW bullshit tho, esp with that nigger taking on both drake brothers handily in a fist fight, just so fucking unbelievable

also game relies way too much on voice acting to carry it, because the voice actors arent that great,


Everything in the base game and DLC is pretty magical, but the multiplayer plays such a large part of why these aRPGs are so insanely replayable and the opt-in nature of multiplayer means that you're restricted to two tiny parts of the game.

That beckoning bell barely ever gets rung and as a result the bell-ringing woman never appears. So either way there's barely any interaction beyond notes.

Bit of a shame, but it's damn great otherwise. They just need to get rid of that stamina shit and replace it with actual combos instead of being able to hack n slash till it runs dry, and we're golden.

i want to get back into BB but im waiting for ps4.5 maybe ill be able to play at not shitty 20 FPS like ps4 runs it at just unplayable for me

Whens the last time you played it?

Like it may be a "works on my machine :^)" thing but I was playing it recently and the only frame drops I got were at incredibly random bits a dozen hours about (like walking about in Cainhurst of all places) and otherwise it's been 30.