FFX remastered PC

Why are you buying this game for the 5th time now? Why am I buying this game for the 5th time?

only the 4th time for me senpai, but I'm buying it again because I'm retarded I guess

Second time, and technically I never bought X-2, shit was gifted to me by some girl in Anime Club.

Second time.

Because I love it and getting the international version and remastered tracks was worth it.

I just wish you could re-fight Penance and Dark Aeons, or maybe have stronger versions of them after you beat them the first time.

I already bought it twice and played it three times. I'm not going for another round.

Really tempted to get it even though Tidus' face is fucked up.

Would only be the second time for me, and I'm waiting for a sale like I always do.

If I buy all the FF shit they pump out on PC, they'll finally port FFXII.



Finished it twice though.

I'm good on JRPGs at the moment
I'm playing through Xenoblade X, have Raidou 2 on the backburner, and SMT IV Final and Persona 5 coming later on in the year

already know they ruined it so I have zero interest in it

wait, it's coming on steam?

Yeah it comes out in like 12 hours.

i just have the ps2 ver user... will get the pc ver cuz is pc and want to se those "changes".

I hope it doesn't make me do that annoying game launcher thing like FF7 did

>Played and finished X almost to completion (gave up on a few ultimate weapons, got Tidus's, Yuna's and one other I believe.)
>Started FFX-2
>Can't get motivated to play. Hate the battle system and the story is just barely there, don't even feel motivated to see who the not-Tidus is.

it would be the third

ive only ever finished it on PS2

i just get so attached to the characters and i cant stand to finish the story and everyone go away

I remember watching my brother whose 9 years older than me beat jecht when i was small,

i remember beating it myself, and then i remember leveling myself up where i defeated jecht in just a few hits because i had the 'break HP limit' skills and most of the legendary weapons upgraded fuck dodging 200 lightning bolts and fuck blitzball, even though i had the jecht shot and thats without summoning the Magus Sisters and doing their overdrive on Jecht

Because you have no standards, just like everyone else who bought this game and didn't find it insufferable? Shit's worse than Xenosaga.

only got it once.. that's how i know hot to play it again.

Will I be able to mod the shitty face on Tidus?

His remastered face makes him look like he has downs.

3rd time. I just really like this game, nothing else

>Other features in the PC version include remastered/rearranged BGM,

So is it the same as the other remasters or did they change it more?

>i just get so attached to the characters and i cant stand to finish the story and everyone go away

Literally me, took me like 2 years to get the balls to finish the story, then it was like 3 weeks of void in my heart, then FFX-2 happened and I was just happy that the series ended before it gets to shit. Yup, it ended at FFX-2 happy ending, nothing happened after that.

>Hate the battle system of what people to consider the best in the entire series

>that empty felling

FFX is so comfy

i hated the menuing in X-2

i could never select the right enemy

>play Final Fantasy X years ago when I was like 10
>think its a good idea to try and make my team members classes they aren't
>send Tidus onto Lulu's route
>somehow slow down Lulu's progress significantly
>other members progress like normal, with Kihmahri on Auron's route
>wind up beating bosses only by having every character and summon on Overdrive ready
>get to end-game with Tidus doing only like 100/200 damage and Lulu not even knowing any of the attacks that end in -aga
>Yuna is a better black mage than Lulu for whatever reason
>can't beat the game because of this
Finally! This is my chance to redeem myself! I'll get the game tomorrow and actually play it right this time! Although I really don't like the sphere grid as a form of leveling up. I would've liked something more traditional.

its shit so im not buying it

>best in the entire series
Debatable. It definitely feels like the next step forward for the ATB system, though.

Too bad FF13 had to fuck the ATB system up. Now we'll never get it again.

I'm not.

yunas magic stats were higher to begin

i always put yuna and lul through each others part of the grid

>Then you get to post-game and classes don't exist
>Quick-Hit 99,999
>Copy cat
>Copy cat
>Copy Cat
>Copy cat
>Quick Hit

Because you're a fucking faggot, OP

>buy it on ps2 years ago
>buy the hd release on ps3
>buy it on vita a few months later because i hate playing on consoles and too retarded to buy the vita version first
>going to buy pc version because i eat shit

just kill me

I'm not, because it isn't Final Fantasy XII HD

Ivalice Alliance HD Collection that comes with
>Vagrant Story
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Tactics Advance
>Tactics A2
>XII: Revenant Wings

>>Yuna is a better black mage than Lulu for whatever reason
She's better if you play the gmae correctly, too. FFX doesn't have separate stats for white/black magic and Yuna's magic stat is higher than Lulu's so she's just a straight up better black mage.

Literally never. XII we're sure to get, but the others? Tough luck.

2nd time bro, would be my 3rd or 4th but I sold my ps3 and didn't want to pay out of the ass for a bigger vita memory card

pls Square
Even Revenant Wings was a solid game. Made for a fun RTS JRPG hybrid.

I mean, there's already War of the Lions, they could just port it to PC.


I know emulation exists user. In fact, It would take a lot for Square to top XII emulated considering how well it emulates. But I want to legitimately pay for and own copies of these games in HD. Or maybe see something like what they did with IX for Vagrant Story.

>I want to legitimately pay for and own copies of these games in HD.
Are you retarded?

is there a better way to farm xp than having each character rotate in and do something?

it's already for iOS
I still wonder why they just dont release it on PC already

there's like 3 different HD models and textures for characters
PS3, Vita, and PS4
Tidus is still chubby in all 3 but PS4's looks better

Tidus is the only one that looks weird
Everyone else is a major improvement

That's the PS4's and the Vita and PS3 models and textures are exactly the same.

Tidus is the only one that even matters and he looks like pure shit.

>FMVs are cut up cropped to 16:9
>the main villian is worse
>lots of textures are worse
>lighting is worse
>Lulu's singular smile scene is removed
>Lul is worse


they ARE porting it, it just takes time I guess

>Lulu's singular smile scene is removed
which one
>Lulu is worse
Bitch please, she looks magnificent in the HD version, along with Yuna

the ps2 version looks better...

how about 4? Or the PC version I imagine will be based on 4

If by making her look like a potato is magnificent to you, sure.

The one where she smiles, can't you read? They removed it, a pivotal moment in the game.

It's the same.

just woke up and they will port the latest ffx edition on PC
always regretted not taking the ps3 version
now I can play blitzball in HD

Won't buy until mods fix the faces and lightning.


no thanks

>blitzball in HD
fuck yes

It'll be my third. PS2 version and PS3 remaster. I might not get it at launch, I haven't decided.

I never really liked it back on the PS2 but replaying it on PS3 gave me a new appreciation for it, especially compared to modern RPGs. You just don't get that kind of gameplay anymore.

I have awful taste, though. It's now my second favorite behind FFVIII.

Because we thought we could all have a gf like yuna or riku:(

Why would I buy this if I already have the emulated PS2 version?

Yeah, I couldn't get into the battle system either. I think I'm really burnt out on ARPGs and the weird hybrid system in FFX-2 isn't really what I wanted out of the game, coming out of FFX.

Will be my 2nd time I bought X and X-2 on ps2 so had no reason to get the ps3/4/vita versions

>still no online multiplayer Blitz

Why even continue living.

Save beforehand.

This is not worse
But I never knew they removed her smiling which truly sucks
Did they really?

Tidus, Yuna and Seymour are all a bit messed up.

Everyone and everything else looks amazing. It's a worthwhile tradeoff.

the lightning bolt grind to get Lulu's ultimate weapon is gay as hell

literally just busywork

I emulated the Internation version and deeply regretted it

I'd never done post game in X before, and took all the new dark aeon stuff as motivation to finally get it done. Turns out FFX has some of the worst postgame content I've seen in a JRPG. It was god awful

Tedious but otherwise not bad.

That fucking Chocobo race is going to kill me to do again though. I swear I almost had an aneurysm.

>tedious but not bad
thats exactly the problem
unlocking lulu's ultimate weapon didn't feel like an accomplishment, it felt like relief that you finally finished it because it was boring as fuck bullshit that punished you for one mistake.

It was like getting a packet of worksheets in middle school, nobody felt accomplished that they finished it, they just thanked god they hadn't killed themselves before they did.

there;s a trick to that, like an easy way to time the lightnings because they wil come in repeated pattern intervals in one location

Lulu's low-poly model (the one you see in battle or minor cutscenes) looks better in the HD collection, tits are less blocky. The high poly model however, looks far better in the original.

Tidus looks fucking retarded in the HD collection, though. Just emulate FFX International with a widescreen patch, PCSX2 was literally built around FFX. Also I remember hearing something about a game-breaking glitch in the PS4 version, if they chose that for the port then it may be something to consider

I just bought it for my ps3 I also recently just bought. So when I'm dead tired after work I can lounge around with a turn based game.

So I guess I might get it for pc when I'm lounging on the internet

Yes it is worse and yes they did.

Auron looks more edgy for no reason and they removed his glasses' cool shadow from his face so you're wrong about him.

Take a look at these stars too.

It's a bad remake, emulation is better.

God you're right, that is pretty awful.

You are nitpicking
Auron looks fine, even better with the HD touch up
Only Tidus and Seymor looks retarded but you get used to it


Holy shit Auron looks atrocious.

Its like they slowly siphoned off tidus's quality to add it to auron, but they made bad decisions in adding quality to auron

instead of looking like a grizzled, jaded veteran he looks like a greasy phony

>You are nitpicking
SE outsourced the game to some cheap company who changed most of the models for the worse. How is that nitpicking?

>greasy phony
Very well said. I couldn't put words to the way he looks but you're right.

They turned Seymour into a marshmellow.

yeah, maybe you're right
Post more comparisons so my mind is set that it looks bad


Why does the Alpha look better than retail?

Why did they remove color?

who is the most sexualized final fantasy girl

Make me.

How's the PS4 port of X-2? I've never played it. Did they butcher it in the same way?

I only bought them once on PS2 and I didn't pay more than 10 dollars for either game.

I'm buying it because I've never gotten to play the international versions and I didn't want to emulate.

ps2 actuallly looks like veins. hd looks like crayon .



X-2 seems good as the 3 main protagonists all look better, at least from the comparisons I've seen.

Yuna in X looks decent in screenshots but in motion it falls apart. I think X-2 would be entirely tolerable though.

She looks hotter now

replacing the fun with "meta" and "op one and shit ones"

No. I already own the original versions so I lose nothing if they're changed.
>implying Square doesn't sometimes do a good job.
Final Fantasy IX was improved. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 were improvements. Square can do good jobs in HD versions. No, I am not retarded.