Y'all ready for real GOTY JRPG?

Y'all ready for real GOTY JRPG?

>Not knowing nip in 2016

Those are pretty boring designs
I liked the DQ slime vita better


Kill yourself.

Just remember, PC will never ever get new Ys games

Mfw waiting for based Xseed to bring it over.

Ys died the moment that sonybrony took over Falcom.

West probably isn't going to get it until late 2017 after the PS4 version comes out in japan

>playing weeb games

But I do user.
Like all real fans.

Only casuals play censored badly translated games.

I find that vitagenners claiming to know Japanese tend to not actually know Japanese 99% of the time and are just buying games they don't understand at much higher prices to look cool on the internet.

This isn't trails series user.

>people are willing to turn down games just because of the system they are or because company wars

This is sad

Have it preordered already, and have learned enough moon to have an idea of what's going on.

There's more to it than just console wars.
Ys kind of went down the toilet when they introduced the party system and let you buy all the healing items you want, not to mention Celceta on PSV has godawful framerate problems while looking like a PSP game.

The only good Ys games are the ones with Oath/Origin style gameplay.

Thank Christ I'm not the only one who hates the party/item system. Being able to have 99 potions and being able to craft insta-revives if you ground enough REALLY took away from how special that stuff was in Chronicles/Oath/Origin/Napishtim. I think Napishtim had a good thing going for it with the "you can only use ten of one kind of healing item" system (or just turn off item use).

>learning chink language to play anime games

>your life and your wife's son

>the only good ys games are the ones i can play on pc

The Wii U and Xbone are deader than the Vita at this point

That's not purse owner 5

>not playing celceta and seven in chinese

I can't be the only one who likes the party system and the gameplay from VI/Oath/Origins, right? It's not like the party system is a fucking abomination to play.


Falcom doesn't make games for PC anymore

No one in Japan would buy PC games outside of minecraft and Counter strike, Softbank quit the PC gaming market, Falcom nearly died until Sony gave them enough money to publish games themselves,etc

Not at all, they are still extremely solid games.

Celceta doesnt have a framerate problem and it looks okay.

PS4 release isn't until 2017. Localisation won't be until after that.

FUCK now I have to get this limited edition vita

Why is Dana so flat?

My problem with the party system is the changes they had to make to compensate for the party.

- If you get knocked down, you are still vulnerable to damage. This didn't happen in Oath/Origin/Napishtim until you got up
- Can buy/craft 99 of any healing item and use them at any time. In Oath, you had to EX to heal during a boss fight. Origin, no healing during a boss fight. Napishtim, you could select one type of healing item and use it as many times as you had the item (and you could only carry up to ten).
- Same thing with insta-revives. Previous games, you got one item the entire game that would allow you to revive from death and once you used it, it was gone. Now you can grind for them, even if it is annoying.

This doesn't have anything to do with the party system, but in Oath and Origin, the artifacts you got that let you use magic felt useful in both combat and exploration. In Celceta, most of artifacts don't really have much use for both, only one or the other.

Gale Shoes: Help get from point A to B faster and climb ledges. Useful
Shrink thing: You shrink. Useful for exploration, but not combat.
Turning into a roo: Enemies don't attack, but who cares when you can run past them?
Hydra Scales: Swimming was useful for exploration, but water combat was ASS.
Beast King's Claws: Good for exploration, but why not just make it an ability the strike type characters can use.
Spirit Cape: Useful as FUCK if you did what I did and refused to use any healing items or revives until the final boss.
Urn: Useful as FUCK so you didn't have to chase for gold like an idiot.
Ares Seal: Useful as FUCK for boss battles.

Hot opinion, PCuck.

Celceta has a bit of a framerate problem but so far it's played as good as Ys7 imo. All the love for Oath is nuts to me, shit had all these crazy platforming sections. They're still sorting things out at Ys I guess.

I had framerate problems, but I'm guessing that's because I zoomed out as much as I could.

desu I don't mind framerate problems but then I dl Borderlands 2 for my Vita and am reminded how much it fucks with my experience

REALLY hope the PS4 version runs at a consistent 60fps... (doubt it will happen)