Real talk; are any of you going to re-subscribe to WoW if they bring back Vanilla servers?

Real talk; are any of you going to re-subscribe to WoW if they bring back Vanilla servers?

At first I laughed but thinking about it, I honestly would go back. It was an objectively good game with tons of replayability.

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no it should be free.

Maybe, but they're not going to bring any vanilla servers.
They only ever mentioned (just mentioned) "pristine" realms which are just modern realms stripped of the finders and flying mounts I think.

well nobody is going to play that shit. honestly the only way people will come back is with Vanilla servers or if they just straight up started all over again.

I mean normally I would never go back to a franchise that fucked up this bad, but old WoW was so much fun I wouldn't care. It really was in a class of its own and still to this day no MMO can top Vanilla/BC WoW. I actually prefer Vanilla to even BC because in some ways Vanilla was much harder than BC; but regardless I do miss those times. The new WoW is so bad it almost feels like a bad dream I can't wake up from.

I bought WoD and resubbed a month ago and I'm already kind of burnt out on the game.

I've been playing on and off since vanilla and the game has progressively become more and more of a shadow of it's former self, although there are still aspects there that I love so it keeps me coming back occasionally.

It's getting to the point where they're either going to have to reboot the series or appease people who want Vanilla servers.

there's really no reason not to do it other than Blizz just wanting to be cunts.


Legacy realms are the only thing that could me get back into wow

not who you're repying to but yeah, they will need to reboot the series, which would probably be an MMO first. I mean if they did, honestly people would come flooding back and they'd make a shit load of money.

it's weird because I typically would think "no fuck them, they fucked up I'm not supporting them anymore." but those times were so much fun, I just don't care. I'm sure others feel the same. I've never had better experiences playing vidya since then. if they did a reboot, I wouldn't mind literally just starting the fuck over before even BC...but I know that's not going to happen.

i will play on tbc server with old group of friends when it comes out.

i would play a 3.3 server in a heartbeat.

>Maybe, but they're not going to bring any vanilla servers.

Mark my words:
There will come a day where they are so desperate they will bring them back. It's just a matter off time.

Also, Activision couldn't give 2 shits about the "you think you do but you don't" meme. Their language is $$$

going back to live in the past is a sign of mental illness. So no. Blizzard has to deal with this issue though since most of their playerbase is at the very least somewhere on a certain spectrum.

Depends on the effort put into them. Blizzard is notorious for not properly allocating resources to shit like this. "Pristine" servers should have been a dead ringer that the effort put forth is not going to match Nostalrius any time soon.


I would pay for it every billing cycle and play it for months. I'd even buy accounts for my friends if they'd play with me, I've already offered them and told them they won't see me for like 6 months if legacy servers happen.

nah the 15 bucks a month shit was gay

yeah but the question becomes, how are they going to update it? you have to admit part of the appeal from early WoW was how it was always changing and you always had something to look forward to. if they don't update it then there's nothing to look forward to except 'perfecting' your character, which will turn off a lot of people the moment they realize this.

the series needs a reboot but even that is extremely controversial and i doubt blizzard would risk that or how they would even PR that without admitting "we fucked up WoW, we're going back."

The Nostaltrius team is going to meet with blizzard soon, I'm secretly hoping blizzard hires them. I'm hoping they could update and put out more of the raids, it just won't be the same as waiting for something new. I'd still play it though, I didn't play vanilla so I'd love to experience it

>yeah but the question becomes, how are they going to update it?
progression servers

And this right here says everything you could ever want to be told about Sup Forums, Nost and basically this entire """""generation""""" of gamers.


quite a stretch for a random shitpost on an anonymous anime imageboard

Progression servers... to where?
Where do you progress?
Makeing new content for an outdateg game is beyond retarded.

how vanilla? game was garbage until bwl

reminder that all the blizz employees that made vanilla wow have long since left the company and the new guys are salty as fuck that their casual friendly wow has a much smaller playerbase than back when casuals never got to even see raids

Vanilla WoW was garbage and the only reason people praise it are for the "good times". It was overly complex and grindy. While WoD is overly casualized, I feel like Cata was at a better spot for the game. No need to train weapon skills, smooth questing, still have to get libriams on Paladins, etc. Vanilla was too much RPG, but no one noticed or cared at the time because that was what WoW was. If Cata was released first, and they reverted to Vanilla style WoW, people would quit the game in mass for it being "too hardcore". It was not a great time for the game, but it was a great time for making friends that you'd never be able to replicate on a legacy server.

You release patches for the game as they did when the game was new.

Start with MC, a few months from that release BWL, then ZG, then AQ, then Naxx, then transition to BC etc.

a balanced and bug free vanilla would be amazing

>I feel like Cata was at a better spot for the game
>Vanilla was too much RPG
jesus fucking christ shut up retard

Blizzard can't even balance retail WoW where most specs only have 15-18 buttons total (less in Legion), what makes you think they could possibly balance Vanilla, where classes have access to their entire toolkits?

Pic related, that's literally every ability Prot Paladins have including spells on his bars.

>still have to get libriams on Paladins

people like these things, warlocks fucking loved heir 50 class quests

>It was overly complex
are you literally retarded?

by balanced i mean every class/spec is at least playable

The only spec that wasn't playable in Vanilla was Protection Paladin, and even that had its niche in dungeons/AoE grinding.

And my point stands, Blizzard can't do this in retail, how could you expect them to do it for Vanilla? If Legacy servers happen and Blizzard tried to "balance" it, they'd inevitably just fuck it up worse.
Besides, the only spec that was legitimately unplayable in Vanilla was SV Hunter. Every other spec had a place in PvP or some other role that wasn't pure DPS/Tank/Heal.

And Survival Hunters are STILL unplayable in retail anyway.

Sad because all your guildies grew up and got jobs when Cata came out? It was inevitable that the subscriptions would be going down since it's an MMO, Worgen and Goblins were great, new low level questing was faster and nicer, Heroics were hard (in the beginning), Firelands was amazing etc. The Cata hating meme is getting old buddy

There is objectively no way to justify weapon skill ratings.

What psychopath would really want to grind soul shards outside of Molten Core for half an hour? Or having to decurse over and over again as a raid mechanic? Vanilla was made for mental retards that put up with pointless repetition.

>flying mounts
>old azeroth raped and desecrated
>leveling becomes an easy, boring joke
>class homogenization
>diminished talent trees
>10man heroics were literally impossible due to mechanics being identical to 25man version
>tol barad
>year of dragon soul

I get it's when you started bud, but come the fuck on now

>cata hating meme
it's not a meme, it literally sucks.
>Worgen furries are great
>Goblins aka Gnomes for Horde are great
tell that to the continually shrinking subscription base. it's a sinking ship.

>Vanilla was made for mental retards
Nope. The mentally handicapped like you hated Vanilla. Retards loved WotLK and on.

>bawww why do I have to try, why can't the game just gibs me dat now
listening to shitty players like you is what fucked WoW up

Depends on if it would include some of the QoL stuff like having more than one graveyard for all of the barrens.

So start the whole cycle again?
We gonna meet here in 2022 with people bitching for Vanilla again.

What Nost was going to do when it transitioned to BC was open entirely new servers and maintain separate servers for Vanilla and BC. Players were going to be able to transfer their characters on the Vanilla realm to the BC one free of charge. Ideally that's what Blizzard would do so that every iteration of the game that people would want to play would be represented with its own server eventually.

Just like with private servers, I'd play for a month, get decked out in raid gear, and lose interest. With all the people who'd be playing an official Vanilla server, it'd likely be even faster to grow tired of it. It's not like 2005 where I had no idea what I was doing and was overly fascinated with simply exploring the world.

I honestly see the same for quite a few people. In many of the private servers I've been on, people grow bored quickly relative to the imaginary land some people seem to live in where they view an official vanilla server as some kind of everlasting Vahalla of content

Filthy casual.

>he doesn't like classes being unique
>he doesn't like separate roles
>he doesn't like lore

NO CHANGES should be made to vanilla wow if Blizzard were to release realms for them.

Lmao I actually started during Wrath and loved the whole low level questing and all that, but after Cata came out I'd rather not go back to grinding weapon skills because I just equipted a polearm and never used one until just now, or having to go on a long ass quest just to get my charger on my paladin alt, after already doing something similar on my warlock. If Vanilla style game play stuck around every expansion, I can assure you that WoW would be a dead game. No one would put up with the grind for 11+ years.

Id subscribe again, user

Goblins are great though, really the only race added that felt like a natural and appropriate addition to their faction.

I played Vanilla back in 2005, I don't need to play it again in 2016

WoW is dead, fucking move on already
Not even pic related could bring me back at this point

Knock the Legacy subscription down to $5-10 a month and sure.

Sick of having to reroll over and over on shitty private servers

Yea, I don't trust giving neo-blizzard the discretion to tinker with the formula of original game. They'd fuck it up just like they've done with the current version.

>I actually started during Wrath
Oh, so you're a wrathbabby. Nice.

>I'd rather not go back to grinding weapon skills because I just equipted a polearm
It took literally 10 minutes to do. Jesus christ.

>or having to go on a long ass quest just to get my charger on my paladin alt
It took an hour at most and was content. God forbid cool unique rewards require you to actually do something for them holy frick.

Enjoy the rest of WoD user, seems perfect for you :^]

People can say they will subscribe but what I wonder is for how long? Blizzard may be shitting all over the WoW we have today, but how difficult do you think raids will be for all the neckbeard autists that have been playing the game for years? It certainly doesn't seem very difficult for the people on private servers. What use will a legacy server be if it's deserted in a month? Blizzard can release another raid every few months but look at how that's working for retail, every one that isn't happy paying $15 to sit in their capital city has long since unsubbed.


Probably not, as they won't be anything resembling vanilla. This isn't good ol' blizz. This is TF2 clone, Lololo III blizz.

>Vanilla was too RPG
You are why this genre is shit. Please end yourself.

WoD was trash, I don't even play WoW anymore because of how terrible it was. They CAN do cool and unique rewards like Green Fire quests and challenge mode gear. They shouldn't make it take an absurd amount of time that only neckbeards and wellfare people can afford to waste. I agree the game has become gutted and lost it's RPGness to casualization and other "new player friendly" things, but you are seriously mentally ill if you think it was fun and exciting to waste half a day or more in World of Warcraft for a cosmetic reward you'd replace next expansion.

I've had a subscription for the past year, but I haven't played at all in two months. The money is just being eaten.

>but you are seriously mentally ill if you think it was fun and exciting to waste half a day or more in World of Warcraft
you might be right, but at least I enjoyed actually playing the game. fuck off to a different game if you don't.

Just so you know, "MMO" was shorthand for "MMORPG".

If you're complaining that a MMO "was too RPG", then you are playing the wrong game.

>cosmetic reward you'd replace next expansion
I don't think you understand what "cosmetic" means. You seem to be having a delusion that replacing a COSMETIC reward to be a necessity.

Can I be a goblin in vanilla wow?

user, we've already had this thread. The answer is still yes

Even with the edgy new class and probably okay dungeons/raids like they always seem to do, I'd rate the expansion 3/10 from what I've seen so far. Not to mention everyone gets a legendary weapon? Wtf is that shit. The game is in the toilet atm. 7 Million spike(maybe) then a plummet back down to around 3-4mil or less in three months tops....

Fuck vanilla. Grindy as fuck, balance was at its absolute worst, and the end game was a gong show no matter what you did.

I'd take a MoP server over a vanilla server short of getting WotLK.

I'm pretty sure in the survey most team did there was a question about creating more content post bc/wrath? What do you guys think? Would Wow be interesting if they get to the end of wrath and take a different direction? What would keep you interested at that point?

>I literally enjoy devouring literal shit
to each his own i suppose

>Vanilla was too much RPG
Game went to shit because it stopped trying to be an rpg and stripped most rpg elements away.

Saying an rpg has "too much rpg" is literally the most autistic thing I've ever heard.

Never talk to me or my Dwarf son ever again

yes me and my friends would resub for vanilla. I've played on a private server and it's really fun compared to retail

>7 Million spike

>vanilla was too RPG
>an RPG can be too RPG

jesus christ end your fucking life right fucking now

>for a game that's been meandering around 10m for the past 8 years
relative toilet, but still a toilet

One of the main devs said on the content livestream that they were fully aware how god awful and disjointed the current leveling system is.
At least they're admitting the game is fucked. The only problem is that they're taking baby steps to fix massive game crippling problems

>they shouldnt make it take an absurd amount of time that only neckbeards can waste

nothing in WoW has even been poopsock tier, you are the most disgusting casual trash player in this thread and need to kill yourself


Nope, i can play it for free on Kronos2. Won't give blizzard anymore money.

Once the K2 server is up i will go back levelling till 55 and respec to protection and dungeoning 24/7.

>we've reached the point where Vanilla WoW has become a legend where people actually think anything in it was poop sock tier
Vanilla wasn't Everquest you nimrod. The only reason Vanilla was deemed hard was that the people playing it were retarded teenagers on shitty computers keyboard turning.

Molten Core on Nost was mind numbingly easy

here's the video senpai

>grindy as fuck
you literally never played an MMO before WoW if you found vanilla remotely grindy

That's like saying a toilet made of gold is worthless because there's shit on it.

>I see "RPG"-ness as a binary value

Are you guys dumbasses? Do you also bitch about how you can fit multiple mounts inside a bag? Onoes, that doesn't sound very RPG-y to me, better kill yourself then.

>Vanilla WoW was garbage
>overly complex
>Cata was at a better spot for the game
>Vanilla was too much RPG

All the world's shit taste coalesced into one stupid faggot.

>Molten Core on Nost was mind numbingly easy

It was neat seeing MC get steamrolled by competent groups with Fury Warriors pulling >600 DPS. Even BWL was speedrun in less than 45 minutes.

excuse me who are you quoting?

I've read the new novel that came out, the prequel to the Warcraft movie: Durotan.

In the novel, it describes how Gul'dan created the Horde. Furthermore, none of the other orcs know who Gul'dan is until he introduces himself. He has no clan and no lineage. To all the other orcs, he was simply a stranger they'd never heard of before. The novel basically tells how Gul'dan approached all of the orc clans with the offer of a new, fresh world.

Ner'zhul is never mentioned anywhere, not even hinted to. Which means the character Ner'zhul doesn't exist in this universe.

At first I thought the movie was going to have only minor differences from the main universe, but that's not the case. It's a completely different story. The slaughter of the draenei never happened. Although the prequel novel doesn't speak much about the draenei, there were a couple of draenei individuals who helped Durotan and the Frostwolves. They wouldn't have helped orcs if Gul'dan and the Horde had slaughtered their people.

If there are people here who read Rise of the Horde, this story is nothing alike.

Anyway, Blizzard is going to have a hell of a time if they ever decide to make an Arthas movie. Ner'zhul doesn't exist, so good luck with the story of the Lich King. Dalaran is already flying in this universe, so good luck with Arthas's siege of the city.

Heirlooms simply need to be removed. People will bitch but some of these people just need to be kicked out on their asses for the greater good of the game.

Heirlooms ruin dungeon experiences for new players. Nothing better than getting into a dungeon with a full heirloom group and having enemies die before you can even cast frostbolt once.

I would but only if it isn't 15 bucks a month

I would play the shit out of a progressive server.

Even if blizzard DOUBLED the rate of progression (i.e., patches last half as long) to keep neckbeards entertained, they could keep people playing for 3-4 years until the end of WotLK.

Honestly, they have the game just sitting in their lap, it would take almost no effort/cost to get it going (if a couple of fuckups could make a vanilla wow server work, blizz can do it with a couple of their talented people and some college interns).

It's worth it even if only a few thousand sub. You take income - taxes (50% off the top be/c california corp) - fixed costs (server) - variable costs (labor). You could probably pull it off and make a profit if 30k people sub, as long as you size the department appropriately.

No, I'm an adult now.

even without heirlooms the difficulty is a fucking mess. Remember when pulling 2 mobs would fuck you up at low levels? No class has a risk of dying now

It should not cost the same amount as the current expansion for so many reasons. If they try to pull a "Buy Legion for Legacy access" then I'm not touching retail. Haven't touched it since the month after dungeon finder was added. There is no pull to this series.

For leveling I would like them to maybe double the Exp needed for 1-60, 60-70 maybe a 1.25 to 1.5 increase, 70-80 is fine as it is, 80-85 maybe a 1.25x increase, 85-100 is fine. But what I would want the most is leveling scaling tech of Legion zones applied across the game. I would love to be able to go 1-90 purely by just doing the zones of Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms.

With Scaling tech I could do dungeons without out-leveling an Area, I could also 100% an area and see all the story without quests going grey even with an heirloom Exp Boost.

With Scaling Tech I would likely level a bunch of characters and take a nice leisurely level through the stories of the low level zones. Since at the moment since I know I won't complete an areas quest I have no motivation to care about the story since I only see like 1/5th of it.

>objectively good
I literally died

Heirlooms are far from the only problem. You're still playing a watered down class in cata zones with cata quests. And what does it fucking matter when you can just buy a level 100? The entire point of leveling is gone, the game is mainly getting to max level to start the gear treadmill so you can enjoy raids and PvP, which is all Wow has left for it.

5 to 7 a month sounds fair to me for legacy servers

do you think people would be less mad over legendaries if they had a different color and were called artifacts or something

and your class got like a legendary trinket or something from some long ass painful quest and the world-drops were some artifact type as well

>double the xp needed for 1-60

this sounds okay, dunno about in practice because there's some zones with fuck all quests but if you do them you end up having a weird quest progression/level path - i did most of kalimdor/ek loremaster across a few characters, it'd be a non-issue if silithus wasn't entirely abandoned by the devs i think, there might be a few other zones with 20-40 quests that make level progression weird but my memory is atrocious.

I personally think Cata is worse. Cata did nothing to think outside the box, and as far as I'm aware there was no new content paths whatsoever added with the expansion.
Remember, this is the expansion that still had the helm/shoulder enchants that were only obtainable by wearing a Tabbard and grinding the rep in dungeons that started off overtuned and ended up undertuned.

The raids (outside of the first tier) were a joke as well. Ragnaros of Firelands may have been the best boss of the expansion if not the entire game, but Dragon Soul and Firelands barely add up to more bosses then HFC.

If you ask me, 90 percent of the resources in Cata were used on restructuring the leveling content, which WAS needed so that's a swing point. You either love it or hate it.
The only true amazing addition that came with the expansion was the Cross realm tech and Transmog! Cata was also the first expansion that equated the difficulties of Raiding, and LFR was also a Cata thing.........

Either way, there was also some MAJOR cut content with Cata. There was meant to be an entire raid set in the Abyssal Maw, and it just never happened. They announced it at Blizzcon (ala the things that were cut in WoD) and just never said anything about it again until Dragon soul was on the PTR.

>Tanaan was supposed to be a fucking launch zone and was cut out during Summer 2014.

>Garrison was supposed to shut us up about player housing by giving us our own fortress and it was pitiful.

>could have had the garrison in any zone

give me vanilla, legacy, progression, god even shitty pristine. anything other than modern babby wow

>grindy as fuck
>WoTLK is grinding badges
>MoP is likewise until raid and you can LFR those raids too
I don't know kids these days really want a grindy as fuck dailies or grindy as fuck in vanilla.

>people who say Vanilla was too hard or outputting
>while playing modern WoW
Modern WoW is one of the most unfriendly games to a new player. Every decision that's been made with this game over the past 5 years as been to convenience the autists who've been playing this game for 10 years and need 10 alts as fast as possible
Here's the process of a new player now
>make character
>get handed braindead quests against enemies that have no chance of killing you whatsoever
>get dps ability at level 1 example crusader strike making any enemy you fight die within 2 hits
>abilities are automatically learned and float onto your hotbar,
>the quests and the map itself hold your hand through a zone and tell you exactly where to go, your map no longer feels like a map to a world anymore
>you travel through zones with either next to no people or people wearing the exact same gear who don't even acknowledge you're there and probably consider your presence a hindrance
>get to 15 and queue for a dungeon
>get transported to some random cave somewhere that you have no context for its location or backstory whatsoever
>get carried through by 4 people decked out in autismo gear who are one shotting packs of mobs, mobs die before you even touch them
>get mountains of exp shoved down your throat simply for completing a dungeon
>outlevel the zone you're in
>questing is shoving tons of greens and blues at you constantly making leveling even easier
>get to max level or the "real game"
>realize its nothing but running around a zone collecting catch up gear then doing 1 raid each week
>unsub because this is gay
When Vanilla came out all the reviews were praising it for being so accessible and easy to get into. Most mmos before that point were abstract messes were grinding enemies was the only option to level.